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What do you think about Surrealism?


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When I first looked at Surrealism pictures, I was curious about them. But now I think Surrealism's pretty cool. In case you don't know what surrealism is, Surrealism's a 20th-century avant-garde movement in art and literature that sought to release the creative potential of the unconscious mind, for example by the irrational juxtaposition of images. In other words, it's like a dreamscape art. What do you think about it?

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For some strange reason I like the surreal pictures of H.R. Giger (the guy who designed the alien in, well, Alien).


I have no idea what half his pictures are supposed to look like, but they still scare the heck out of me!


And obviously you can't say Surrealism without mentioning the works of Salvador Dali...


Madman or genius? This one's a classic: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:The_Persistence_of_Memory.jpg

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Holy Hell, I love surrealism. It's almost like drugs, without the badness. I think that it releases undeveloped emotions hidden inside your mind - emotions that are superior to primitive ones like fear, rage, love and so on. If used for horror, surrealism can be just plain awesome (like Oneiros in Clive Barker's Undying).


I think Surrealism needs to be exploited more like in movies and games. If there's one thing you can guarantee in surreal art, it's that people are strangely curious about and attracted to it.

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Holy Hell, I love surrealism. It's almost like drugs, without the badness. I think that it releases undeveloped emotions hidden inside your mind - emotions that are superior to primitive ones like fear, rage, love and so on. If used for horror, surrealism can be just plain awesome (like Oneiros in Clive Barker's Undying).


I think Surrealism needs to be exploited more like in movies and games. If there's one thing you can guarantee in surreal art, it's that people are strangely curious about and attracted to it.


Very well stated! As far as releasing emotions is concerned, that was very true of Dali. He was a self-described sexual deviant, but instead of going out and becoming a sexual predator, he painted his evil thoughts.


There are a lot of movies these days that use surrealism. It is so easy to do now with computer graphics. The Matrix was a great example of Surrealism on the big screen.

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I love surrealism, especially when used in a film sense. It gives viewers a different perspective at looking at something, and plus in the confines of Surrealism artists have creational freedom in their work as it doesn't always have to immediately make sense; all though in a film a lot of classic Surrealist directors such as Luis Buñuel Portolés, Salvador Dalí or Jan Švankmajer portray deeper hidden meanings through their use of imagery that makes an audience really think to understand.

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I'm fairly ignorant on the subject of Art as a whole, but I've always thought Surrealism was pretty darn cool, even though Dali and Ernst are the only surrealist artists I've heard of. I enjoy the whole theme of surrealism when its used in certain TV shows, like Twin Peaks :)

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You guys are totally right. Some movies that have Surrealism in it is real cool. Say like that new movie Across the Universe and the TV show Monty Python. And just to let everyone know: I'm a big fan of Dali's art myself. :D


This guy named George Grie... makes some bad art! And when I say bad... it's good. Here's one of them:




What's really sweet are 3-D surrealism. ;)

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