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Force Unleashed Platforms.

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why? I read a lot of people on this forum already say they want TFU for PC only


which is a grand total of a few hundred people. even the online petition for a PC version of TFU has only 25,000 signatures, and you can bet not all of them will buy it.

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yeah, but i'm sure some of them never had any intention of paying for it...a PC version of anything is easy to obtain illegitimately.


Consoles can be modded to allow illegitimate use as well, with PC's it's just easier. Console users are just too lazy to get it modded.


And I completely agree with M@RS. Why not just please the masses of fans they're ticking off? There is a thread on the Lucas Arts forums that is around 140 pages long about 20-30 posts per page and has been growing about a page every other day since the first news of no PC version. Of course, there are a few console thumpers on there making lame comments like "stop crying" or "boo hoo no PC version". Like Mars said, why the hell should we buy an expensive console for ONE game, especially since most PC gamers (regardless of what people may think) already have a powerful enough PC to run most games? Put it this way, if the person in question is a serious gamer, their PC should already be good, at the very least mid-range, which would run most games decently including TFU.



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why would you buy the console for one game? is it somehow inconceivable that there are other games to get for each console (albeit a little slim on the PS3).


A lot of people can't seem to wrap their head around that. Perhaps some of us have NO interest in consoles because we prefer to use our PCs instead because we're perfectly content with the games we have/play on it, among many other things that we do on it besides gaming.

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The "masses of fans they're ticking off" are a drop in the bucket compared to the masses of fans that (a) already have a console or (b) will buy one and buy the game.


PS - I am buying a console (360) solely for this game, and I have no problem with that. I am also buying the Wii version of the game (I already own a Wii) for the duel mode and additional levels.

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Put it this way, if the person in question is a serious gamer, their PC should already be good, at the very least mid-range, which would run most games decently including TFU.

This is exactly why they don't make a PC version. Do they want to cater to "serious gamers", or the masses? The masses of people buying TFU (and almost all video games) are not "serious gamers". They are just normal people who like to play video games from time to time. It's just not a smart business decision for them do to so.


Don't get me wrong; I want a PC version too, but I can understand why there are no plans to develop one and I am perfectly content with a console version instead.

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This is exactly why they don't make a PC version. Do they want to cater to "serious gamers", or the masses? The masses of people buying TFU (and almost all video games) are not "serious gamers". They are just normal people who like to play video games from time to time. It's just not a smart business decision for them do to so.


Don't get me wrong; I want a PC version too, but I can understand why there are no plans to develop one and I am perfectly content with a console version instead.


Don't misunderstand what I was actually referring to. I didn't mean "serious gamers" specifically, I'm just going on the lame excuse Cameron Suey provided. He stated that you would need a $4,000 PC to run TFU, which is complete non-sense from a technical standpoint because I guarantee I could build a PC capable of running TFU just fine for less than $1000 (upgrading a currently owned PC is a different story, it would cost less than $400-600 and most people nowadays already own a PC).


It is very likely the masses own at the very least, a mainstream PC. Even the crap name brand desktops you see at Best Buy and other similar retail stores sell PCs that are fast and capable of running TFU under or around the $1000 price point.


Serious Gamer or not - PCs these days are like Cellphones, everybody has one.

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most people don't have the slightest clue how to build a computer and then get all the components to mesh together. just so you know...


and the "crap brands" (more like average user brands, lol) that cost less than $1000 dollars (even excluding the monitor from the price) couldn't run TFU.

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most people don't have the slightest clue how to build a computer and then get all the components to mesh together. just so you know...


and the "crap brands" (more like average user brands, lol) that cost less than $1000 dollars (even excluding the monitor from the price) couldn't run TFU.


That may be so, but even someone that is computer illiterate knows of the many places that sell AND build a computer for you. All they have to do is walk in, tell the sales associate what they're going to be using the PC for and a lot of the time, somebody will put it together for you right in the store for a small fee.


