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What worlds do you want in KOTOR 3?


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  The Architect said:
The thing is, if the KotOR III PC apparently has a few years more experience than LS Exile’s companions, then shouldn’t he/she be on the Council at the start? What I’d suggest for your plot is that in the Jedi Civil War, you were a padawan on the verge of becoming a Jedi Knight. As opposed to LS Exile’s companions, you’ve been out of action for several years, so you are “a bit rusty”. Oh wait, this is your idea isn’t it?


Just about. I made the pc a little younger and less experienced than that, so that he would not quite be on the verge of being a jedi knight. He has theoretical experience that the exile's companions lack, but not their practical experience. He'd quickly prove that he has what it takes to be where Obi-Wan is when we first meet him in TPM, though, and I'd have him declared a knight about 30-40% through the game (after the Nihilus-esque showdown) and then take his own padawan learner.


  The Architect said:
At the start of the game, you have just returned to the Jedi Order (for anonymous reasons) and it will take a while for you to “get back to where you were”. You could then very well become a Jedi Knight at the middle stages of the game (since you weren’t far off it before). Is it a stretch if you just happen to find (or be given for some reason) an atypical force crystal or item that helps you rapidly increase your connection to the force?


Maybe not, but I must confess that the idea leaves me a bit cold. I don't see much reason for it. I'd rather have just the pc's potential play out.


  The Architect said:
And yeah, I agree that I’d rather not see planets from the previous KotOR’s. The only planet from KotOR and TSL that I wouldn’t mind seeing again in KotOR III is Nar Shaddaa, but then you’d have to establish a credible reason why you’d go there in the game.


Do you think that Nar Shaddaa would fit into your plot, Jediphile? If so, how? If not, why not? :)


I suppose it could. I don't see much reason for it, though. Nar Shaddaa is mostly an "ugly city planet"-type of background. I already wanted that for Coruscant, which should not be the ordered, polished capital of the Republic that it is in the movies, seeing as how the jedi have been gone for years, and corruption and crime has set into some areas during their absense.

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  Joetheeskimo said:
Ditto. Like I said before, TSL had too many ruins and lifeless planets. It's much more fun fighting equally-matched humans than slicing your way through hordes of obnoxious creatures that all look the same, don't speak and have no background story.


That is because it was concurrent with TSL's story, which is very lifeless and dark.


  adamqd said:
Iv'e got to disagree, TSL should be left where it is, I was quite disapointed with Obsidians Attempt, Good game but no K1


TSL is part of a series, not an individual game - you can't just leave games in a series behind. Imagine TSL without taking anything from KOTOR.


For the planets....


I don't want to see any wierd Unknown Region planets, unless they are at crucial parts in the story and feel like Rakata Prime. So please no Ziost, Khar whatever, Tython, or anything like that. Don't just visit planets for their cool ruins and because they are the Ancient Sith or Jedi planets. If you do, you're intruding on other stories like the Tales of the Jedi comics, or other of the ancient stuff. KOTOR doesn't take place during that period, so it shouldn't involve it. It's a seperate period by itself.


I wouldn't mind seeing Taris ruins, if it fit in the plot, but not as a full planet. More like Peragus, or just a gateway to another planet like Korriban was meant to be in TSL.


Korriban and Dantooine - these were the core planets in KOTOR and TSL and should not be ignored, so I want them in. However, if they cannot possible fit them into the story in a way that makes sense or simple wastes time with the same old things that were in the other games, that would be OK if they didn't use them. But that should only be true of Korriban, so they should have at least Dantooine in there.


Other than that, no old planets, unless they have a story significance, like Tatooine, or Telos. Lets have some planets we haven't seen before, in keeping with KOTOR tradition - but I would advise against just making planets up, take some lesser known planets in the SW universe and put them in. Make sure they fit into the KOTOR series timeline and story, though.

