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K1 Enhancement Pack


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SA, I noticed one jedi wearing the KotOR default robes in the Dantooine screenshot. Since the default jedi robes are still there, how did you find the slot space for your new knight/master robes?


Yeah, I left the default Jedi Robe model alone because there are many great mods out there that replace it. I instead used the class C armor (the weakest of armors) slot. But it only affects the Jedi (I've created new slots for them in appearance.2da) and possibly the player characters if people decide to install that particular part of the mod (I personally never use those armors - they look quite ugly :p), so the armor hasn't been completely removed from the game. You will still encounter NPC's wearing it throughout the game (Deadeye for example :D).

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You will still encounter NPC's wearing it throughout the game (Deadeye for example :D).


say, you don't have a screenshot of Deadeye with the rest of the Taris Duelists on the first page of the thread. Did you give him a unique armour like the other duelists?

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say, you don't have a screenshot of Deadeye with the rest of the Taris Duelists on the first page of the thread. Did you give him a unique armour like the other duelists?


Well, he did mention the, in his opinion, crappy looking class C armor, and I beleive that is what he means when he said Deadeye would be wearing it. Though I am glad that he is leaving Deadeye with that old armor, he doesn't deserve to have special armor! :xp:

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One quick question: will this mod interfere with BOS at all?


Only one script is not compatible with it, but I'll be including a compatible version of it once I release this. What will happen once the sequel is released, I'm not sure.


say, you don't have a screenshot of Deadeye with the rest of the Taris Duelists on the first page of the thread. Did you give him a unique armour like the other duelists?


Nah, just one of the already existing ones. I figured he's too green to be able to get a hold of an unique armor. :xp:

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Hi Spacalex, i really like your suggestion of turning the Matales into chiss, but now the sandrals look a little bland, any chance of updating Rahasia and Nuriks facial features, and clothes so they look a little more unique?


Also another suggestion, could you update Jagi, Canderous old friend, to wear mandalorian armor? he is a mandalorian after all.

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Hi Spacalex, i really like your suggestion of turning the Matales into chiss, but now the sandrals look a little bland, any chance of updating Rahasia and Nuriks facial features, and clothes so they look a little more unique?


I'm not sure. It's how I imagined them to look - close to how they looked before. Of course, nothing is final before release.


Also another suggestion, could you update Jagi, Canderous old friend, to wear mandalorian armor? he is a mandalorian after all.


Yeah, he'll be wearing Mand. armor. That has always bothered me as well.


I wouldn't say he's green. After all, he's one of the oldest duelists there. He's just terrable at it :xp:


He's the oldest, but I don't think it's been mentioned anywhere how long he has been at it. Regardless, since he's always loosing, I don't think he has enough credits to buy himself a shiny new armor. :D


I do like him, though. He's good for a laugh or two. My favourite is Marl, though; he seems to be the only intellect in there. :D

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since he's always loosing, I don't think he has enough credits to buy himself a shiny new armor. :D

True enough, but even though he can't afford new armour, you'd think he'd at least paint a logo or his name on his bargain basement combat suit. I was thinking of some kind of target reticule. Deadeye might think that it represents his nickname, but it would actually look like he painted a big target bullseye on himself :D.


I do like him, though. He's good for a laugh or two. My favourite is Marl, though; he seems to be the only intellect in there. :D


Same here. I always respect Marl's advice in-game because he has a voice like Morgan Freeman. The excellent skin you've made for him is very imposing, yet etched with the wisdom of experience. Now his face looks like it should match his voice really well.

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Hey Space Alex are you changing the people at the murder trial ( The suspects cuz i know you're changing boolok )


Hope all is well with the project :)


Edit: BTW Space Alex how do you get the shiny CM_Barremetal texture in photoshop ( I Know so its not see through you need to change the envmap )


Is there a tool in photoshop what can add metalic look ? :D


Combining uneccisary posts. This is what is spam, posting a new post just because someone else posted is spam too, edit your previous post and add to that one. Especially in someones mod WIP thread. -RH

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BTW Space Alex how do you get the shiny CM_Barremetal texture in photoshop ( I Know so its not see through you need to change the envmap )


Is there a tool in photoshop what can add metalic look ? :D


I am in fact working on a tutorial on making an alpha channel, so if you have photoshop, you should be able to follow my tutorial with relative ease (note: Its almost done; look for it by the end of the day)

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True enough, but even though he can't afford new armour, you'd think he'd at least paint a logo or his name on his bargain basement combat suit. I was thinking of some kind of target reticule. Deadeye might think that it represents his nickname, but it would actually look like he painted a big target bullseye on himself :D.


