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Which type of mods do people like best for KOTOR TSL?

Darth Xander

What types of mods do people like best for KOTOR TSL?  

22 members have voted

  1. 1. What types of mods do people like best for KOTOR TSL?

    • Robes
    • Skins/Reskins (modules, items and characters)
    • Characters (Humans, Aliens, Droids and Creatures)
    • Armour
    • Weapons
    • Modules (areas)
    • Heads
    • Party members
    • Restored Content
    • Misc

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I just need to know so I can make popular mods.

  • So you are saying you crave modding fame?
  • You feel the need to make only mods that will be 'popular'?
  • This will significantly add to your self worth to only make 'popular' mods?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions then you are modding for all the wrong reasons.


Make mods you like and want... not to please "the masses". Believe me they will enjoy what you do make nonetheless. ;)


What do you mean by conquer?

Because tweaking modules is a struggle to do so and to produce anything playable is a victory for the person creating it... also the knowledge it takes... so I say conquer is an appropriate word for it. ;)

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I suppose the argument is that if you have a focused passion on doing a particular type of mod, you are probably more likely to create something better than you would compared to doing a 'commissioned' mod, because of going that extra mile. If a mod is good, people will download it. I certainly am not biased towards the type of mods I download, I just like well-done mods that can seemlessly intergrate into the game to offer a greater, more in-depth gaming experience. That be said, I don't really use any weapon/items mods, as I either have to start a game from the beginning, if they are intergrated early in the game or resort to cheating to gain them, something I think interupts the game development.

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RH is correct though, DX. You can make mods based on a sort of poll like you have, but they won't be popular if they don't turn out well. I'd say maybe you should look around throughout the various threads and see what kind of things people here say they'd like to see and figure out if you can actually do that. If so...get crackin. Just remember, though, if you set out to please everyone, you often please noone (even including yourself). As long as you can maintain whatever passion you have for modding, whether a "commissioned" project or one of your own design, it should show. As you know from your own experience, some are easier than others (with good modules probably being the hardest/most time consuming). Think of it like writing a novel. A lot of people like romances (and they can make big $$), but if you don't, it will probably show in your work. People tend to abandon projects they lose interest in, so look for the overlap between you and others and work from there. Good luck.

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Redhawke, I only want to make mods for people to download and enjoy but to do that I need to know what type of mods people like.

Fact: People like all kinds of mods. If you make it they will download it...


But feel free to ignore me, whatever floats your boat Xander... go for it. ;)


actually, by your philosophy he enjoys making mods for people and that is what he's doing,

Sounds like modding for the 'glory' of it to me. Never a good thing.


just let people decide there own reason for doing things :)

But here's the clincher, the 'reason' you are modding will indeed effect the outcome, if any, of your released mod.


We have a person (who will remain anon) who used to post around here, that modded for the fun, initially, but slowly he became engrossed in the 'glory'... that never ends well.

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I agree with what your saying :) It just seems a bit of a trivial subject to warrant these kind of posts, which have in turn killed the thread anyway


Edit: Trivial? Hardly... re-read the last lines of my above post. All that started out "trivial" too. -RH

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Rather than trying to tailor make mods that people want try finding mods you would enjoy making that you know others would enjoy playing. The person who actually owns the computer I use used to make images, he still does. He did things like character designs for Star Wars characters, including a Revan pic I put up ages ago and various Star Wars characters for Soul Calibur (at last count there was Revans, Exiles, Lonna Vash, Aayla, Mara...I'll get him to do Luke, Han, ect) as well as various images for games and animation. Now he was under no obligation to do this, sure he had requests but the reason he did it was not for glory but because he enjoyed it and was kind enough to share the fruits of his labors.

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DX, you'll be spending a lot of time making the mod, if you're going to do a good, comprehensive one. Make it something that _you_ like, because if you don't, you'll have less chance of completing or doing well on it.


It's the same way with writing--I write stories that I'd personally like to read, because it takes a lot of effort, and I spend a lot of time with that story. If I didn't write about something I like, it would never get done--I'd lose interest half way through and quit writing it.

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