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  RobQel-Droma said:
I don't want to see any wierd Unknown Region planets, unless they are at crucial parts in the story and feel like Rakata Prime. So please no Ziost, Khar whatever, Tython, or anything like that. Don't just visit planets for their cool ruins and because they are the Ancient Sith or Jedi planets. If you do, you're intruding on other stories like the Tales of the Jedi comics, or other of the ancient stuff. KOTOR doesn't take place during that period, so it shouldn't involve it. It's a seperate period by itself.


But if the true Sith are the descendents of the Sith Empire, then visiting some of those planets, like Ziost and Khar Shian/Delba, makes a lot sense, since it is probably where Revan has gone. Agreed - certainly don't go there "because they're OMG so cool", but definitely go there if there are plot reasons. That's definitely why I'd like them in there.


  RobQel-Droma said:
I wouldn't mind seeing Taris ruins, if it fit in the plot, but not as a full planet. More like Peragus, or just a gateway to another planet like Korriban was meant to be in TSL.


In that case, no thanks. Peragus was terrible enough the first time around...


  RobQel-Droma said:
Korriban and Dantooine - these were the core planets in KOTOR and TSL and should not be ignored, so I want them in. However, if they cannot possible fit them into the story in a way that makes sense or simple wastes time with the same old things that were in the other games, that would be OK if they didn't use them. But that should only be true of Korriban, so they should have at least Dantooine in there.


Analysis: Both planets visited twice in as many games.


Conclusion: Done to death already.


Resolution: Eliminate from subsequent game with extreme prejudice!


Honestly, I might tolerate Korriban, but I fear something wet and smelly will cover both my keyboard and my screen - and not in a good way, either - if I have to set eyes on boring old Dantooine again...


  RobQel-Droma said:
Other than that, no old planets, unless they have a story significance, like Tatooine, or Telos. Lets have some planets we haven't seen before, in keeping with KOTOR tradition - but I would advise against just making planets up, take some lesser known planets in the SW universe and put them in. Make sure they fit into the KOTOR series timeline and story, though.


GAH! Avoid Tatooine like the plague!! For the... it's in every single, bloody movie (except ESB). "Done to death" doesn't even cover it anymore...


For Republic worlds I'd much rather see Coruscant and Alderaan. We haven't seen those in KotOR before.

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  Jediphile said:
In that case, no thanks. Peragus was terrible enough the first time around...


I was talking about the size/importance, not about it's plot and gameplay.


  Jediphile said:
But if the true Sith are the descendents of the Sith Empire, then visiting some of those planets, like Ziost and Khar Shian/Delba, makes a lot sense, since it is probably where Revan has gone. Agreed - certainly don't go there "because they're OMG so cool", but definitely go there if there are plot reasons. That's definitely why I'd like them in there.


But I don't want the True Sith in KOTOR III ;). Besides, it's still infringing on other timeperiods in SW. In fact, having a KOTOR game involving True Sith is very un-KOTOR-like. It's also infringing on other time periods like the ancient Jedi eras.


  Jediphile said:
Analysis: Both planets visited twice in as many games.


Conclusion: Done to death already.


Resolution: Eliminate from subsequent game with extreme prejudice!


Honestly, I might tolerate Korriban, but I fear something wet and smelly will cover both my keyboard and my screen - and not in a good way, either - if I have to set eyes on boring old Dantooine again...


But what I said still stands.


And I am talking about doing them in new ways - if they can't do anything new with them, than I would remove them as visitable planets. However, Dantooine and the Jedi Enclave figure in somewhere, as it is the Jedi center of both games (although it was an empty center in TSL).


  Jediphile said:
GAH! Avoid Tatooine like the plague!! For the... it's in every single, bloody movie (except ESB). "Done to death" doesn't even cover it anymore...


For Republic worlds I'd much rather see Coruscant and Alderaan. We haven't seen those in KotOR before.


That's a matter of opinion. Tatooine is a central point of SW, that's why it's in so many games. You could say it is almost the ending and beginning world of Star Wars. That's the only reason why I mentioned; I'm not saying it should necessarily be in there.