Trust me, these days, even the name brands they sell at Best Buy, for example, could run TFU. I've seen the system specs of some of their PCs for around $1000 and they're just fine. Most of the time, they use cheap, on-board graphics, but considering you could get a Geforce 8800GT or Radeon 3870 for less than $200 now, that isn't an issue at all. The CPUs at this price point are almost always a mid-range Core 2 Duo or Athlon X2 and come standard with 1-2 GB of RAM and a 7200 RPM hard drive. This is more than enough, so anyone that says otherwise has no clue what they're talking about.

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That may be so, but even someone that is computer illiterate knows of the many places that sell AND build a computer for you. All they have to do is walk in, tell the sales associate what they're going to be using the PC for and a lot of the time, somebody will put it together for you right in the store for a small fee.


Trust me, these days, even the name brands they sell at Best Buy, for example, could run TFU. I've seen the system specs of some of their PCs for around $1000 and they're just fine. Most of the time, they use cheap, on-board graphics, but considering you could get a Geforce 8800GT or Radeon 3870 for less than $200 now, that isn't an issue at all. The CPUs at this price point are almost always a mid-range Core 2 Duo or Athlon X2 and come standard with 1-2 GB of RAM and a 7200 RPM hard drive. This is more than enough, so anyone that says otherwise has no clue what they're talking about.

I think this is the flaw in your reasoning. Sure, you can get a suitable video card for $200, but you can get a console for $250. And the video card is much more of a hassle for the average person to deal with. The average computer user has no idea what the specs mean, and then has to deal with either (a) installing it or (b) dragging their computer to the store and paying extra to have it installed. This also assumes that the rest of their system (processor, memory, clean registry, etc.) meets the necessary criteria to play TFU.


The PS3 is more expensive than that, but not by all that much and it plays Blu-Ray DVDs. I know the PC can do a lot of stuff and that's appealing to PC users, but it's not appealing to the vast majority of the market.

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I think this is the flaw in your reasoning. Sure, you can get a suitable video card for $200, but you can get a console for $250. And the video card is much more of a hassle for the average person to deal with. The average computer user has no idea what the specs mean, and then has to deal with either (a) installing it or (b) dragging their computer to the store and paying extra to have it installed. This also assumes that the rest of their system (processor, memory, clean registry, etc.) meets the necessary criteria to play TFU.


The PS3 is more expensive than that, but not by all that much and it plays Blu-Ray DVDs. I know the PC can do a lot of stuff and that's appealing to PC users, but it's not appealing to the vast majority of the market.


That's what the Computer Sales Associates and Computer Specialists are there for. Any non-commissioned store (like Best Buy) will have Associates there to walk you through it all. And Like I said, PCs these days are like Cellphones, everybody has one. I run a Temporary PC I put together that has a Generic case, Athlon X2 3800 (the lowest entry model), OCZ Platinum XTC Rev2 DDR800 2GB RAM, Geforce 8500GT (Low end model) Seagate 500GB 7200 HD, M2N4-SLI Motherboard and an old Audigy 2ZS I threw in and my old WD Raptor 10k RPM 74GB Hard drive with a Thermaltake 420W PSU. You better believe I play Crysis on this Computer, Mixed Low-Medium settings and average 20-23 FPS. There is no way TFU is any more demanding than Crysis. I'm confident that it isn't even close to as demanding.


Here is what I paid for this Low-end system (mentioning I put this together about 8-10 months ago. Pirces would have most certainly dropped by now):


Case - $30

Motherboard - $119

Video Card - $125

CPU - $99

RAM - $29.99

hard Drive - $99

PSU - $109


Grand Total including Tax - $669


I use this PC for everything, including, High-End Gaming, Movies, Music, and Multitask very frequently. It runs excellent considering the price. It does leaps and bounds more than a Console can, not to mention the PS3 STILL has a price tag of $299-$499 or more from what I've seen.

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firstly, are you content with low-medium graphics settings? if so fine. I know that drive me off the wall.


and 20-23 fps? are you kidding me? Crysis should be running at a minimum of 30, you're lagging there...


