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Oblivious to the Nines

Cygnus Q'ol

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I have fallen into the world of OblivionIV-Elder Scrolls and I find myself loaded with quests, contracts and duties as a Fighter's Guild apprentice.


As a knight-like rogue bristling with magika and personality, I often find myself wandering aimlessly, lost in the lush landscape, exploring caves, rivers and lakes.


This is my first time experiencing this place so I'm kinda hooked for now.

I know some of you have played this game and know it well.


What is ectoplasm by the way, and who do I have to con or kill to get it?

I've searched caves and forests.


Most of you PC modders probably can just whip up a program for it but, I've taken the console route and have to search the lands.

For the 360 version, does anyone know where I could find this stuff?

I have gold coin and silver weapons to trade. :)


I imagine that there's a program for Nirnroots too.

I need them desperately as well. I've searched all the areas around water that I come across, but I still need a few more.


Is there a secret area in which they are abundant?


I truly would appreciate any suggestions you have.


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What is ectoplasm by the way, and who do I have to con or kill to get it?

I've searched caves and forests.


Ectoplasm is an Alchemy ingredient that is sometimes dropped when you kill Ghosts or Wraiths. You can usually find those in some Ayleid ruins or ruined fortresses that contain undead.


You can probably buy it from some merchants that sell Alchemy components as well, but why waste money when you can get it for free? In particular since you'll more or less drown in Alchemy components after playing for a while if you don't make potions a lot. I've got a couple of chests in my character's home with thousands of them. :)


I imagine that there's a program for Nirnroots too.

I need them desperately as well. I've searched all the areas around water that I come across, but I still need a few more.


There are roughly 250 Nirnroot plants spread across the world. I wouldn't recommend actively searching for them, but rather just keep your eyes (and ears, they emit a distinctive sound when you're near) open whenever you happen to be traveling or exploring near the coast, lakes, rivers or swamps. They can be found inside some caves and ruins that are partially flooded as well, and a few can be found as potted plants inside buildings. It's a very long-running quest with multiple stages, so it's probably best not to pursue it actively. :)

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Ectoplasm i'm guessing you doing the FG quest where the 3 FG member are angry and won't leave but if you search churchs at the bottom in the cripped there's alway aload there


Plus a little tip i sold most of the stuff i got to the merchant try and get in good with one with alot of money around the 1000-1200 mark if you've got the good personality it should be easy

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Ninroot and Leyawin go hand in hand. ;)


You'll find tons of them around the perimeter of the city walls and tons more exploring the surrounding swamps. Like stoffe said, ectoplasm is the nice residual goo ghosts and wraiths like to leave when you layeth the smack down on them :xp:


The higher end alchemy shops should sell them as well, or visit one of the Mages Guild.. the 'house' alchemist tends to carry some hard to find odd-n-ends. Imperial City alchemists (Guilded Carafe specifically) should sell it too.. but not sure if it's a random merchant inventory or if it's a leveled list item.


Welcome to the endless world of stunning visuals and no sleep .. hehehe :lol:


EDIT: moved to The Outlander Club

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I’ll assume (you know what they say about that word) by your not knowing what Ectoplasm is, that you haven’t done the Anvil side quest “Where Sprits have Lease” (buying a house in Anvil) or “The Ghost Ship of Anvil” (Talk to everyone around the docks especially on the Ships harbored there). Either quest will gives you the ectoplasm you need to complete the Fighter’s Guild Quest.


Is there a secret area in which they are abundant?


Do what stoffe and ChaiNz.2da wrote and you will find more than enough Ninroot, just remember to keep your eyes and more importantly your ears open. Running along any shore line killing mud crabs and you will find plenty very soon and increase your skills at the same time. I actually do this in sneak mode and my little female wood elf is at master level sneak at level 7.


Have you been to Dive Rock yet? The view is incredible on a clear day with the Xbox 360 and a HDTV.


Hope you have more will power than me and can put the controller down long enough to get some sleep. Last night was the first time I’ve been home and not played Oblivion at all since I got the game

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Whew, and I thought it was just me...

I haven't gotten much sleep at all since I've delved into this world. I've got a thousand E-mails, my voicemail is full, I've got laundry stacked to the ceiling and my grass is calf high.

As I'm driving to work, I'm trying to identify local plant-life.


