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Potential WIP: "Super Content Mod"


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Ok, I want to put some feelers out there as to whether or not I should do this mod. Here's what I'm thinking:


I currently have several mods out that I want to update, but can't because they're in their final form already. What I want to do is combine all my notable mods for KotOR II, add some stuff and update whatever needs to be updated or overhauled, and then release it as a "super content mod" for KotOR II. I'd probably add some new stuff in too, just for appeal's sake.


Would this just be beating a dead horse? If you guys ARE interested, do you have any ideas as to what I should add? I'll probably include all my robe mods (updated, of course) along with parts from my metastasis mod (the ones that work, anyway :rolleyes: ), and I would work on TSLRP compatibility too since I'm beta testing for that. I might even include some modded elements of that mod with it, so that when the TSLRP comes out it'd make changes (but I'd have to get permission to do that, so we'll see).


Anyway, yeah. Thoughts? Ideas for new content?

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Well, since you asked, some more bearded male PC skins would be kinda cool.

Ooo, also a "jedi armor" for Bao-Dur based on the Khoonda armor model.

That's all I can think of for now.


PS: Your K1 stuff inspired me to fire that up again recently. Everything looks great!

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Sounds like an awesome idea, 90 (Thanks for that thing >_>)

So if your combining all your K2 mods into one mod, then shouldn't you do the same for K1?

As for new content, I would add like a choice to make a set of new lightsaber colors, like how you replaced silver with black in that new mod of yours. (Bleach >_>).

Like, if you choose Silver for your first saber, you can choose either silver or black. And it would do the same for when you change the color of your saber at a bench.

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Thanks for the suggestions everyone, I think I definitely will go ahead with making the mod, though I have no idea when it'll come out. I kinda need to anyway: there are some critical errors with my metastasis mod that I need to rectify, and the tunics mod never quite came out the way I wanted it to. There's a problem with my ultimate robe mod too...arrgh! I feel like I need to make this mod so I can redeem myself since I'm such a terrible bug tester when it comes to making mods :xp:


Btw, did you ever consider doing head or party member reskins?


Yes, I actually did one for Bao-Dur that I included in my metastasis mod. Just a minor edit to contrast and saturation of his head, along with a new eyecolor (seafoam :3heart: ). I actually have a mod in the docks that I've been DYING to release that removes Bao-Dur's fake arm (so he has a real one instead). He can't wear robes or Jal Shey armors or armored flight suits still, since that's hard-coded, but with some 2da editing he can wear heavy armor and J-type armor, which is great. Unfortunately, the mod requires a new head model that I happen to have, but didn't make. I don't know who made it actually. Shem has it to: I'll have to ask him. I think Svosh did it, but I'm not sure. And since Svosh is MIA...blah. I need to do a request and ask a modeler if they can make a new head for me so I can go ahead and release that mod, because it's top-notch. I have a new clothing model for him and everything, it looks great.


That's an aside though. So, anyway, I'll include the robes and the Jal Shey. I think I'll also include that K1 robe model (the modded one that I did for K1... the unused one). I'll replace the dancer's outfit model with that. Yeah... Not sure how I'll work it in to the random loot system. More scripting I guess *sigh*



If you guys have any ideas for like skins I could make out of the current models, or new like encounters I could script in, that'd be great. I don't know how many of you played the first version of my armor fix plus / metastasis mod, but for those of you who did, think along the lines of the encounter with the bounty hunters in the Onderon starport, or the new merchants or the hunter on Telos. That kind of thing: simple, but neat little additions to the playability of the game. Nothing to extravagant please! ;) I can only do so much.

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I always like your reskins, 90SK, quality stuff, though I must be honest I don't download much of it.


Absolutely no offense taken. :) I'm generally the same way about most mods, I really appreciate the work of other modders but I tend to end up only using my own mods. I guess that sounds kinda narcissistic... it's just that only I know what I want mods for the game, so I'm the best at fulfilling those wants. Does that make sense?

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Hey, 90SK.


