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least fave quests/sidequests for K1 & K2


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What were the quests in both games you liked least or sometimes skipped on replays of the games?


K1- exploring the sewers on Taris (rakghouls were irritating) and Rukil's journals. On Tatoine the H2O vaporators for the sandpeople and the swoop race. On Kashyyyk the the wookie trial and sometimes the eli/matton droid head quest. On Manaan the swoop race and sometimes the genohardan missions. On Dantoine the Balook investigation and the kinrath cave, even the Sandral/Matale feud and sometimes the stowaway also. On Korriban the renegade students/cave and the interrogation and fighting rooms. Yavin was an afterthought, especially when using mods. Oh, yeah, skipped most of pazaak ops in this game as well.


K2-Peragus and Harbinger. Malachor surface was kinda boring. The tunnels on NS in the JJT. Chasing down the power converter on Dxun and cleaning out the FN tomb just to open the door. Pazaak. The turret on Onderon. 3 Captains. Fighting the handmaiden's sisters. Goto's yacht. CS was a bit lackluster.


While I like both games, it doesn't mean I want to redo everything on each subsequent playthrough. Also, mods helped a lot in the replay value of some of these cases.

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Quests from k1 and 2 I have ever hated... hmmm... ones which I absolutly despise... boy I can name a few!


For K1:


Taris:- Exploring the Sewers and the Black Vulcar Base,

- Exploring the Military Base


Ebon Hawk: When you try and communicate with that Stowaway gril


Dantooine: Finding and Killing those Mandalorians


Tatooine: Trying to deactivate those hunting droids in the desert where they trapped that husband.


Manaan: - Exploring that Sith Embassy

- Figuring out that Injector Pod Puzzle near the Star Map


Korriban: In the tomb of Naga Sadow, where you are trying to figure out that pillar puzzle so you could get that ridiculous (yet, cool) sword.


Lehon (unknown world): Eliminating the entire Rakatan Tribe ruled by THE ONE.


And for K2:


-The entire Peragus and Ravager chapter -


Telos: - Running erands for either the Ithorians or Czerka

- Where you're exploring that Czerka Base to find the shuttle


Dantooine: Exploring that basement-thingamabob below the Jedi Academy (the laigreks were irratating)


Nar Shadda: - Visquise's (i think thats how you spell it) underground base

- Goto's yaught


Malachor: - Controlling Bao-Dur's remote around Malachor

- Trayus Academy (I found it rather disapointingly boring)

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Well, I don't really know if I hate any side-quest. Most of them were good, but I would have appreciated binding them a little tighter with the main story, especially in KotOR II. Anyways, I'll agree about the Taris Sewers - they're the most dreaded part everytime I play KotOR.


But the rest of it was okay.

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I agree with Sabre, the sidequests should tie more with the story. These are my least favortier QUESTS themselves, since all sidequests are good, though only a few of them are great.




-Sewers/ Black Vulkar Base




Peragus/Harbinger (ARG! ARG! ARG! I'd pay an extra five hudnred dollars for th game if we were able to skip the part where you can only by T3!)

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Hm actually I like all the side quests. Main quests are what pisses me sometimes off. Like all that GOTO - Visquis rubbish. Or the "quest" in Korriban in TSL: Let's go in. *door's locked* Oh no let's get out. Now that's quality.


EDIT: Ah we can talk about main quests too. Here we go:

-Goto's Yacht

-Malachor V

-Telos (I just hate this planet..and the quests)

-Korriban academy (tomb is good :))

-Manaan (was actually quite good but the Selkath piss me off sooo much)

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I really liked Peragus and the Harbinger; this will forever be a sign to me that I am either insane, or just have bad taste - I'm not sure which is better.


As for the parts of the games I abhor?




- Taris Under City. I'm sorry but whoever designed that area deserves to be taken outside and shot. It's dark... you can't walk over small rises in the ground without finding the ramp... the ramps are difficult to find because it is dark!

- Manaan's main plot. It just doesn't interest me and the planet itself is oh so very dull - this is definitely the weakest part of the original game for me.

- The Leviathan. I don't like this situation where the game comes over to you and says, "You've been captured and there is nothing you can do about it! Hahaha!"




- Malachor was obviously a bit of a downer. Especially after the big build up and the epic scale of the battle for Telos (I enjoyed it immensely). But we could go on for hours about how Malachor V disappointed people.

- The Ithorian quests on Telos. There's nothing wrong with them, they're perfectly normal quests which you go about with vigour on your first play through. Then you go and do the tasks for Czerka and thing how much more fun the dark side quests are. It's a shame the Ithorian quests weren't as involved as the Czerka ones.

- The plot on Nar Shaddaa drifts a little as you continue in your epic attempts to cheese off the Exchange. I get the feeling that the quests you found on Nar Shaddaa, finding G0-T0 and so forth would have been much better on Telos. It would have made more sense, story wise (given how a lot of the dialogue is to do with lying low and hiding while you've just been storming across the galaxy causing wars for the past twenty hours).

