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And now for a look at Today's World.

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"Today the Nation of Islam declared an extension in Ramadan to help curve potential obesity issues common among the Muslim community, and society at large. When asked to comment, a local leader of the Muslim Community, Abdul-Shari Al-Amadanejad, stated ‘We believe exercising religious celebration with the idea of cleansing the body and spirt, is a perfect regimen for diet and overall better appearance of our faith.’ Leaders of the global Christian community declined to comment if they had similar ideas in mind. When asked about this new declaration, Pope Benedict replied, ‘I have never shied away from a pork chop.’ "

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Also, isn't part of the tradition of Ramadan to eat grease covered meatballs at the night that the stomach acid eats through slowly in so that it breaks down during the day? I wouldn't think that would help with obesity.... unless people didn't gorge on the meatballs when they finally got to eat every night.

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Yeah, my Muslim friends say that they actually tend to gain weight during Ramadan as they'll stuff themselves silly when they break fast:/ Not to mention that traditionally, their food tends to be rather oily and they love their sirap bandung in Malaysia (drink made of rose syrup and lots of condensed milk). Add that to the countless open houses (wonder whether you Americanos use that turn of phrase :p) and Ramadan buffets, and you'll realise that it's actually not a good idea.

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Yes, so they'll extend Ramadan, but people will still do serious partying when the sun goes down. Kind of defeats the purpose. :D


As LFNs resident Islamic soul, time to see how much people are truthin' or just making stuff up :(


Ok Jae, as one so intimate with Islamic *practises*....the purpose of Ramadan being?? Different Islamic peoples interpret and practise Ramadan differently. Just like during Christmas, some people go to mass, others get wasted on booze. Some get presents, others dont.... etc. I can tell you for a fact that there are many that dont party when the sun goes down.


@Sith > please post a link to that news source.


Abdul-Shari Al-Amadanejad >> no google hits


There is of course Mahmoud Ahmadi-Nejad, the Iranian President, but he has never proposed such a thing.


It would be sacrilegious to, actually.


I hope firstly that people reading this thread realise the Nation Of Islam(NOI) is an Islamic Organisation representing chiefly the Islamic African American population of America, of which Elijiah Mohammed was the founder, and includes ministers such Louis Farrakhan and the late Malcolm X.


FinallCall.com, the NOIs news site doesnt seem to have a mention of this.


And why Pope Benedict would be commenting on the habits of a local NOI leader of an African American Islamic Organisation is beyond me.(if he actually exists)


Another fact: Many African American Muslims eat Pork. With their variant of Islam not developing out of the Persian deserts, where Pork is difficult to cure and keep from going bad - it wasn't as much a necessity to make it a guideline to 'leave healthily by'(never a black and white rule at all) :p I'm not as fussed with this guideliine myself, but don't eat much meat nowdays anyway :p


Quite frankly, the substance of this news article is insulting, and I say that not just from a perspective of religious indignation.....but moreso from the fact that people were generally happy to accept its veracity, and use it as an opportunity to weigh in with their own 'muslim anecdote'


I thank Bee Hoon for at least questioning the news source, that's definitely my first question. The rest of you who trampled in with your suppositions about meatballs and buffets have made wondrous example of how poorly informed people are about the diversity of Islamic practises.


Not a huge surprise though ;) AHTO isnt the most erudite of places. lolz



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Alright, before this turns bad. It seems I must announce that this was a joke, in the vein of George Carlin's ridiculously funny fake news stories. I figured if he could do an "In The World Today", I could do "Today's World".


I apologize.

I for one lol'd at the OP.



Also his new special is amazing and I'm watching it for like the dozenth time right now.

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Alright, before this turns bad. It seems I must announce that this was a joke, in the vein of George Carlin's ridiculously funny fake news stories. I figured if he could do an "In The World Today", I could do "Today's World".


I apologize.


lolz...dangit sithy, you shouldve added [/carlin] tags :p


The name was a giveaway, its like 4 different dudes c'n'pasted together :p


Still, it wasnt as bad as that ridiculous 'al-gebra' math terrorist thread :(



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Pope Benedict was in the "Hitler-Jugend".


That is all...


Islam suffers the same fate as most religions, exploited for people's own benefits only. At least their Ramadan still holds more meaning to most Islamic people I have met compared to what Easter is for the Christians here...

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