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Depression hits...


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Well, it's been almost 3 years since the final episode of Star Wars released, and while I cannot wait for the Clone Wars to come out (omg, i'm pumped), but I still feel pretty sad that it's all over. Like, no more movies from the saga are coming out...I feel crazy that I'm still sad over it, but am I? Oh well, I guess all I can do is watch all six over and over again (and no, I'm not reluctant, I love it)...

I mean, I'm happy it all came to full circle, but it's always great to be excited about a new Star Wars movie (and now I'm pumped for Indy jones 4)...

Does anyone else still feel slightly sad that the saga is truly complete?



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There's a lot of Star Wars related stuff coming soon so I'd hardly use the word sad. To be honest I get hung up on the flaws of the films and wish Lucas wouldd fix them, but I like that the story was wrapped up. Closure is good.

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I'm hoping that GL release all six movies on blu ray, with all fixed, no more flaws, and with a lot of extras. Meanwhile, there's The Force Unleashed (unfortunately not on PC), and, the greatest of all, The Clone Wars. So, I'm not sad for now...

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yes, i agree with the majority of people: im not exactly sad that the series is over, after all: it was 3 years ago...so now i am looking forward to upcoming star wars games and stuff....by the way, what is this talk of clone wars....i must be behind on the star wars insiderz newz



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I like the way Star Wars is going...


Although, as a 10 year old, it all started with TPM for me...then watching the original trilogies, going to the premiere of the next movies...and the excitement of Episode 3...I will miss that, talking and speculating with my schoolfriend about the next episode.


But, imo, a new series of movies wouldn't fit. The EU is crammed full. The way to solve this are books and games. And, of course, television series. I have high expectations of the Real action tv series. If they make it like Smallville, with minor roles for other famous figures, I'm hooked :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm with urluckyday on this one - I am sad that there are not more true SW movies to look forward to. I am also pumped about Clone Wars, but not in the same way I was about the prequels when they were due to be released.


I do have some EU exploration to do, so I'm looking forward to that.

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