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Anyone Care About The Olympics?


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  DarthAve said:
I'm very annoyed at the olympics right now... The only showing of the Men's Individual All Around Gymnastics Final is at 2:00 in the morning on Telemundo... I DON'T SPEAK SPANISH. WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME NBC??


I've never liked NBC. They do this every time, by the way.



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  MrWally said:
I'm not so sure Dath. Considering how amazing Phelps is doing (and how he's continually beating every world record... by a pretty decent amount, too), I'd say he's a true athlete.


Gymnastics were pretty sad last night. I felt so bad for the girl who fell on both the beam and the floor exercise. Just the feeling of knowing that you did it thousands of times flawlessly and then making a little mistake when it really mattered... I can't imagine that.


At least she has her individual events to make up for it.


And speaking of gymnastics, anyone know what's up with the Chinese girls team? Half their members are only 14 or 15 years old and legally not allowed to be in the Olympics.... what's up with it?


Alicia Sacremone? Yeah, I don't get why Marta didn't use a single alternate when half the team had an injury... Or why Sacremone got put on floor exersize when she'd did the same thing at prelims...


And the Chinese thing is so true. I learned my parents can speak Engrish when my dad said "I eight year old. I compete in Orympics." in a chinese voice. It was hilarious, yet sad.


Anyways, have you guys seen any video of that weightlifter? His elbow literally snapped in two. I will never lift in my life after seeing that.

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I saw the video on MSNBC...while I was eating. They story is still on DrudgeReport.


In other news, no American won in the men's individual all around finals, but Jhor came in 9th and my bb Sasha came in 12th, which is great CAUSE HE WAS AN ALTERNATE! I recorded all his routines for future awesome refrence.


Also Dath, will this make you feel better?


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  DarthAve said:
I saw the video on MSNBC...while I was eating. They story is still on DrudgeReport.


In other news, no American won in the men's individual all around finals, but Jhor came in 9th and my bb Sasha came in 12th, which is great CAUSE HE WAS AN ALTERNATE! I recorded all his routines for future awesome refrence.


Also Dath, will this make you feel better?



only scotch and pizza can make dath feel better

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  Aedan said:
Oooookay. Purely for Ave's enjoyment :D .


The athletes who do the parallel bars are tough as nails to have their biceps and upper arms abused like that.


Absolutly. :3


Anywho, last night, the men did such an okay job. Everyone was falling all over the place. I can't wait for the youtube montage of all the falls in this all around compitition.... The one where the japanese guy fell off the rings was shocking at first, but then it was hilarious.

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Has Michael Phelps won his medals yet?


I hate to admit it, but I'm getting sick of him, and consistantly hearing how he eats 12,000 calories like it's such a F*CKING HUGE DEAL OMFG.


...I wants moar Sasha D: That shirtless picture is NOT fueling my Phelps love either....

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