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E3 '08=confirmations or not?

Darca Lar

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  GiygasUnlimited said:


Just thought I'd do this...



Notice something?

They are all quoting the fake blog at portfolio.com. This just shows that people are desperate for KotOR III news.



  RyuuKage said:
the internet isn't so advanced that i can give you a link to an event i watched live in real time, lol.

We need concrete evidence of what you saw and heard. We only have your word. Portfoio.com is a form of evidence, which can be analyzed for authenticity. Until you can bring to light some concrete evidence, all we have is your rumored word. It is a fake.

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  Master Zionosis said:
I can tell you that as I was watching it too, it was Gamespot on E3 Live, it was something like 12am where I was so I can't remember exactly what they said, but the presenter basically just spoke about the leaked info, and did confirm it while in the conversation, they were only talking about it for about 30 seconds though, lol.

If you can remember what else they were talking about I'd love to know. There's 26 hours of footage from Gamespot's E3 stuff that's available to watch, but the only thing currently tagged 'kotor' is ... Bioware showing off Dragon Age. The MMO project's no where to be found, nor in Riccitiello.


Gamespot itself only has another article sourced from the Portfolio.com write-up. I'm not convinced that Portfolio is making stuff up, but I'm not certain that it says as much as people are making out of it. There was, after all, a lot of hullabaloo about this exact sort of thing less than a year ago over a misinterpretation of an analyst sheet.

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  The Source said:
We need concrete evidence of what you saw and heard. We only have your word. Portfoio.com is a form of evidence, which can be analyzed for authenticity. Until you can bring to light some concrete evidence, all we have is your rumored word. It is a fake.


Actually you also have my word...


Plus, RyuuKage doesn't want the MMO so why would he make it up... :giveup:


Until the E3 footage is released all I'm able to do is laugh at you for being all so certain the news is fake. Sorry Source, you're wrong once again.




  Canthros said:
If you can remember what else they were talking about I'd love to know. There's 26 hours of footage from Gamespot's E3 stuff that's available to watch, but the only thing currently tagged 'kotor' is ... Bioware showing off Dragon Age. The MMO project's no where to be found, nor in Riccitiello.


Gamespot itself only has another article sourced from the Portfolio.com write-up. I'm not convinced that Portfolio is making stuff up, but I'm not certain that it says as much as people are making out of it. There was, after all, a lot of hullabaloo about this exact sort of thing less than a year ago over a misinterpretation of an analyst sheet.


There were no Bioware, EA or LA reps, it was the presenters that confirmed it, it was a brief conversation. I'm sorry I can't recite everything word to word, but they mainly spoke about how much they enjoyed the previous KotOR games, and of course, confirmed the MMO. I think they may have also said (for a joke) that the person who leaked the info would be in deep doo doo.

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  The Source said:

We need concrete evidence of what you saw and heard. We only have your word. Portfoio.com is a form of evidence, which can be analyzed for authenticity. Until you can bring to light some concrete evidence, all we have is your rumored word. It is a fake.


It's ok, RyuuKage. I don't think you're lying. And I also won't blatantly flame you by calling you such.


The article looks a bit suspicious, but the survey that we heard about the other week (when we heard about the copyright) coupled with the fact that multiple forum users have described a confirmation at E3 makes this look very true.


Not that we didn't expect it - How many people actually thought Bioware Austin was making something other than a KotOR MMO?



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  The Source said:
They are all quoting the fake blog at portfolio.com. This just shows that people are desperate for KotOR III news.




We need concrete evidence of what you saw and heard. We only have your word. Portfoio.com is a form of evidence, which can be analyzed for authenticity. Until you can bring to light some concrete evidence, all we have is your rumored word. It is a fake.


I also watched the live Gamespot coverage, and they treated it like a real story. Seemed legit to me.

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I really wanted it to be Avellone! I know Bioware could do a great job, but Avellone already has the story planned out! sheesh. Well at least it isn't only an mmo, that makes up for it not being OE.

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If this just came out of the blue, I would be suspicious. But what else would this MMO be about? NWN? Mass Effect? No rumors about that sort of stuff.

I'm pretty convinced about TOR at this point, but I have a question I was wondering about:

Wasn't LucasArts shopping around K3 around at the end of '06, beginning of '07... after the MMO was underway and after LA's internal project ended?

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  Master Zionosis said:
There were no Bioware, EA or LA reps, it was the presenters that confirmed it, it was a brief conversation. I'm sorry I can't recite everything word to word, but they mainly spoke about how much they enjoyed the previous KotOR games, and of course, confirmed the MMO. I think they may have also said (for a joke) that the person who leaked the info would be in deep doo doo.

That makes me think that we're still pretty much bound to the Portfolio.com article, if it was just the Gamespot people. I won't be suprised to find out that it is a KotOR MMO, but I don't find the one article entirely persuasive or unambiguous, so I'm operating mostly on the weight of past evidence and speculation.

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  Master Zionosis said:

Plus, RyuuKage doesn't want the MMO so why would he make it up... :giveup:


LOL, good point...:lol:


The problem is Source, you have to take legitimate internet reporting at it's word, too. Go check somewhere like Gamespot.com. I've never heard of portfolio.com or whatever the f it's called, but i do know places like IGN, Gamespot, and others are reliable.


In short, just deal with the reality that there IS an mmo, as far as we know there IS NOT kotor 3, and that Bioware IS developing it.


  EnderWiggin said:

Not that we didn't expect it - How many people actually thought Bioware Austin was making something other than a KotOR MMO?


