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Revan is the heart of the Force?


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Kreia says, "Revan was Power. It was LIKE staring into the heart of the Force. Even then, you would see the Jedi He/She would slay etched on His/Her soul."


Note that I put LIKE...


He/she's not the heart of the force per se... just very powerful in Kreia's eyes.

Kreia is using hyperbole. Exaggeration to make a point.

Although... it could also represent Revan's personality as well as strength too...

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As long as you don't trumpet "Revan could kill five thousand people all at once, is the Heart of the Force, pwned Malak without breaking a sweat, is the greatest tactician the galaxy ever saw, and is The Most Powerful Sith Lord Evah!!!11!1!1one!," nothing at all. :xp:

What if I did? Revan could do just that to millions, using his infinite fleet, bombarding their planets. And the term "heart of the force" is stupid, its just a metaphor. And when I was playing KOTOR Revan did pwn Malak without breaking a sweat. And he is also one of the greatest tacticians if not the greatest the galaxy ever saw, can you name a better one? And yeah, he is the most powerful sith lord ever, in georges' stupid canon he might not be, but I don't give a <insert usual word> about that :p

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What if I did? Revan could do just that to millions, using his infinite fleet, bombarding their planets. And the term "heart of the force" is stupid, its just a metaphor. And when I was playing KOTOR Revan did pwn Malak without breaking a sweat. And he is also one of the greatest tacticians if not the greatest the galaxy ever saw, can you name a better one? And yeah, he is the most powerful sith lord ever, in georges' stupid canon he might not be, but I don't give a <insert usual word> about that :p


You forgot that "he" is the most prominent cross-dresser at the time as well, seeing as how he's wearing a skirt with the Darth Revan armor. :p


Revan did pretty much strike me as a Mary Sue character (except for being de-throned so easily by Malak). She was described as a prodigy of anything she'd undertake: Great saber duelist, strong in the force, darksider-by-necessity, supreme strategist, charismatic leader, skilled technician/engineer, made the best coffee in the galaxy etc, etc... Oh, and she's you. Just becomes a bit much sometimes when a character is portrayed as a demigod without any apparent significant flaws. :)

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You forgot that "he" is the most prominent cross-dresser at the time as well, seeing as how he's wearing a skirt with the Darth Revan armor. :p


Revan did pretty much strike me as a Mary Sue character (except for being de-throned so easily by Malak). She was described as a prodigy of anything she'd undertake: Great saber duelist, strong in the force, darksider-by-necessity, supreme strategist, charismatic leader, skilled technician/engineer, made the best coffee in the galaxy etc, etc... Oh, and she's you. Just becomes a bit much sometimes when a character is portrayed as a demigod without any apparent significant flaws. :)

Flaws are subjective... and Revan wore a robe, not a skirt.

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Flaws are subjective... and Revan wore a robe, not a skirt.


So, what flaws did Revan have (other than not noticing he's being shot in the back with a turbolaser and perhaps underestimating Malak's ambition)? I can't think of many. :)


(Revan's armor certainly looks more like a cuirass with a skirt, cape and loincloth to me than a robe. The skirt part seems to be separate and attached to the cuirass with a set of metal rings. :))

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When guys wear those they are called Kilts! :xp:


Does that make Revan Scottish? o.O


See, that's a problem, since I'm Irish.


Anyone who says "Scotland Rules!" is gonna get it!


And if Revan was so strong in the Force, why didn't he see Malak's betrayal? Where was the precognition there? I mean, Bastila survived that attack with hardly a scratch as far as I can tell, and Revan essentially becomes brain-dead. Of course, Revan WAS standing near the window... or something, I don't know. But really, once you think about it, in K1 you never really heard of how powerful Revan was as a Sith, just that he was a great leader and very charismatic. I just think Kreia was the original Revan fangirl :p

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sykoRevan: To a degree I agree with you. I don't think he made such headway against the mandalorians, the republic, (and perhaps) the true sith by a force power precognition. I think a lot of it was simply that he was a pretty good student of human nature, not that he necessarily saw the future in any great detail. I do believe Revan was a great tactician, but with blind spots towards those close to him perhaps.


Stoffe: I'd argue that Revan may have been a bit obsessive about the vulnerabilities of the republic, even before he fell. I think that turning to the dark side might be when those fears got the upper hand in governing every aspect of his life, but I think he probably made all the right moves in regards to the "true sith" or "sith race" that still lies out there somewhere.


Where I think he failed was in not seeing his own liabilities or clearly seeing the motives of those who served closely with him. He saw his military liabilities, as well as those of the republic. He put everything into shoring them up.


A lot of people can't separate personal and important. I'd say that was a definite failing of Revan too. Still a big fan of Revan though.

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That probably wouldn't be very hard to do as the stronger Sith would be more partial to stopping potential enemies from getting stronger by hoarding their knowledge of the Force to themselves than sharing it freely. If the archives contained anything it was probably common knowledge for the most part, as the Sith would have everything to lose and nothing to gain by sharing what they knew with each other.

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Kreia says, "Revan was Power. It was LIKE staring into the heart of the Force. Even then, you would see the Jedi He/She would slay etched on His/Her soul."


Not the Heart of the force then, it just means he is rally really powerful.


Maybe we can call him "Spleen of the Force" ... or other important organs.


It's called a homosexual piece of cloth hanging from the waste, and the only reason he isn't getting mugged and beaten up is the manly chestplace and mask that partially make up for the dress thing.


Its more like a Kama, the things Samurais wear. And if you should decide to call it a dress you should better stay outside lightsaber range.

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Maybe we can call him "Spleen of the Force" ... or other important organs.


I'm more inclined to say 'bladder of the Force'... :lol:


Point is that Revan isn't the Force's little son/daughter... Revan isn't all-mighty powerful... and Revan has no connection to Force Prophecy... Revan is Revan... not THE HEART OF THE FORCE.

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