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Maybe I should start dressing like a complete slut...


and I should probably go anerexic...


nah! Men arn't that important! I've forgotten my femenist ideas. "That men created all the problems of the earth! and for hundreds of years, us women were just property to them, forced to do their housework and bear children instead of going out and achiving our dreams."

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I have puncture wound scar when I fell into a ditch. I didn't know my thigh was bleeding (alot) because it went it deep and I lost feeling around the wound.


It eventually filled in with plasma, and so it's a different colour.


I have scar on my finger when I accidentally slashed myself with a pen knife in Arts and Crafts.


Not much else. Emotional scars? Um, I witnessed my dog attacking and slashing open a kitten who wandered into our courtyard. The innards were out and it was still moving and mewing when I pulled my dog away. I didn't have the guts to kill it with a rock so it died slowly...

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Maybe I should start dressing like a complete slut...


and I should probably go anerexic...


nah! Men arn't that important! I've forgotten my femenist ideas. "That men created all the problems of the earth! and for hundreds of years, us women were just property to them, forced to do their housework and bear children instead of going out and achiving our dreams."



Power to the women, Ave! Okay, lemme play psychologist. This "Hot Gym Guy", does he know who you are? Do you have him for any of your classes? Is he high up on the social ladder? What it is that you like about him? What do you think he'd like about you? What are his friends like? Does he seem like some one you can talk to? These are all important questions to ask your self before you go after some guy. And really consider if he's worth you time. Does he seem like some one that will stick around or is he someone that can get old really fast? :ears1: Me listening

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Eh, plenty of fish in the sea. You're only, what, 13? You've got high school and then the almighty college! You're sure to find some one! And if not, there's always the role of crazy cat lady! lol. But seriously, I know it sounds cliche, but no guy no matter how hot he is and how good he is at the drums and how sil-- er I mean no matter how hot he is, he's not worth changing your self for.

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You'll find someone eventually Darth, just dont expect love in middle school or even high school unless you want your heart broken, cuz those relationships dont last too long. It's alright to go out with a guy, as long as you stay yourself and not fall in too deep that when things break off you're devastated. Use it as a chance to score some free Bath and Body Works sprays and tshirts and jewelry and stuff.

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If you fall in love in High School, when it doesn't work out, you might end up shooting yourself like that one kid did two years ago.


Okay, see Darth? That's why you shouldn't get too attached. it's okay to flirt with a guy but when either one of you become obsessed, then that's when you know you've gotta break it off. So go ahead and try it with that guy but know your limits.

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