Cmdr. Cracken Posted January 9, 2008 Share Posted January 9, 2008 They make a Weighted Companion Cube plushie. I want one for my car. So that way my Weighted Companion Cube can always be with me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
edlib Posted January 9, 2008 Share Posted January 9, 2008 I miss my Weighted Companion Cube. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rogue15 Posted January 9, 2008 Share Posted January 9, 2008 got my direct deposit set up!!! I can't believe i've been working at walmart since june 22 2005. i need out. maybe i should apply at circuit city or best buy see if i can get a few more $$ an hour and full-time. hmmm. that's if the military doesn't want me. looks like to pass bct i gotta run 2 miles in at least 17:36ish. that's definitely doable for me...least the temp is warming up a bit, need to get out there and push myself. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zargon Posted January 9, 2008 Share Posted January 9, 2008 dude if you can't get down to back to back 8 minute miles I think you will end up as a desk jockey in whatever service you get into, no offense, imho, but I could do that when I was 10 years old and 3 1/2 feet tall................ if you have health issues and bad joints already it may not be the route you want to take.........something less strenous like firefighter may be more up your alley, last thing you wanna do is put in 2.5-6 years and get medically discharged and left on your ass Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
edlib Posted January 10, 2008 Share Posted January 10, 2008 Man! Am I tired tonight! Gonna try to stay up a bit longer though... don't want to wake up in the middle of the night again. Slightly less productive day at work this time... didn't get a whole lot of anything done, now that I look back on it. Didn't help that the air was totally toxic thanks to the sand-blasting guys stripping away 30+ years of floor paint right down to bare concrete. Got out of the building ASAP and headed over to a different one for the day. Didn't do anything there either... but at least I wasn't coughing the whole time. Lunch was OK. Gonna eat now, and see if I can't stay up until 9 or 10 at least. I have my doubts... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
K_Kinnison Posted January 10, 2008 Share Posted January 10, 2008 Fuel pump is going on my car.. that means no Xbox 360 for a while Really tired of mooching off of people for rides when my car goes kaput.. and the dramatically appropriate time when I want to go home. Walked the 1.5 miles home from work, and even biked 2 miles to the Curling club from home at OMG in the morning to get my car. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cmdr. Cracken Posted January 10, 2008 Share Posted January 10, 2008 That sucks. Had the day off, did some random stuff, played some Halo, did some GH3 co-op with some friends. Not much goin'. Not tired, but not real interested in doing much right now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rogue15 Posted January 10, 2008 Share Posted January 10, 2008 Zargon said: dude if you can't get down to back to back 8 minute miles I think you will end up as a desk jockey in whatever service you get into, no offense, imho, but I could do that when I was 10 years old and 3 1/2 feet tall................ if you have health issues and bad joints already it may not be the route you want to take.........something less strenous like firefighter may be more up your alley, last thing you wanna do is put in 2.5-6 years and get medically discharged and left on your ass doable as in, i can at LEAST pass that even with bronchitis. (that's one reason why i failed the run part of pt was freakin upper respiratory snot coming out my throat and nose while 1/2 way through the run, slowed me down a bunch) i wanna go in as 25b, information technology specialist. working on computers and tech stuff. i want to be able to pass the pt stuff before i even go to basic, this way i can improve upon it while i'm there. i can pass the pushup part right now. edit: just watched hamburger hill on tv, first time watching that movie. pretty messy. then played call of duty 4 til i got tired. 2am. time for bed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
edlib Posted January 10, 2008 Share Posted January 10, 2008 Actually got a normal night's sleep. Just about 8 hours. w00t. Of course, that means I'm now up at 4-in-the-am... but whatever... At least I'm not rushing to get ready for work. Hopefully I can manage to stay up a bit after work tonight to do some stuff... I was in bed before 9 last night. It's kinda sucking that I have this whole month with nights and weekends off... and have yet to be able to really take advantage of that fact thanks to my ultra-crappy sleep schedule. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cmdr. Cracken Posted January 11, 2008 Share Posted January 11, 2008 Work was ok, didn't have alot to do. Again, slow season for retail until next fall. *sigh* Gotta work in the AM. Payday tomorrow though, thank god. Not much else. Probably need a vacation soon though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