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You guys remind me of a few I forgot. BD's droid on M5, if you missed a storm beast or three, as it had pitiful defenses and couldn't cloak. Had forgotten the puzzle in NS's tomb on Korriban (too much switching to open the damn door, just gave self sword at beginning with KSE and skipped this part altogether), the ramps in the undercity and also in the JJT rooms (TSL), the alarm on the Leviathan command deck is verrrrry annoying when you have to fight your way to the bridge, sometimes I skip cleaning out the temple on the UW and go straight for the computer so I can get to the confrontation w/Bastila, those damn fish are really annoying b/c they take too long to say their piece in an irritating voice, fighting those mandalorians at the rakatan temple b/c they immediately open a can of whupass on you. Also, didn't like the T3 part on Peragus b/c T3 is a bit underarmed (less you use LitRidls warp band or KSE to amp him up into a Terminator-like killing machine)


A number of cases where mods helped out were the swoop race mods, manaan doors, manaan fishfest (taking out the firaxns with only that sonic device was a pain and it also allowed you to have two other members with you while fighting on the sea floor, in addition to giving an extra line of dialogue or so--Jolee and Canderous, perhaps HK as well, but not sure) the NS's tomb mod allows you to bring your 2 companions in for the last tomb and some added/uncovered dialogue, (for Lord Spitfire) SSskipperagus allows you to skip the Peragus/Harbinger segment of the game and takes you straight to Telos. As a sequel, TSL was a bit anticlimactic. It has it's good points, but is also burdened with a lot of negatives that are fodder for a different post. But I also tend to agree with those that it's mostly complete enough as is to not make you go WTF?!? by the time you reach the end, more like "about time, but that ending was sorely lacking". Still, the mods tend to enhance both games on the whole, and there just too many to mention them all here.

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People haven't even touched on the two most annoying and redundant parts yet.


K1: Dantooine. The little murder-mystery bit that requires you to spend an excruciatingly dull 15-20 minutes clicking through every single dialogue option until finally getting through for a measly bit of exp.


K2: Onderon. Retrieving the bits and pieces of the droid to find the doctor. Once again, tedious clicking through dialogue, only this time you have loading screens between every single option as you have to enter and leave the cantina repeatedly with Canderous spouting blindingly obvious bits of exposition along the way.


And Malachor sucked as well.

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- The Leviathan. I don't like this situation where the game comes over to you and says, "You've been captured and there is nothing you can do about it! Hahaha!"


The ship was tractor-beamed, and the Sith would've blasted it to bits if the crew didn't come quietly. Not much they could've done. :p


Quests I didn't like... Hard one. I enjoyed pretty much everything there was in both games (including the Taris sewers, Undercity, and Malachor :p), with the sole exception being controlling Bao-Dur's remote. It fit in with the plot and the cutscene it triggered was interesting, yes, but navigating a character with practically 1 HP through a large area I'd already been through that was still full of enemies wasn't much fun.


Apart from that Malachor rocked. :p

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Peragus/Harbinger (ARG! ARG! ARG! I'd pay an extra five hudnred dollars for th game if we were able to skip the part where you can only by T3!)



I would have to hate all the sidequests available on the Telos Station in K2, especially the one where you have to free that Twi'lek dancer girl.


The little teeny quests in Taris are also despised. Ridiculously short, but truly a waste of time.

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People haven't even touched on the two most annoying and redundant parts yet.


K1: Dantooine. The little murder-mystery bit that requires you to spend an excruciatingly dull 15-20 minutes clicking through every single dialogue option until finally getting through for a measly bit of exp.


K2: Onderon. Retrieving the bits and pieces of the droid to find the doctor. Once again, tedious clicking through dialogue, only this time you have loading screens between every single option as you have to enter and leave the cantina repeatedly with Canderous spouting blindingly obvious bits of exposition along the way.


And Malachor sucked as well.


Actually, I covered the K1 peeve in the first post (the Balook investigation), which I still skip whenever I play through that game. And, yeah, the running around for the droid head on Onderon was tedious.

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People haven't even touched on the two most annoying and redundant parts yet.


K1: Dantooine. The little murder-mystery bit that requires you to spend an excruciatingly dull 15-20 minutes clicking through every single dialogue option until finally getting through for a measly bit of exp.


K2: Onderon. Retrieving the bits and pieces of the droid to find the doctor. Once again, tedious clicking through dialogue, only this time you have loading screens between every single option as you have to enter and leave the cantina repeatedly with Canderous spouting blindingly obvious bits of exposition along the way.


And Malachor sucked as well.


It appears you don't like being a CSI in KoTOR X) but everybody has their own opinions, so that's cool!


I personally like the investigations from K1 and 2. It sort of exploited the inner-detective fantasy out of me... not that I want to be a detective when I'm older, or anything.

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The ship was tractor-beamed, and the Sith would've blasted it to bits if the crew didn't come quietly. Not much they could've done. :p


From an in universe perspective, yes. I'd just prefer it if the game didn't suddenly take control away from me... maybe this is another sign of my dark, control-freakish soul?

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The ship was tractor-beamed, and the Sith would've blasted it to bits if the crew didn't come quietly. Not much they could've done. :p


They could have given the player the option of that choice, and given them the opportunity to make that mistake. It probably wouldn't have taken all that much time to make a cutscene with the Ebon Hawk blown to bits, and it would have reduced the railroading a little bit. Unless you are struck down in combat it's pretty much impossible to lose in the KOTOR games as it is.

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Unless you are struck down in combat it's pretty much impossible to lose in the KOTOR games as it is.


You can walk over to that big Fishy in Mannan and get gobbled up. Or go get trapped in that Raktan Pyramid/Mind Prison. Ironically, however, TSL has NO chances to lose, other than via combat. A bit less railroading however with you being able to choose how to deal with the Jedi Masters.

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I don't think sidequests should ever be forced upon you. There should have been a dialog option to get you out of the gizka quest before it began as well as the stowaway quest... (simple modding possibilities here I suppose)


@Pavlos: The Leviathan I wouldn't really call a sidequest since it's integral to the plot.

@SilentScope: You can also get destroyed during the turret minigame.

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They could have given the player the option of that choice, and given them the opportunity to make that mistake.


Would've been a waste of time and effort to make a scene of the Hawk blowing up. Any character with an Intelligence score above 1 would've surrendered when their ship was rendered immobile and had guns powerful enough to blast apart ships over ten times its size pointed at it. Even then, the PC's party members would probably have clubbed him/her over the head and surrendered in his/her place in response to being so dumb.

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