Again, this was something I threw together quickly. Take away the Geforce 8500GT, add $70 extra at current prices and throw in an EVGA Geforce 8800GT that is hovering around the $189 pricepoint and BAM, you're averaging about 35-40 FPS on High Settings with EASE and a Max FPS of around 40-50 FPS.

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That's what the Computer Sales Associates and Computer Specialists are there for. Any non-commissioned store (like Best Buy) will have Associates there to walk you through it all. And Like I said, PCs these days are like Cellphones, everybody has one. I run a Temporary PC I put together that has a Generic case, Athlon X2 3800 (the lowest entry model), OCZ Platinum XTC Rev2 DDR800 2GB RAM, Geforce 8500GT (Low end model) Seagate 500GB 7200 HD, M2N4-SLI Motherboard and an old Audigy 2ZS I threw in and my old WD Raptor 10k RPM 74GB Hard drive with a Thermaltake 420W PSU. You better believe I play Crysis on this Computer, Mixed Low-Medium settings and average 20-23 FPS. There is no way TFU is any more demanding than Crysis. I'm confident that it isn't even close to as demanding.


Here is what I paid for this Low-end system (mentioning I put this together about 8-10 months ago. Pirces would have most certainly dropped by now):


Case - $30

Motherboard - $119

Video Card - $125

CPU - $99

RAM - $29.99

hard Drive - $99

PSU - $109


Grand Total including Tax - $669


I use this PC for everything, including, High-End Gaming, Movies, Music, and Multitask very frequently. It runs excellent considering the price. It does leaps and bounds more than a Console can, not to mention the PS3 STILL has a price tag of $299-$499 or more from what I've seen.


Again, that's way more work and hassle than the average consumer would even contemplate doing for his or her computer. You are a speaking about a niche market that you happen to be a part of, but is much to small of a market for LA to cater to when it has masses of fans that don't fit your niche market.


The PS3 is running that high - the 360 is not. I only mentioned the PS3 because it has the added bonus of playing Blu-Ray DVDs.


Additionally, a large amount of people, even average consumers, own a large screen, possibly HD, television and have kids that play on consoles all the time. It's not a stretch at all for those customers to spend 50-60 bucks on a new game, and be done with it. However it is a huge stretch to do what you're mentioning they can do, and limits the screen to a computer monitor (unless you go through another series of technically expensive and hassle-filled hoops to connect your desktop to an HDTV).


I get what you're saying - I love my PCs too and I wish TFU was coming out for it, but it's not a good business decision for LA to make and the alternatives you're coming up with do not do anything to dissuade that decision.

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I have a hunch that if TFU does really good that about 6 months later LA will come out with a PC version of TFU (just a hunch, no reasoning behind what-so-ever)


Also, my friend who has a suped-up Area-51 7500, by Alienware, said that he would not even think about buying TFU for his computer if it came out, (I do not know why)


Also why not just use an emulator??? Just a thought...

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I have a hunch that if TFU does really good that about 6 months later LA will come out with a PC version of TFU (just a hunch, no reasoning behind what-so-ever)


Also, my friend who has a suped-up Area-51 7500, by Alienware, said that he would not even think about buying TFU for his computer if it came out, (I do not know why)


Also why not just use an emulator??? Just a thought...


I'm sure TFU will do well and there is a possibility of a PC version later on perhaps, despite the rigid stance they have toward the idea now.


I won't even bother bringing Gaming Laptops into this because they would be even more versatile than any Cnnsole, adding in the Mobility to "Play-as-you-Go" for gamers that have school and/or other social habits like Vacations, Roadtrips, etc.


I'm not trying to influence LA's decision in any way whatsoever, because if they don't monitor or take to heart what people say on their own forums, what would give you the idea they would do so here? I'm pointing out viable alternatives, within a reasonable price range to counter Cameron Suey's claims, saying you would need a Supercomputer to run TFU. Once again, utter non-sense.


As for Emulators, it is never the same thing, especially with new games. Wouldn't be the same as if it had a version designed specifically for the PC.

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