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K1 Legion of the Deadeye


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I dont really like the idea of the empty room-levelup thing... Why dont you just add an npc to Korriban that will take the player to the arena when you talk to him? Also, the Krayt Dragon armor needs a remake... 25 def bonus??? come on... And i think it should have more unified colors too... Now it has like 5 different colors of dragin skin... my next complaint is that this is waaaaaaayyyyy too easy... Want to know how many times i was hit by the deadeyes? 0... They all died in two rounds and proved no challenge at all... Hopefully these things will be changed in the final version. Furthermore, I think im going to create a new skin for the sword, im really not happy at the markings on the blade, they shouldnt have looked like that.


Good things: I loved the axe... and the whole idea becouse its so stupid:p just some improvements to the things i mentioned and this will go into my override to stay there forevah!!!!


The room is only there for beta testing purposes. I'll use an existing NCP dialog to trigger the final version.


We only get to see the first wave of deadeyes in this. Trust me, it will be plenty hard when there are seven of them attacking you at one time, and they all have your sword:)


Let's not start arguing amongst ourselves regarding the appearance of the items. We have different levels of experience, and different personal tastes.



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But i thought that beta testing is for bug finding and mentioning things like that:D And I was just trying to give constructive critic(ehh is that spelled right?) no harm meant. But the 25 def bonus has to be lowered... first of all, it only gives 10 defence and the defence giving force powers are not working... And btw did you get the new skin for the sword?

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But i thought that beta testing is for bug finding and mentioning things like that:D And I was just trying to give constructive critic(ehh is that spelled right?) no harm meant. But the 25 def bonus has to be lowered... first of all, it only gives 10 defence and the defence giving force powers are not working... And btw did you get the new skin for the sword?


I'm not disagreeing about the defense bonus at all. I just don't want you guys starting a flame war over how each other's items look:)


I got the new sword skin. I'll plug it into the second beta version, which will have more deadeyes to fight.


I am also considering adding the other part of the module that this one was created from (the cantina). The player would go from Korriban to the arena, then to the new cantina. The mod should have more than just the arena to justify an 8mb download.


I do not intend to come across as being difficult, I just woke up and am woefully short on caffeine.


Its recogniseing the module files as music files


I have seen this somewhere before, but I can't find the thread that it was in. I believe that all you have to do is change the file extension back to .mod.


@SSZ: I got the files you sent.



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ok will do that


I sure hope it works, because I still can't find the original thread where I saw the issue.


OK folks, I have caffiene now. Aploogies again if I seemed difficult in my earlier post.


Here is the Fixit List. I'll come back to this post and edit it as other items are added.


1. Balance the item stats.-done

2. More and/or Harder Deadeyes.-done

3. Add Cantina.-done

4. Add something outside the arena door.-done

5. Fix the "Auto Party Member" thingy.-done


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It recognized them as movie clips with me but i just decided to try if they work, and they worked.


I think ill try to actually model a lightsaber for this mod too, well see if it works then:p


((EDIT)Nope, cant do... I cant understand svösh:s tutorial about modeling saber hilts... SRY)

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Here is a script to save in your modding reference:


int StartingConditional() 

if (GetIsDead(GetObjectByTag("ev_deadeye001")) && 
GetIsDead(GetObjectByTag("ev_deadeye002")) && 
GetIsDead(GetObjectByTag("ev_deadeye003")) && 
GetIsDead(GetObjectByTag("ev_deadeye004")) && 
GetIsDead(GetObjectByTag("ev_deadeye005")) && 
GetIsDead(GetObjectByTag("ev_deadeye006")) && 

return TRUE;

return FALSE;



It enables a new dialog line only after all seven of the original deadeyes are dead.


Now I can add the "Activate Multiple Deadeyes" line in the computer dialog that will spawn two or three Deadeyes at once.


When those are dead, the "Activate ALL Deadeyes" line will appear. The Deadeyes will get progressively stronger as well.


Edit: I added a couple of Cantina screenshots to the first post. I hope to have Beta 2 out in a couple of days.



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Yeah I really like the cantina... are you going to leave it floating in the air? It looks so cool, now you just have to make up a background for it so that people wont be like "Hmmm why the hell does this bar float on air" :p


Im interested in creating more stuff for the mod, do you need something?:)

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Yeah I really like the cantina... are you going to leave it floating in the air? It looks so cool, now you just have to make up a background for it so that people wont be like "Hmmm why the hell does this bar float on air" :p


Im interested in creating more stuff for the mod, do you need something?:)


I've got an idea for the floating issue. The Repuls-O-Lift Cantina is a "beta" for the cloud city on Bespin. Right now, the architects can only get a city block to float......Yea, that'll work...... Maybe.


If you have other stuff, send it on! My work schedule is pushing my modding schedule back a little, so Beta 2 will be later this week some time.



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i still havent gotten around to playing the beta yet been busy


There is not much in this one, anyway. Just the arena and the first 7 Deadeyes. Beta 2 will be much closer to the final version.


What's wrong, little droid?
- Droid Sound -
Your Master was abducted and taken where?
- Droid Sound -
The Repuls-O-Lift Cantina? Where's that?
- Droid Sound -
So THAT's what that floating structure is! I thought is was some sort of landing area.
- Droid Sound -
Your Master designed it? How clever.
- Droid Sound -
A floating city, you say. Well, he's got a long way to go to get an [i]entire city[/i] to float like that.
- Droid Sound -
Bespin? Never heard of it.
- Droid Sound -
Suuuurrrre, I'll go up there and investigate 
your Master's disappearance. 
What could [i]possibly [/i]go wrong?
- Warp To Deadeye Arena -[/i]

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i think we should work mandalorians into this mod some how

I can get you some more mando skins


I'm very close to finishing, so I don't want to start rearranging characters at this point.


Perhaps a new Mandalorian-themed mod would be better. I'll make a module and some Mandalorian blasters. You guys and whoever-else could do the plot/armors/robes. etc.



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