Besides, Alderaan would be OK, although I wouldn't want it just on a personal basis; as for Coruscant, KOTOR tends to stay away from the big central worlds in the SW galaxy, staying out in the outer rim worlds. It should stay that way, I think. Anyways, half of the Coruscant people just want it because they showed it in TSL and because it has the "Jedi Temple", nothing big.

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  RobQel-Droma said:
But I don't want the True Sith in KOTOR III ;)


Well, that's your particular cause. I fear we will not agree there, since TSL ends with a promise of confronting the true Sith in K3 as far as I'm concerned. As much as you dislike that idea, I will insist on it.


  RobQel-Droma said:
Besides, it's still infringing on other timeperiods in SW.


This I don't see at all. There is no history on those worlds to "screw up", since all we know of them took place long before the games, and very little at later dates. That makes them fair game.


  RobQel-Droma said:
In fact, having a KOTOR game involving True Sith is very un-KOTOR-like. It's also infringing on other time periods like the ancient Jedi eras.


I don't see how it infringes anything.


  RobQel-Droma said:
But what I said still stands.


And I am talking about doing them in new ways - if they can't do anything new with them, than I would remove them as visitable planets. However, Dantooine and the Jedi Enclave figure in somewhere, as it is the Jedi center of both games (although it was an empty center in TSL).


What I have said stills stands as well.


Besides, Dantooine was a center for the jedi in the first game because they needed to keep out of Malak's eye. In the second it is simply where Vrook has fled after the jedi scattered and hid. If there is to be a jedi center in K3, then I think Coruscant makes far more sense than Dantooine, given how few jedi are left. Besides, I don't see the jedi going back to Dantooine shortly, given how the locals think of them. So let Dantooine rest in peace (or is that pieces?).


  RobQel-Droma said:
That's a matter of opinion. Tatooine is a central point of SW, that's why it's in so many games. You could say it is almost the ending and beginning world of Star Wars. That's the only reason why I mentioned; I'm not saying it should necessarily be in there.


That's only because it was the homeworld of both Anakin and Luke. In KotOR Tatooine has no importance at all. Of course it's a matter of opinion, but I'll still feel sick if I see it or Dantooine in K3 AGAIN...


  RobQel-Droma said:
Besides, Alderaan would be OK, although I wouldn't want it just on a personal basis; as for Coruscant, KOTOR tends to stay away from the big central worlds in the SW galaxy, staying out in the outer rim worlds. It should stay that way, I think. Anyways, half of the Coruscant people just want it because they showed it in TSL and because it has the "Jedi Temple", nothing big.


So what? That's still just personal opinion, and I think it's high time KotOR did something with Coruscant. At this point I almost start to wonder if it even exists in this time period, which is not a good thing. It's one thing that the jedi are hiding from Malak on Dantooine, but that such a large percentage of the council is there makes no sense, since it rather defeats the whole purpose of hiding in the first place... As a strategist, Malak may look like a nine-year-old trying to play RISK (and badly), but the jedi masters sure aren't doing awfully much better themselves, I fear...

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Well, seeing as though it will probably be about the new true Sith, I think there should be Sith-like worlds, maybe a few ancient Rakatan or Celestial worlds too. I want to see some Ziost or some Ruusan. I do doubt that Coruscant or some really popular world will be mentioned. I do hope that they take away Dantooine and Korriban (and please hope, I wish, they do not add Tatooine). I would like to see some sort of space-station place, maybe similiar to Yavin 4 in Kotor 1, but MASSIVE and as it's own world.


I hope Kotor 3 is longer too, with more worlds, so I don't beat it in a month.

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  Scyrone said:
Well, seeing as though it will probably be about the new true Sith, I think there should be Sith-like worlds, maybe a few ancient Rakatan or Celestial worlds too. I want to see some Ziost or some Ruusan. I do doubt that Coruscant or some really popular world will be mentioned. I do hope that they take away Dantooine and Korriban (and please hope, I wish, they do not add Tatooine). I would like to see some sort of space-station place, maybe similiar to Yavin 4 in Kotor 1, but MASSIVE and as it's own world.


