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[WIP] [K1] World War 2 Custom Area Mod and Recruiting


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:lol: Cloning => About the reference stuff.


Getting referance ... referencnencene , ugh ...


How the get the 'stuff' is pretty simple , hold down shift and move an object to a side , gives the cloning window .


Or go to Edit=>Clone.


In this window you can pick what the 'clone' will be , a copy ( new object)

a refer or an instant ( these 2 keep up a sort of link to the 'parent' their cloned of. )


A screeny as asked :





I think for a quick forest , you best make like 3 to 4 kinds of tree's.

Then group them and copy/clone this group using referance.


Like that you'll have a big bush , without draining your system or Kotors engine :p


Just don't make it a nationale park size ;)

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Here's the final product!



I'll upload it soon.


Thanks for the screen Q. I'll experiment on this some more later! Also, the Aurora D lights are still not working! I even found one in a Kolto tank Placeable, and used all the same things as it, except for the radius. It's probably just Gmax. And, I'm not getting 3ds max (:

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Here's the final product!



I'll upload it soon.


Thanks for the screen Q. I'll experiment on this some more later! Also, the Aurora D lights are still not working! I even found one in a Kolto tank Placeable, and used all the same things as it, except for the radius. It's probably just Gmax. And, I'm not getting 3ds max (:


You could always get Max's free trial?

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Thanks for the screen Q. I'll experiment on this some more later! Also, the Aurora D lights are still not working! I even found one in a Kolto tank Placeable, and used all the same things as it, except for the radius. It's probably just Gmax. And, I'm not getting 3ds max (:


Great gun SS!


What you could do for lights is type them in manually in the Your_Area.mdl , you get when its just is exported.


Its in ASCII format so you can open it with notepad.


Paste in this part


node light AuroraDLight01
 parent m77ab_01a
 position 0.0 0.0 0.0
 orientation 0.0 0.0 1.0 -3.14159
 wirecolor 0.337255 0.337255 0.337255 
 radius 10.0
 multiplier 1.0
 color 0.854902 0.611765 0.34902 
 ambientonly 0
 nDynamicType 1
 affectDynamic 0
 shadow 0
 lightpriority 5
 fadingLight 1


Edit: Change the parent name to the name of your AuroraBase


You'll have to put in a position yourself. In this example you'll get a light at the centre.


The ASCII works in Meters and so does the game.


NWmax works in Centimeters , so becarefull when you take positions out of G-max.You'll have to shift the " ," or " ." 2 places up.


When your done , compile it with Kaurora.


I'm not sure which version your're using. It could be that Kaurora 2.0 does not support lights.


Best you contact Magnusll about that.

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I thought this armor reskin might be of any use to you.It is not in good shape but I can change it if you think this armor reskin can be used.


And can any one tell me how to show a pic rather than giving its link


I like the camo! It looks good. If you could add more detail, like pockets, and some minor things like a collar, it would be really awesome. As for new heads, probably not going to happen.


As for putting just the image on there, use IMG code. There is a great tute on it under FAQ's.


Hey guys. I did a retexture of a head, but how do I make the model to accept it? I imported it into Gmax, but the game won't accept my head. I just run around like the headless horseman... And yes, I did edit the appearance.2da and the heads.2da.

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Hmmm... still screwed up.


You don't need to edit the head with G-Max, that's just to have a quick preview of how it might look in the game.


What you must do is HEX-Edit the .mdl file.


You need to write down the orginal texture name.

Then with a Hex Editor search for the orginale texture name and replace that with your texture name.


Be warned you need the same amount of letters/ numbers.


So for example : the orginale texture was called PMHC01 ( 6 letters/numbers)

you need to replace with it SSPH01 ( again 6 , SS for your name ;) )


Ofcourse you'll still need to edit the heads 2DA file.


It can be a bit buggy to get it all to work.


But that's the ruff guide.


I think there's a link to a Hex Editor in Generale Tutorial section ( Tools List).


Hope it helps. :p

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Thanks Q! I'd like to take a lot of credit, but you taught me everything I know pretty much. Unfortunately, I don't have an animated texture on the waterfall yet... And, I can't wait to be able to use emitters! Got the lights working now. Around the whole perimeter, I'm probably going to put dantooinish cliffs, or something to make it look better.

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Thread pruning done here.


It is off-topic to post posts asking why this mod is being made, or posting concerns about what quests will be in this mod and that it might offend you. Please use the PM system for these kinds of concerns instead.


Edit: It is also off-topic to make "sorry" posts, or to respond to them. Thanks folks. ;)

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