I bumped my head yesterday and I could swear I heard the call of the Nirnroot. During conversations, I'll be answering questions and nodding my head but, I'm really thinking of my next quest and what I should take with me. I dislike being over-encumbered when I find something I need.


I've been busy exploring.

The lush and vibrant landscape is jawdropping sometimes. The vastness of this world is breath taking and is only surpassed by the incredible attention to detail.


Stoffe, thank you very much. I really appreciate it.

I love this world. I can't believe I've missed out on this before. I can tell I'm just beginning. There's so much to do.


Thanks for the tip Venom750, I'll keep that in mind. Never have too much coin.

Thanks Stoffe, I haven't got a house yet. I really just started making decent cash. I've made quite a bit, but I've spent most of it on training. I did have an expensive run in with the law as well. I guess I had to find out how the legal system worked sooner or later. :)


ChAiNz, thanks for the move. I apologize for the error. I've got a bottle of mead, for the trouble. Thanks for the tips.


mimartin, I was on my way to do the quest in Anvil but, as usual I got sidetracked. Dive Rock huh? Not yet. What town is it near? I'll do the searching. I've heard of ectoplasm before. Ghostbusters I think, but I wanted to be sure. Muchos Gracias.


stingerhs, I haven't downloaded those yet. I really just started. But, I've read something in gamepro of Shivering Isles. I'll definately be checking those out in time.


I heard there's trouble down in Kvatch. Think I'll go check it out.


...wish me luck.

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Dive Rock is in the middle of nowhere, north north/east of Cheydinhal. There is a small side quest there and you pick up some map markers looking over the edge. If you find Aerin’s Camp it is up the steep cliff to the north east from there, but it is not an easy climb. The climb is a very good way to increase your Acrobatics skills.


Personally I love buying the expensive house in Skingrad call Rosethorn Hall. The house is not worth the cost, but a small side quest involving 200 year old stolen loot nets you some nice gems and the Ring of the Gray. After receiving the Ring of the Gray it is always equipped during my exploration (at least until I get a higher level detect life enchanted item). It gives you Detect Life 50 feet as well as fortifying acrobatics, marksman, security, sneak and resist poison. (Bedroom Hint – no one every looks up)


I dislike being over-encumbered when I find something I need.


Being over-encumbered is the worst and the best part of the game. At first this annoyed me to no end, but being over-encumbered is more realist than the alternative.


The first time I played I was constantly throwing away alchemy ingredients and high valued items. Then I figured out the power of enchanting items with strength and feather and the power of those alchemy ingredients, I had been throwing away, in creating potions for strength and feather. I found the Frostcrag Spire download in the Xbox Magazine. It gives you a free home (to store items), Altar of Alchemy (15 temporary bonus to Alchemy skill to brew stronger potions), Altar of Spellmaking (to make weak spells in order to increase those skills quickly) and Altar of Enchanting (to make enchanted cloths, amour and weapons). Now even my range weapon wood elf can clear a cave of all its loot (she is at level 8 as of last night).


I spent the weekend in Las Vegas and arrived home at 2:00 am Monday morning. The second thing I did was turn on the Xbox and play Oblivion. I was having four days worth of withdraws from the game.

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Oblivion is a game i can keep coming back to again and again and have it absorb me for hours. A game that can do that is one that deserves recognition far into the future. The best thing about it was that i had never played a "ye-olde" swords and dungeons style game so the change hit me like a brick wall. A nice comfy brick wall that absorbs me for four hours. A brick wall that can do that is one that deserves recognition far into the future. Oh yes.

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Well, there's a few bricks laying around my living room right now. :)


I don't have a house yet, but I'm not really looking to right away.

...sooner or later.

I've spent most of my money on training so far. I have a feeling I'm going to need it. I'm attempting to beef up some of my skills that I left weaker when I started my character. Don't want to be one sided.


However, I am a warrior (by birthsign) so my Blade, block, athletic, speed, agility, strength, and stamina are priority. I actually have my own class that I've aptly named LANCELOT CLASS.

An athletic knight, armorer, blademaster, poet that can cast a few spells on his gear and self, loves to swim for miles and eat strawberries naked in the woods and sometimes comes to the aid of those less fortunate.


No one likes a whiner, so I make sure I keep improving personality as well.

Helps when I haggle.


I'm just beginning to discover alchemy however, right now I'm still spending a lot of time roaming and exploring. I've made some coin in the arena and I've been offered to become a Blade. I haven't accepted yet even though I know I will. I just have to take care of a few things first. :)


There's this sword I want and I need some cash.