Just thought i should mention an idea i just had that in my opinion would make this mod quite a bit better.


Have you thought about using the 'Lost Cantina' on Nar Shadaa as a hidden market place?


It is an unused location that as far as i know isn't used by any mod i know of.


As you may or may not know Darth Xander has released a mod that lets you access this Cantina, however, there is nothing inside.


What do you think?

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Haha. I HAVE thought of using it! I was going to make it into a cantina, but I decided not to because my scripting ability wasn't good enough. I dunno... I'm not sure what'd I use it for, because my merchants are already placed on Nar Shaddaa, and I don't want to add another one (too many merchants is no good). But I dunno... I'll play with the idea. Thanks for the suggestion!

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Haha. I HAVE thought of using it! I was going to make it into a cantina, but I decided not to because my scripting ability wasn't good enough. I dunno... I'm not sure what'd I use it for, because my merchants are already placed on Nar Shaddaa, and I don't want to add another one (too many merchants is no good). But I dunno... I'll play with the idea. Thanks for the suggestion!

What if you make it like a seperate module, like how the Courscant Temple mod uses the very first part of the Nar Shaada docks? You'd just have to do some more scripting (Hears 90 sighing)

And instead of having it be like the actual cantina, have it be like a market, a group of merchants selling several stuff, and a hidden merchant who will only let you buy if you are a Jedi/Sith. Even more scripting!

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Blarrgh!! I think that's a little beyond me. I'm only a lowly artist. :p Skinning is really where my skills are at, I have very limited ability with scripts. While I love your idea, and love the fact that you're contributing to the thread, I think I probably won't end up doing that.


We'll see, though. I mean, I don't know what I'm gonna do really, maybe by the time I release the mod I'll have felt comfortable doing that amount of work. We'll see. Thanks for the thoughts though guys!

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Blarrgh!! I think that's a little beyond me. I'm only a lowly artist. :p Skinning is really where my skills are at, I have very limited ability with scripts. While I love your idea, and love the fact that you're contributing to the thread, I think I probably won't end up doing that.


We'll see, though. I mean, I don't know what I'm gonna do really, maybe by the time I release the mod I'll have felt comfortable doing that amount of work. We'll see. Thanks for the thoughts though guys!

What if we have a little mini-team to do the stuff people think of, but you can do? Like a Scriptor Team, ect.

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I don't think the Nar Shaddaa Module addition is a good idea, nor is the cantina. 90SK already said he has merchants all over Nar Shaddaa, so none are needed in another module. Secondly, the way I see it now, this Nar Shaddaa cantina or module would be added just for the sake of adding one. If 90SK doesn't have a good reason to add one, he shouldn't. It'll take more time otherwise, and contribute little to the final mod, IMO. But it's your choice, of course, 90SK. ;)

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No, I'd agree with that. Though it isn't a bad idea BIOShazard and I thank you for it, I think I'll pass on doing any module editing, or expanding the mod to a team based effort at all, for that matter.


By the way, just a minor update on what I'm doing: I just streamlined the metastasis mod content, deleted all the bad stuff, and put it in a folder. I need to combine it with my various robe mods and revisit how I implement them into the game... I think less replacement of old items would be good, and more spawning new placeables with unique items inside. Dantooine sublevel is prime for that, but I'm hesitant to edit the OnEnter script only because I'm half-sure the TSLRP already does it. I'll have to check...


Are there any, like, appearances that you guys like from the game? Armors or whatever that you can't normally wear that you might want to see put in? And what is your least favorite armor type?

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Few stuff that I'd like to see wearable:

Queen Talia's robes

Handmaiden's robes


If you're talking about Handmaidens robe's that her mother gave her then that is possible.

If you're talking about the ones she wears all the time (her default robe) I have already checked into this for someone else and it would require remodeling her face unless you want to play as handmaiden. I even tried hexediting the mdl to point to a different face texture and the texture showed up but it was messed up. Like Handmaidens eyebrows would go and up and down but since the texture didn't match you would get the skin around the eyes of themodel going up and down. I would say it can't be done without extensive remodeling of the face :)


I don't know about Talia's robe but since her head texture comes with the top of her veil then I would say the same about her having to be remodeled.


