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Congratz Miss Mayhem!!!!!!!!

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Hi Ave,


As you're probably aware RD is in need of some new moderators as the previous ones are nearing the point of being totally AWOL, which isn't really much good!


Since other RD denizens wuv you and you're unlikely to explode in my face, I'd like to offer you one of two mod slots on the forums (I've sent this offer to someone else too). If you're up for it I'll set it up at some point tomorrow.


The only real requirements of the position read as follows in this boring list:


1. Try to keep mod powers out of the way as much as possible so people don't feel they can't have fun


2. Be sure to act if people starting getting a little too personal or otherwise begin to do things that're detrimental to the forum


3. Try to encourage discussion by posting in threads and starting new ones


4. Avoid deleting posts unless they've been posted by spam bots or something; if someone starts being a real ass then warn them about it (I tend to do this via PM), and if they carry on consider seeking a ban from me or any other admin -- the thread can of course be closed if it's become a hell hole, which may stop the troubles


As long as you don't start using the powers for the sake of making people feel small (I'm sure you wouldn't, but others have in the past) and generally keep a level head (eg: don't close people's topics because your real-life friend said so) then I think you'd be a great person to take on the job.


Be sure to let me know what you think!

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Man, I'm barely awake and you're already all partying. :D


Yes, as if it wasn't obvious enough, Ave and Miss Mayhem are the two new mods who I'm sure will do a great job of keeping the tone high and the trouble low. Those who were hoping to be modded but weren't I apologise, but unfortunately a choice has to be made somewhere. Hey, perhaps in the future -- it's not like Smon and elTee were the last.


Just to clear some things up, the choices were based on who I feel most members can get along with and who I think won't make any particularly bad decisions (everyone makes some, myself included -- nobody's perfect); personality was just as much a factor as maturity. They certainly weren't the only people considered, though.


I realise that at the moment we have two mods who hardly ever visit and one who doesn't at all. I'm going to address this by simply opting to remove mods who don't have a reasonable level of activity. This isn't to say I'll just axe anyone who doesn't post all the time or has some time away, but if there's no activity for a very prolonged amount of time (eg: Huz) then clearly I've got little choice.


If anyone feels the mods are acting unreasonably then always feel free to PM me, as the only way they'll get better is if they're made aware of problems. And of course to you new mods, do be sure to separate the use of the power and your emotions -- don't let personal grudges and whatnot ever influence decisions. ;)


I'll set up the account access in a few seconds. I'll also PM you both later on tonight with some basic guidelines to bear in mind.

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I'll be around most of the time, of coarse. However when fall and winter roll around, I may be skipping Friday & Saturday nights. I've got the oppertunity to mascot both basketball & football. But I'll always warn you ahead and I'll try and get pictures. xD I know you like those.

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Thrik said:


Hi Ave,


As you're probably aware RD is in need of some new moderators as the previous ones are nearing the point of being totally AWOL, which isn't really much good!


Since other RD denizens wuv you and you're unlikely to explode in my face, I'd like to offer you one of two mod slots on the forums (I've sent this offer to someone else too). If you're up for it I'll set it up at some point tomorrow.


The only real requirements of the position read as follows in this boring list:


1. Try to keep mod powers out of the way as much as possible so people don't feel they can't have fun


2. Be sure to act if people starting getting a little too personal or otherwise begin to do things that're detrimental to the forum


3. Try to encourage discussion by posting in threads and starting new ones


4. Avoid deleting posts unless they've been posted by spam bots or something; if someone starts being a real ass then warn them about it (I tend to do this via PM), and if they carry on consider seeking a ban from me or any other admin -- the thread can of course be closed if it's become a hell hole, which may stop the troubles


As long as you don't start using the powers for the sake of making people feel small (I'm sure you wouldn't, but others have in the past) and generally keep a level head (eg: don't close people's topics because your real-life friend said so) then I think you'd be a great person to take on the job.


Be sure to let me know what you think!


I suppose that somewhere on there, you could place a connection with one of your newfound powers - and my PM.

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