I've got a few hidden areas where I store stuff. I imagine sooner or later it will get discovered which is why I need a house, but I need the training too.


...decisions, decisions


That's one of the reasons I'm really hooked on this game.


Gotta go now, I hear the crowd and there's a very large person waiting for me in the arena.

I think he's got an axe...

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I've spent most of my money on training so far. I have a feeling I'm going to need it. I'm attempting to beef up some of my skills that I left weaker when I started my character. Don't want to be one sided.


The Oblivion skill/levelup system allows you to be extremely versatile if you feel like exploiting it. Since you only level up when using major skills, you can pick skills that you can use selectively as major skills and thus control the pace you are leveling up. This way you can ensure you only level up when you have a +5 bonus to three ability scores when leveling (since both major and minor skills count towards ability bonuses.)


With my last/current character I decided to abuse the system way over the top to see how things would go. I was master in half the minor skills by level 2. So if you plan instead of just play you can be jack of all trades, master of all in Oblivion. :D


You don't gain that much from leveling up too far either. From what I remember leveling only determines which Daedric Shrine quests you can do, and what kind of loot you get. Pretty much all NPCs level along with you, and automatically get better gear when they do. If you level up too quickly the game might get too difficult since enemies get better gear than you have and some of your skills may be under-developed.


I'm just beginning to discover alchemy however, right now I'm still spending a lot of time roaming and exploring. I've made some coin in the arena and I've been offered to become a Blade. I haven't accepted yet even though I know I will. I just have to take care of a few things first. :)


There's this sword I want and I need some cash.


You can proceed with the main quest at your own pace for the most part, the bad guys will patiently wait for you to make progress before moving to the next step of their plan. :) The only thing you'll notice is that a lot more Oblivion Gates will open up all over the place as you progress along the main quest.


Having a house with some containers in is pretty useful if you plan to do alchemy so you don't have to drag all your ingredients along with you everywhere. Individually they may not weigh much, but together they can be quite heavy when you collect a lot.


If you're a warrior using bladed weapons you'll probably want the "Umbra" sword eventually, it's one of the best one-handed swords in the game from a damage perspective (though you can't enchant it yourself since it's already magical). It's part of the Clavicus Vile daedric shrine quest, if you decide to keep the sword instead of giving it to Clavicus at the end.


Some of the other Daedric shrine quests (Boethia and Mephala if I remember correctly) give some pretty nice swords as rewards as well.



I've got a few hidden areas where I store stuff. I imagine sooner or later it will get discovered which is why I need a house, but I need the training too.


Be careful where you stash away things: If you don't visit a cell for a certain amount of time it will be reset (enemies respawned, containers repopulated), making anything you've left behind there vanish permanently. This is why having a house is useful, those cells will never respawn and things you put there will remain no matter how long you're gone.


Gotta go now, I hear the crowd and there's a very large person waiting for me in the arena.

I think he's got an axe...


Just a warning since you can't use mods or the console. If you do the Grey Prince's quest before becoming arena champion the way you win the arena quest will be incredibly anti-climactic, in my opinion. (He gives you some training that boost some skills as reward for completing his quest though.)

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An incredibly huge thank you Stoffe. :)

Your insight is invaluable. I'll keep these in mind.


Yeah, the Grey Prince was a bit disappointed when I revealed his family history. How could you not know you're a vampire?


Wouldn't someone question his staunch dislike of garlic-y foods?

...and we just thought he was a night owl.


Well, I'm off to explore Imperial City. There's alot more here than I realized.

I have a few bits of business here as well.

Gotta do some bartering also. Time to get rid of some of this stuff, make a little coin and meet some new people and just perhaps, make a few new friends.


Blessing of Akotosh be with you.

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Although I absolutely adore the sounds and music in this game, I find myself sometimes thinking of other songs and music that would fit in with the style this game takes on.


...at least in my head. :)


IMO, there are quite a few Zepplin and RUSH songs that would fit in real nicely. Especially during battles.

A few CURE songs would also not be out of place here.


There are also some Jean-Luc Ponty, Afro-Celt and Anya tracks that would round it out perfectly.


Does anyone else feel this way? If so, what songs or sounds do you hear while running through the plains and forrest?