Course if its the handmaiden with the hood down then that is a different story I think :)


And 90sk anything you come up with I am downloading since everything you have done thus far has been excellent :)



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I've found Atton's Armor to be very cool, and I would like it if my PC could wear it.

Same with Mira.

Attons would be Male only

Mira would be female only.


Edit: Sorry for the Double Post, but since the topic is dieing, and if I edited my post, I'm afraid no one would know. Sorry again.


90, using the TSL Warp & Cheat Band I found a perfect place for a new merchant on Telos for Dark/Light Jedi (depending on alignment). When you first enter the Entertainment Module from the Residential Module, you see 2 un-openable door that were probably cut from the game (You would know...). The first one is directly in front of you when you enter the module, and the Slums of Telos mod uses that door. If you go to that door, then go up, you'll see a door called "Sealed Module Door". There is nothing inside (Duh) and you can't enter it. I think it would be possible to open the door, unblock the invisible barrier, and place a merchant in there. There are only 2 Merchants, but if you rat out Samhan Dobo in the Black Market quest, theres only 1. So my idea is this:


After you rat on Sam, Dendis will thank you, and he will give you the key to that door. The same can be done if you don't rat on Sam, and after you complete the quest, Samhan will thank you for his business endeavors and give you the key. Depending on who gives you the key will determine what kind of items will be placed in the shop.


Do you think that this is possible? :confused:

(Sorry once more for double posting!)


I have combined your posts. Sorry you may not do that here, only the OP may post an update and do something like this here, once again only the OP can even then we hope they do it sparingly, and only for updates.


Also, for future refrence, instead of posting apologies for doing something and then doing it anyway please "err on the side of caution" and edit your previous post instead. If you feel you have done something you need to apologise for odds are you shouldn't do it anyway. Thanks.-RH

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I think the area behind that door doesn't have walkmesh. I dunno though. I know where you're talking about though.


I'm not sure how I feel about the idea. It's good in the sense that it gives us more goodies, but I'm not sure how it adds to the story in a manner that flows. But we'll see.


I have a vacation from school next week so I'll have time to work on this mod. Any other ideas that you guys have, please post. Ideas for appearances, armors, color schemes, that sort of thing would be great. Just keep in mind that I'm very limited when it comes to scripting, so ideas for SIMPLE new encounters would be good. Thanks!

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I'd say go for it.


I kind of did the same with the jedi robe model mod. That mod has been gobbled up, to my surprise. So no doubt (which is obvious from this thread) that there would be a demand for it.


But really, if you want to do it, that's all the reason you need!

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Mmmm. I definitely do want to do it... that settles that then, I suppose. :) I'm lucky in that people seem to like my mods, so I hope this one won't be an exception.


Now, to progress updates:


I've finally decided on what's what with the models I'm replacing.


J Type Armor -> Sith Assassin style tunics


L Type Armor (dancer's outfit) -> Unused K1 style tunics


I'm also including my Jedi Master robes and my Jedi robes, plus the Jal Shey armors I made. Overall, there's gonna be a LOT of robes available in the game once I'm done. I plan on scripting in several new placeables in the Dantooine enclave sublevel and placing robes in those. I'll do the same for the Korriban academy.


For the unused K1 style tunics, instead of including all 12 from the mod of mine they're originally found in, I'm including the following ones... three of which are more or less new, and three of which are from the base game. If you guys have favorites from that pack that you want me to include, speak up!



^ Based on Bastila's robe. Since I'm using Bastila's robe as the female version of these robes, I figured I'd have one that was actually looked like her robe, more or less. This is the male version of that skin.



^ This is the final version of my originally black and gold robe that was supposed to look like it was based on Jedi Malak's garb. I actually took his texture and used it as source material for this skin, and I think it came out pretty good.



I'll post more as I get to it. Remember, I'm open to suggestions for what to include, both from my previous mods and for new content.

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