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LA cutting funds for SWG


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According to a good friend of mine.


His friend works for SOE and he claims that if SOE doesn't go back to pre-cu, LA is pulling the plug.


They are making the final announcement this Friday.


Hopefully my friend is right and we will see what happens...

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I'm going to file this under "Yeah Right!" as I just don't see it happening. Don't get me wrong, I would like nothing more than to see the old game back. I do however find it hard to fathom what they would do with all the people that would now face the same kind of drastic change to the game that pre-NGE players faced. Not to mention the number of things that have been added to the game with the NGE design in place.


If it's true, I expect the game to be virtually unplayable for about 2 years.

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If anything it might be LA's attempt at forcing SWG to shut down. I've seen this rumor pop up every 2 months for the past few years. It's funny that they have been getting farther apart recently. Now that the game is semi-enjoyable it seems these false rumors tend to be farther apart(and yes if this rumor is false, I would smack your friend up-side his cranium for giving you false hope).

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I wouldn't worry Tyrone, These rumors have been flying around since the NGE hit. Someone always knows someone that works at SOE/LA that's claiming SWG will be shut down or there will be pre-CU, or classic servers, or player flyable death stars blah blah blah. Every one of them turned out to be lies. If I were putting money on a bet for this, My money would be on this being a false rumor. I honestly have no idea how people keep falling for these rumors. Unless SOE/LA states it officially, It didn't happen.


And even then, I'd wait til I either saw it on TC, or they flat out shut it down before I would believe it.

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No problem tyrone, I think more than anything the ones who keep coming up with these rumors do it just to watch the pre-cu fans pee themselves with excitement. Then laugh at them when LA/SOE finally come out and say(yet again) that there will be no classic servers and no roll back.


I don't think they even have the manpower in place to be able to roll it back. There is hardly anyone left at SOE that has worked on the original SWG. Not to mention that it would be a "Massive sweeping gameplay change" that the current dev team has promised would not happen(again).


A little history lesson for you Tyrone:

A not so long time ago in a game pretty nearby, the heads at SOE decided to change the way the game worked. It went from Jedi being a powerful class that had to be unlocked, to a starter profession that is far less powerful. 32 professions were locked down to 9 "Star Warsy and Iconic" professions. We went from hundreds of skill points to a linear progression. And combat went from mostly turn based to neo-fps.


SOE has admitted that it was their idea. They have also promised never to do that kind of thing again. Doing a roll-back right now, would be the same thing. It has been 2 years since the NGE hit. I think at this point it's either adapt or move on.

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My money would be on this being a false rumor. I honestly have no idea how people keep falling for these rumors. Unless SOE/LA states it officially, It didn't happen.


SOE/LA is suppose to state their final decision on Friday. The servers wouldn't be taken down then, in order for SOE to give players time to quit.

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I know it's not gonna happen, but after i just read the sony board and reading that they are STILL tweaking the expertise....i wish they'd just go back to pre-cu because it'll be just as messed up with the professions getting the balance the last end up being the strongest. i guess it shouldn't be too bad if i'm not concerned about pvp though.

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Soooo are you gonna smack him with a halibut, or just a carp.


Yeah these INTARWEB rumors are always popping up. Might as well have a page on Snopes dedicated to the SWG rumors. I put it in the same credibility as "Microsoft will pay muneez for forwardin dis eemail."

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I think this came a few days too early.



Besides, wasn't it LA who essentially gave birth to the NGE to begin with?

A common misconception, but no. The NGE was the the idea of a few SOE employees. The developers were trying it out, hoping to revitalize the already dwindling subscription rate. Someone higher up got a glance at it and they played it, and they thought it was fun. LucasArts told SOE that they had to do something to correct the problem with SWG losing subs. SOE decided to push the NGE. It was a bad move. When it hit Test Center, everyone begged them NOT to push it live... They did. And we have what is known in the MMO circles as the WORST DECISION EVER MADE!!!!


Or to make it more modern I proclaim the NGE


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