edlib Posted January 11, 2008 Share Posted January 11, 2008 Survived work. Pretty dull. Highlight of the entire day was backing up my entire iTunes library onto a co-worker's drive... so if anything goes wrong with mine (again...) I won't have to rip my entire CD library again. Plus: he gets to bask in my superb taste in music. Been playing XBox pretty much since I got home... but haven't really been doing too well. Still pretty tired. Been sucking through a lot of levels of things I imagine I'm only going to have to go back and do again at some point. I might go back and try a round of Halo 2 before I call it a night, though. Maybe... I'd probably be much better off doing some reading and crashing as early as possible. But we'll see... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rogue15 Posted January 11, 2008 Share Posted January 11, 2008 been tired most of today. went and got my check, deposited to the bank. last time i'll have to do that since i got my direct deposit set up. went out to restaurant w/my mom for breakfast, then out bowling, bowled 3 games, i did terrible, my strategy didn't work. under 100 every game. o well. watched 8 episodes of 24 season 1 with my dad, then came home. now i'm tired as ever and bored and the apartment is a complete mess and i have no idea where my sister is so i wrote her a email via myspace... looks like tomorrow is going to be a ****ty day. rain+friday=shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. but still am going bowling tomorrow night. gotta go feed the cats, then i think i'm gonna put some AMC on and just crash on the futon. so much for playing video games. think i'll clean up the kitchen and the living room tomorrow morning. hopefully i'll wake up early enough. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
K_Kinnison Posted January 11, 2008 Share Posted January 11, 2008 My thursday league Curling team placed first in it's shift. (8 shifts) Which means we are going to the interclub mens league playdowns at the end of march. Last year and the year before, I was on the winning championship team. Out of over 100 teams that is not a small feat. Good thing my Skip is the defending Senior national champ. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
edlib Posted January 11, 2008 Share Posted January 11, 2008 Somebody was watching this in the office yesterday... (probably totally ancient in Net-years... but made me LOL!) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rogue15 Posted January 11, 2008 Share Posted January 11, 2008 got the kitchen cleaned up. took me only 45 minutes to do the dishes and clean up the trash. not bad. I checked some of my bills and found that i don't owe last month's insurance, i thought for sure i did but i must have paid it. This makes me happy. lol so i'm off to go pay the cable bill. tonight going bowling w/some of my coworkers. work starts at 12 and ends at 9 tonight. trying to stay in a good mood mood. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zargon Posted January 11, 2008 Share Posted January 11, 2008 Rogue15 said: doable as in, i can at LEAST pass that even with bronchitis. (that's one reason why i failed the run part of pt was freakin upper respiratory snot coming out my throat and nose while 1/2 way through the run, slowed me down a bunch) i wanna go in as 25b, information technology specialist. working on computers and tech stuff. i want to be able to pass the pt stuff before i even go to basic, this way i can improve upon it while i'm there. i can pass the pushup part right now. edit: just watched hamburger hill on tv, first time watching that movie. pretty messy. then played call of duty 4 til i got tired. 2am. time for bed. goootcha gotcha.. yeah lung crap makes it hard to run before I had some legal trouble(done in a month so I can get clearance again) I was 90% done with my paperwork......and my mom couldnt understand why I didnt want to do 25b stuff cuz thats what I do now. I just figure, if I have a job that lets me carry a gun, I might as well go for the one where I know I get to use it, 11 bang bang! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zargon Posted January 11, 2008 Share Posted January 11, 2008 K_Kinnison said: Fuel pump is going on my car.. that means no Xbox 360 for a while Really tired of mooching off of people for rides when my car goes kaput.. and the dramatically appropriate time when I want to go home. Walked the 1.5 miles home from work, and even biked 2 miles to the Curling club from home at OMG in the morning to get my car. you order it yet K? Going retail from teh dealer or what? rockauto is dirt cheap! or ebay you alot of dough Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rogue15 Posted January 11, 2008 Share Posted January 11, 2008 Zargon said: goootcha gotcha.. yeah lung crap makes it hard to run before I had some legal trouble(done in a month so I can get clearance again) I was 90% done with my paperwork......and my mom couldnt understand why I didnt want to do 25b stuff cuz thats what I do now. I just figure, if I have a job that lets me carry a gun, I might as well go for the one where I know I get to use it, 11 bang bang! nice, i was considering 11b or 31b (military police), but figured that 25b is where i would fit in the best and i'd get all the certificates and stuff, that way at the end of my enlistment if i didn't want to reenlist, i'd have something other than walmart or pizza hut to fall back on. you're going in the marines, right or are you going army? my main thing with enlisting is, i'm considered 'prior service' with a reenlist code of 3 (uncharacterized), meaning i will need a waiver to get in. this is why i kinda need to be able to pass the PT stuff before going, better chance to get the waiver. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zargon Posted January 11, 2008 Share Posted January 11, 2008 I was going to go Army. Now....probably not. They had issues with getting me a medical waivor since I had surgery on my femur, and I dont want to do something 'normal' if I go. Plus.....the fiance is not keen on the idea of me going to basic, coming back to get married and going off to training again. She really would be upset if I went infantry as well. I have a very possible promotion coming in the next few weeks(so I was told) as well and taking a pay cut and leaving the new wife at home to play army sounds like a bad idea now. I think my recruiter is going to be annoyed... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
edlib Posted January 12, 2008 Share Posted January 12, 2008 Probably right about that. Oh well; he'll have to get over it... it's still a volunteer army, after all. Work was slow, but steady. Worked on cleaning up wire runs in the back of the monitor amp racks. Took a long, late lunch. (Very good, by the way...) Ahh... another week of worky goodness and fun behind us. Need to tackle de-fleaing the house tomorrow, if I do nothing else. Plus, I want to do some long, LONG overdue computer maintenance and rebuilds the next couple of days... so I might actually be offline most of the weekend. I have family who wants one of my spare PCs for the kids to use as a homework/ web surfing machine. So I need to clean that up; re-OS it; and get it ready for travel. Plus my main PC needs an OS refresh itself. Now that I have the XBox, I may not reinstall any games on this one... which means I can go back to the good soundcard I had that conflicted with my vid card durning 3D graphics-intensive games. Make it a multimedia machine more than a gaming box (which it's really too old to do well, anyway.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cmdr. Cracken Posted January 12, 2008 Share Posted January 12, 2008 Fact: Call of Duty 4 is awesome. Fact: On Bog, if I have a Sniper Rifle, I am unstoppable. Fact: With out a mouse and Keyboard, I still suck at FPS on a console. Fact: I need to finish the challenges... >.< Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
K_Kinnison Posted January 12, 2008 Share Posted January 12, 2008 Zargon said: you order it yet K? Going retail from teh dealer or what? rockauto is dirt cheap! or ebay you alot of dough Oh god no, I know better then to go through a dealership. I have a friend that owns an autoshop that has been around for over 30 years, he is working on it personally, and said he was going to find a deal on the parts since the labor is going to be the worst part Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
edlib Posted January 12, 2008 Share Posted January 12, 2008 Cmdr. Cracken said: Fact: With out a mouse and Keyboard, I still suck at FPS on a console. Word. But I think I'm slowly getting better... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rogue15 Posted January 12, 2008 Share Posted January 12, 2008 Cmdr. Cracken said: Fact: Call of Duty 4 is awesome. Fact: On Bog, if I have a Sniper Rifle, I am unstoppable. Fact: With out a mouse and Keyboard, I still suck at FPS on a console. Fact: I need to finish the challenges... >.< I TOLD YOU!! I mainly play team deathmatch hardcore. I was kicking ass in a game on overgrown with the m249, x3 frag grenades, sonic boom, and martyrdom. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ikhnaton Posted January 12, 2008 Author Share Posted January 12, 2008 Niner, could you make sure that Wildstar has mod privileges for all the XWA forums? I thought I had done that before, but my memory is crap. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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