I hope Kotor 3 is longer too, with more worlds, so I don't beat it in a month.


Agree completely. Only worlds we haven't seen in KotOR before, and certainly some Sith worlds among those. And if K3 is to be a climactic showdown in the ultimate conflict between the Republic and the true Sith, then Coruscant and Ziost would seem to be musts to me.


Other than those, I'd like Alderaan, Sleheyron, Myrkr, Khar Shian/Delba, and maybe some other Sith worlds like Rhelg or Thule.

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  Jediphile said:
like Alderaan, Sleheyron.


These 2 would be great! Alderaan because it's destroyed in A New Hope so will be good to see in detail in a game and Slehayron because we missed that part on Kotor 1 (although since it's an induistrialised planet run by Hutts, wouldn't it be too similar to the moon Nar-Shadaa in Kotor 2?)

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  Gargoyle_King said:
These 2 would be great! Alderaan because it's destroyed in A New Hope so will be good to see in detail in a game and Slehayron because we missed that part on Kotor 1 (although since it's an induistrialised planet run by Hutts, wouldn't it be too similar to the moon Nar-Shadaa in Kotor 2?)


While Sleheyron is run by the Hutts, it never sounded too similar to Nar Shaddaa. See for yourself:




David Gaider has described what they planned - but cut - for Sleheyron in KotOR. It didn't sound much like Nar Shaddaa to me. But check for yourself:


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  EagerWeasel said:
The planets that I really care about being it are Ziost, Coruscant, Alderaan, and Sleheyron. And then of course, Korriban, Dantooine, and Tatooine must not appear. We've seen Korriban and Dantooine enough, and Tatooine is a little too back-waterish to be important.


Hmm, we seem to agree rather a lot. All the planets you want, I already put into my own idea for a K3. And I, too, would have to see Dantooine and Tatooine again. We've just seen Dantooine once too often now, and Tatooine has been so overdone in Star Wars it's just annoying. The only place we don't agree is on Korriban. I thought it was okay in both games and wouldn't mind terribly going there again. I still think it holds some secrets that could be worthwhile. Still didn't put it in my own plot idea, so I guess I do agree that three times in as many games is a bit over the top...

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  Jediphile said:
And I, too, would have hate to see Dantooine and Tatooine again.

Fixed. :lol:


I guess if any planet from the last two games show up, I would want it to be Korriban, since it's the most tolerable one of the bunch. I still don't really want to see it again, but I guess I wouldn't mind going back for a quick little visit. Just as long as I don't have to stay there for 4 hours.

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  EagerWeasel said:
Fixed. :lol:

  Jediphile said:

And I, too, would have hate to see Dantooine and Tatooine again.


Thanks - naturally IS what I meant :D


  EagerWeasel said:
I guess if any planet from the last two games show up, I would want it to be Korriban, since it's the most tolerable one of the bunch. I still don't really want to see it again, but I guess I wouldn't mind going back for a quick little visit. Just as long as I don't have to stay there for 4 hours.


We seem to be in utter agreement.

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  Davinq said:
The ground in that screenie looks like straw carpet. Unless they changed that, I wouldn't be that interested in seeing Sleheyron in K3.


Well, since they never quite finished Sleheyron, we can't be sure if that is what it was meant to look like. I do agree that this is very odd for an outdoor location, which this presumably is. If I were to venture a guess, I would say that picture represents early and unfinished work.

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  Davinq said:
The ground in that screenie looks like straw carpet. Unless they changed that, I wouldn't be that interested in seeing Sleheyron in K3.


I Have to disagree, Straw Carpet is my favorite surface material, I suggest they use more of it :D

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I wouldn't mind seeing Cinnagar/Empress Teta in K3. It would be cool to start there (like Taris or Peragus) since it's a core system, and then work your way toward the outer rim planets, and then into the unknown regions.


I don't think they would put Cinnagar and Coruscant in the same game though.

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