On another note, I'm still trying to figure out this persuasion system. I've been spending too much coin on bribery. I'll keep trying until I figure it out, but, any helpful tips are greatly appreciated.:)


I haven't gotten much sleep and I really must shave at this point.


Happy Birthday Stoffe :)

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Although I absolutely adore the sounds and music in this game, I find myself sometimes thinking of other songs and music that would fit in with the style this game takes on.


...at least in my head. :)


That's an advantage of playing the PC version, all you have to do is dump your MP3s in the proper folders and the game will automatically add them to the ambient/battle music rotation for that environment. :)



On another note, I'm still trying to figure out this persuasion system. I've been spending too much coin on bribery. I'll keep trying until I figure it out, but, any helpful tips are greatly appreciated.:)


It's fairly simple once you get the hang of it, and not very realistic. There are four groups of things you may "say" to the NPC: Joke, Intimidate, Admire, Boast. Each NPC will love one, like one, dislike one and hate one of each (I think their likes/dislikes are randomly decided by the game, but stay the same if you return later). If you hover the mouse pointer (or its console equivalent) over each group quadrant in the Persuasion circle you can view from the facial expression the NPC makes what he feels about that particular group.


Unsurprisingly you gain/lose disposition with the NPC depending on how much they like/dislike what you say, and how filled the quadrant is when you click it.


For each persuasion round you must pick all four groups. So, you should try to pick the Loved and Liked group when that quadrant is as filled as possible, while you should pick the Disliked and Hated group when they are as empty as possible. Between each pick the persuasion circle will rotate, making each quadrant fill up differently.


When your persuasion skill gets high enough you get the option to rotate the persuasion circle once per persuasion round without picking anything, making the quadrants fill up differently, giving you another chance to get out of sticky situations like when the Disliked and Hated groups are full and the Liked and Loved groups are near-empty.


Since NPCs have notoriously short patience their Disposition will decrease steadily during a persuasion round, so you should be fairly quick at picking your choices as well (unless you want to lose Disposition so you can play the persuade game some more with that NPC to increase your Skill - Once you max out your Disposition with that NPC you can't persuade them any more).


Not a very realistic to emulate social interaction, but it can be worthwhile to increase your Disposition with NPCs, in particular merchants and quest givers, since you tend to get lower prices and more info/rewards if they like you. Some more violent NPCs won't attack you on sight either if your Disposition with them is high, which they might otherwise do (which might be good or bad, depending on what you want with them :)). If you have high enough disposition with a Guard they might let you go if they catch you with a bounty on your head.


Happy Birthday Stoffe :)


Thank you. :D

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I found this strange thing in Morrowind, but I think it would be best to post it here rather than in another topic, since this is likely to exist in the other thing.


My character joined the Imperial Cult and read his book but became quite shocked when he saw this passage about the Cult's views on other guilds:


Though we cannot condone the actions of the Thevies Guild, we praise their faithful dedication to the Emporer and Imperial culture.


The Imperial cults has the greatest respect for the high moral principles of House Redran and the Morag Tong, and honors their different but noble conceptions of Divine Inspiration.


Is it just the Imperial Cult in Morrowind, or are all Imperial Cults this kooky? For one thing, since when does robbing houses show a respect to the Emporer or Imperial Culture? Isn't that, say, illegal? If I rob a house, would the guards buy that I am doing it in service of the Empire? I doubt it. I'd assume religious people would see it as an disgrace to have theives exist, not as a point of pride and glory. It's the equilviant of the Catholic Church stating that while they do not condone the Mafia's actions, they do support the Mafia's conservative lifestyle and devotion to the Saints.


And the Morag Tong is an assisan's guild...so it seems werid that they would love bounty hunters who would kill for a couple of gold. (Come to think of it...why is the Morag Tong legal in Morrowind?)


...Any help? This strange thing has been bothering me, and it does draw me somewhat into the Morrowind game (this isn't exactly Kansas, Toto).

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Is it just the Imperial Cult in Morrowind, or are all Imperial Cults this kooky? For one thing, since when does robbing houses show a respect to The Emperor or Imperial Culture?


And the Morag Tong is an assassin's guild...so it seems weird that they would love bounty hunters who would kill for a couple of gold. (Come to think of it...why is the Morag Tong legal in Morrowind?)


Morrowind does seem somewhat unique in that respect, since the thieves guild is considered a fairy tale in Cyrodiil (and presumably in other provinces as well). For them to operate as openly and high-profile as in Morrowind (or at least Vvardenfell) appears to be highly unusual. Usually they keep their presence so secret that many officials and officers doubt they even exist.