K3? i had hoped, lol :3


thanks for the support btw. believe me, i don't think anyone here would lie about this...

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@ Darca Lar - You know I don't mind a pay to play game as long as it's worth it. But sometimes I do get scared away from MMOs because of all the tedious grinding. Long story short, it's KotOR, I'm interested and I hope I'll stay into it when I get my hands on it!

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  RyuuKage said:



K3? i had hoped, lol :3


Nah, there are articles from ~2006 or so where Bioware confirms that their Austin project was indeed an MMO. So we knew it was something online.


  RyuuKage said:

thanks for the support btw. believe me, i don't think anyone here would lie about this...


Anytime. :)



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  The Source said:
Given the nature of this finding, I thought I would visit the forums.

It's been far too tranquil without you. :rolleyes:


  The Source said:
Our article in question: EA's to Play in Knights of the Old Republic Article


Oky, I'm going to point out some interesting stuff:

#1 - This is a blog.

#2 - The writer of the blog is reporting about another individual's interview.

#3 - The blogger is very wordy in quoting.

#4 - Who the hell are protfolio.com and N. Evan Van Zelfden? What are their credentials?

Ok, I'm going to point out some interesting stuff:


#1 - Yes this is a blog, a medium which, given the advent of the internet and its real-time nature, has been used to break just-released news relating to entertainment, gaming, pop culture, etc. to the general public.

#2 - It isn't clear who performed the interview, but it is clear that Riccitello was speaking to a member of Portfolio.com. So whether or not it was the blog writer who interviewed Riccitello, it took place under the auspices of Portfolio.

#3 - So what? Are lots of big words hard for you to follow? He's quoting what Riccitello said verbatim, which is why it is in quotes.

#4 - Portfolio.com is owned by Condé Nast, a worldwide magazine publishing company. Portfolio.com's mission statement indicates that it is a highly-selective business-oriented news site.


N. Evan Van Zelfden appears to be a blogger contracted by Portfolio.com to report gaming industry news on E3. His specialty is the business of video games and he has written on the subject for such reputable news sites as Reuters and Business Week. I think he might just know what he's doing.


  The Source said:
Unless he talks about himself in the third perspective, the writer of the blog is telling you, “My friend told me he had an interview with a famous person…” Any type of article that uses the friend-of-a-friend line has to be taken with careful analysis. If I was the one to report this news, I would have taken this as a bad sign.

Uh, you obviously have not been reading published interviews for very long. Whenever a news site or paper has an interview with a celebrity/PR person/CEO/etc., they will almost always identify themselves with the name of their publication, not the actual name of the interviewer. This is for stylistic effect, so the reader isn't confused by two sets of names. Since Portfolio.com carries itself as a serious business news site, it would only make sense for them to report news in this style.


  The Source said:
Anything this guy says is not true.

Just because your name says 'Source' doesn't mean what you write is factual content. I would trust the words published on a reputable news site more than I would trust your ridiculously reasoned bluster.


  The Source said:
Originally, the writer starts off by quoting Riccitiello. When it comes to revealing the Lucas/BioWare game title, he stopped quoting the guy word for word.

No, he didn't.


  The Source said:
Instead of continuing with the actual quoted words, the blog writer just fills in the blanks without proof.

No, he didn't. Do you see the quotation marks around the sentence? In journalism, that means they are quoting the interviewee word for word. Just another tip for you to help you in your reading.


  The Source said:
Not to mention that his quoted line is wordy. Whenever someone uses extensive words in a quote, they are usually making it up while writing.

Right, because that's a central journalistic tenet. Make stuff up by using a lot of words! Thanks for letting us know, we'll be sure to look out for wordy articles now, because they'll be lying to us. :rolleyes:


  The Source said:
What!? After Riccitiello tells you he cannot say anything, the interviewer just fills in the blanks for everyone.

For the umpteenth time, no the interviewer does not. And of course Riccitello isn't going to show his hand right away, not at this early phase of the game. He can however, confirm its existence, which he does.


  The Source said:
Sorry people, this is not an actual announcement of anything.

Again, your username is going to your head. Unless you work for LucasArts, Bioware or EA, you have about as much credibility as navel lint.


  The Source said:
Until we hear something official from Lucas Arts or BioWare, I would just take the article as a grain of sand.

That's fine, but don't debunk an article like this on such slipshod reasoning.


  The Source said:
Since we are at the height of E3, someone just wanted to stir up some buzz. If EA, BioWare, or LucasArts were to make an announcement, they would have chosen someone well known by gamers or Star Wars fans.

Uh, he's the CEO of Electronic Arts, one of the biggest video game publishers in the world and you're saying he's not good enough?


  The Source said:
Its a fake.

The only thing fake here is you, coming in and stirring up trouble. Quit it.

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The only problem i have about the MMORPG is the cost, being on a disability pension, i neither have the money to get decent internet nor pay monthly for a game 'IF' infact that is what they will do. that being said i cannot really rubbish the idea of an MMO, for above reasons i've never touched one. Also im not one to believe that an MMO and an SPRPG of a title can't live together, sure it may mean a bigger wait for the next SP game but doesnt mean its not gonna happen

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  cire992 said:
Rogue Nine, that was an epic pwn! Thank you for doing us fair, balanced, no spin viewers a BIG favor.


Makes me wonder, though. What's LA's PR plan...


<3 Rogue Nine :D


Good question. I can't WAIT to see how they're gonna spin this so people will forget the implied promise of KotOR 3 to play an MMO instead (almost certainly with monthly fees).

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