Hmm, that's not an entirely bad idea. :xp: In fact, the only bad thing about it is trying to come up with an appropriate logo. Maybe something like this emoticon: :eyemouth:. :D


Same here. I always respect Marl's advice in-game because he has a voice like Morgan Freeman. The excellent skin you've made for him is very imposing, yet etched with the wisdom of experience. Now his face looks like it should match his voice really well.


He does sound incredibly similar to Freeman, now that you mention it. Quite interesting.


Hey Space Alex are you changing the people at the murder trial ( The suspects cuz i know you're changing boolok )


I'm not sure if they'll be getting an unique appearance. I was thinking of giving them one of the selectable PC heads - the fifth Caucasian head for Handon and the fifth Black head for Rickard. :p Of course, if you select one of those heads for your PC, one of them will appear with a different head (so that you don't meet your twin).


BTW Space Alex how do you get the shiny CM_Barremetal texture in photoshop ( I Know so its not see through you need to change the envmap )


Is there a tool in photoshop what can add metalic look ? :D


Seems like Trigger has you covered.

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Dammit SA! unbelievable work :drop2: :drop2: ...

I'm really interested in the NPC Modification Pack part of the mod specially, talking to same guy/woman so many times even in the same planet is one of the bothering points of this game ...

I suppose you'll add so many new head models ... awesome :golfclap:

Personally I'd prefer "less dark side" eyes for the Matales if you ask me. Some heads as Belaya's or Maton and Eli look really different, excellent. The more different NPCs you can make, the better this mod will be I think.


and by the way, who was Casandra?? :roleyess:

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The Chiss were a tall, blue-skinned, red-eyed, near-human civilization from the Unknown Regions. It doesn't make them "dark side." They're supposed to look like that.


So Matales were chiss?? no idea, thanks for info, they look :evil2: anyway ...

I never heard mention of this in any of their dialogs right? :roleyess:


thanks, good modding! :)

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The more different NPCs you can make, the better this mod will be I think.


I probably won't be making much more than what's already done because, hey, I've got to finish this thing one day. :D Anyway, there's an update coming in which I'll be showing some new heads, and also some improved existing heads (the eyes have been greatly improved on many).


and by the way, who was Casandra?? :roleyess:


Mannan Swoop racer. I wasn't sure if I wanted to give her an unique appearance since she's a pretty minor character, but I was on the roll that day, so I went ahead and bit the bullet. :D


As far as I know, making them chiss was SA's idea, not mentioned ingame. I might be wrong though.


Yeah, it was my idea. I thought it would bring some more variety to the game. Plus, I think Ahlan is very Chiss-like, personality wise.


True enough, but even though he can't afford new armour, you'd think he'd at least paint a logo or his name on his bargain basement combat suit. I was thinking of some kind of target reticule. Deadeye might think that it represents his nickname, but it would actually look like he painted a big target bullseye on himself :D.


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Would this do? :D I've tried to make it as pathetic as possible.:xp: At first, I had something complex going it, but it looked too good for Duncan, so I restarted from scratch and came up with this wonderful creation. :D As awful as this looks, there is some meaning behind this symbol if you look close enough. I doubt that anyone will be impressed by this, though. :D

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SpaceAlex, just did a review of all your previews and I have to say I might be looking forward to this mod more than BOS: Solomon's Revenge (*prays that Silveredge9 never reads this* :D).


Your reskin of Xor caught my eye more than the others. Did you intentionally make him human instead of Twilek so it would go along with Juhani's experiences with human xenophobia and discrimination or was this a happy coincidence?


Also, am I correct in assuming that the symbol on Duncan's armor is grafiti?

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