There may be some reasons behind this. Vvardenfell appears to be described as sparsely populated frontier land that has only recently been settled to any extent aside from a few Tribunal strongholds like Vivec city (though there are contradictory accounts to that if you read the various books in the game). Things may be done a bit more pragmatically and less traditionally here than in Cyrodiil.


Further, Morrowind is Dark Elf lands, and unlike the other provinces they were not conquered; they entered into the Empire by treaty (though by necessity and not by desire). This treaty allowed them to keep many of their own political and cultural institutions intact, like the Tribunal Temple religion and the Great Houses. The Morag Tong, worshipers of the "Good Daedric Prince" (according to Tribunal Temple teachings :roleyess:) Mephala, is part of these traditions. While they are assassins, they are a traditional, strictly regulated means through which the Great Houses can settle disputes without things having to deteriorate into civil war.


As such the balance of power between traditional Dark Elf institutions and the new Imperial institutions like the Cult of the Nine and Imperial Legion is fairly delicate, and the Cult may have to tread carefully and avoid stepping on too many toes if they want to have a chance to establish themselves more permanently on Vvardenfell and gain acceptance from the locals. Dogmatically condemning venerable Dark Elf institutions like Morag Tong (and by extension the Great Houses' use of them) might not be the best way to go about that, even if there surely is a cultural clash of moral values. :) (This is probably the same reason why slave trading is tolerated in Morrowind while it's outlawed in the rest of the Empire.)


Similarly, the Thieves Guild, when operating so openly that there is no doubt about their existence, is likely considered the lesser of two evils. They can act as a known counterbalance to the more unknown and evil Camonna Tong crime syndicate, who are involved in more anti-Imperial activities. The Legion, Ordinators and other groups responsible for law enforcement on Vvardenfell will of course still arrest members of both groups if they catch them doing something illegal. But since the Imperial system embraces the rule of law they cannot go around and arrest people just because they call themselves a "thieves guild", since that act alone is not illegal. They need to actually break the law and get caught for that. :)

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I've closed the gates at Kvatch and Cheydinal(sp).

In those two missions, the path to the tower was clear and all I had to do was to fight my way to the top and remove the stone to eliminate that particular gate.


Not too terribly hard. I'd always mill around for a while first to pick up any interesting Daedric gear.


But in the gates that just pop up out of nowhere, it seems different.

Maybe it's just me, but I can never get to the tower. There's this huge door in the way and when I try to open, it tells me that it's operated from somewhere else.


I can never find where.


What's the secret to quickly taking these things down once I discover them?

I know it's gotta be something simple that I'm misssing.


on another note...


Does anyone remember the mission where you find this town where everyone's invisible? Too cool. I was rummaging around in an Inn and was startled when I was busted snooping. Anyway I followed directions, found the old spellmaker's hideout and even found his journal.

The green arrow tells me he's right infront of me, but he won't engage with me.


What's up, is he scared of me? Do I have to make some kind of offering or something? Is there a spell that'll allow me to see him?

I donno, it's got me stumped. Perhaps something in the future will allow me to finish that one.


No biggie, I've got alot of unfinished business.

Speaking of...


What's up with Thoronir, anyone remember him?

He's the merchant in the Imperial city that deals in stolen goods or something. I'm suppose to shadow the guy and find out what he does.


When I do, he just wanders around all night until early morning. Then he goes to meet a fellow out behind his shop and they just stand there for hours. They don't say anything or move, except to look around nervously. Then, they'll abrupty part and he goes back to his shop. Whenever I confront them, they are rude and dissmissing. Whenever I just spy, nothing happens. What gives?


This game is so absorbing. I'm constantly thinking of what I'm gonna do with my character next when I get home and fire up the Box. I actually had to force myself to take a break from it and play some other games for a while.


A few games of Baseball and some Forza Motorsports2 races, then I kicked my brother out of the house and went right back in to Cyrodiil and my beautiful black horse.


Maybe one of the mages guilds has a reduce addiction spell for me.

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But in the gates that just pop up out of nowhere, it seems different.

Maybe it's just me, but I can never get to the tower. There's this huge door in the way and when I try to open, it tells me that it's operated from somewhere else. What's the secret to quickly taking these things down once I discover them?


Depends on what area you are in, there is a handful of area designs for gate tower islands in Dagon's realm that are repeated randomly. Usually when the path is blocked and you seemingly have nowhere to go you'll have to find some cave entrance somewhere in the surrounding area. They usually contain tunnels that either will lead you out somewhere else in the area, or sometimes into the auxiliary structures around the main tower.


The switches to open the big metal gates are usually found at the top of the smaller towers with a spiral staircase/ramp leading up with a corpse masher elevator at the bottom. Some of those towers have switches that will extend retractable bridges as well.


Does anyone remember the mission where you find this town where everyone's invisible? Too cool. I was rummaging around in an Inn and was startled when I was busted snooping. Anyway I followed directions, found the old spellmaker's hideout and even found his journal.

The green arrow tells me he's right infront of me, but he won't engage with me.


If you have any Detect Life spells you can use those. It will produce a glow around invisible creatures allowing you to see where they are.


I don't remember if I had to start the conversation or if he did it when I reached the small side area with the desk, but you should be able to talk to him without requiring anything else once you've gotten the quest from the villagers.


What's up with Thoronir, anyone remember him?

He's the merchant in the Imperial city that deals in stolen goods or something. I'm suppose to shadow the guy and find out what he does.


You'll have to shadow him until he meets with his contact in the back garden and then get close enough to listen in on their conversation. The game will put you in mini-cutscene mode where you can't move while they talk. You must take care to remain unseen though, if they spot you they will not talk about their shady business. If you don't have good enough sneak skill you can boost your chances to remain undetected using invisibility or chameleon spells/items.



A few games of Baseball and some Forza Motorsports2 races, then I kicked my brother out of the house and went right back in to Cyrodiil and my beautiful black horse.


The evil Dark Brotherhood horse, or a normal black one? :)

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Why, a normal black one of course. :)


I am a Blade Knight, sworn to the quest of lighting the fires, returning a family to power and aiding those in need.


I haven't run into any of that Dark Brohterhood rabble lately, however I did receive an indecent proposition not too long ago.


I'm tryin' to bring some light to the rumors of a theives guild here in Cyrodiil.

There seems to be some conflicting opinions. I'll get to the bottom of it sooner or later.



Once again, thanks much.

I appreciate you showin' the ropes to an old noob like me. :)

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I admit I don't have the X360, but I did read the strat guide and I think I could also help, altough I do not like to give out spoliers, so don't worry about any problems.


I'm tryin' to bring some light to the rumors of a theives guild here in Cyrodiil.

There seems to be some conflicting opinions. I'll get to the bottom of it sooner or later.


Have you thought of joining the (rumored) Theives Guild, as part of an undercover sting operation to find out who the leader and "whack" him? It could pose to be a morally complex delimma to be sure, but you are a Blade Knight, and in Morrowind, it is revealed that the Blades are the so-called "secret police" of the Empire, so I think you can justify it for your character.


I have a bad, bad feeling that you may not actually find out if this Theives Guild exist (presumbly to destroy it), so if you want help, just contact me to assist you.

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I had Oblivion (a borrowed copy), but my computer is a bit slow for running that. While I had it on my system, I had it heavily modded lol. It was quite fun from what I saw of it... just wish I could play it without all the graphical lag. Maybe after I get my computer upgraded Ill go out and buy a copy of it...

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I had Oblivion (a borrowed copy), but my computer is a bit slow for running that. While I had it on my system, I had it heavily modded lol. It was quite fun from what I saw of it... just wish I could play it without all the graphical lag. Maybe after I get my computer upgraded Ill go out and buy a copy of it...


...and when you do, you will fall in love with it.


I love my 360, but this is one game in which I truly envy PC gamers.

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I had a horse. When I went into towns, he stayed near the stables.


I lost him. I've searched and searched, but to no avail. I've sinced moved on and I've saved quite a few times since. Is he still out there somewhere or gone forever?



A few of my attribute numbers have gone red and aren't increasing as I level.

Is there some kind of spell on me or something that I have to get removed?


There have been a few battles where my speed or my willpower was drained. Is that a permanent effect? Just wondering. There aren't any opportunities in conversations to ask anyone about it.



It's been a while since I've been able to play this game. Too busy lately.

But, I've re-immersed and I need to know how to achieve the Daedra artifacts co I can open the portal and follow the amulet.


Thanks again and may the blessings of Akotosh be with you all. :)

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