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Mata Hari... (from the guys who brought you Fate of Atlantis!)


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The English release has already been confirmed, by us. I'm guessing it was always part of the plan. I mean, Hal and Noah are supposedly the dialogue writers, and unless they're fluent in German, it wouldn't make sense to have them write for a game that was only going to be released in German. (I suppose it would have been possible, but weird.)


That cover art and German released date are new to me though, JP, so you'd better make a Mojo post about it before I do. ;)


The cover art would work if that many people were aware of who she actually is. Maybe they are in Germany?


Well, Mata Hari's a pretty famous figure, and you either know her or you don't. Doesn't the fact that there's a scantily clad woman showcased on the cover kind of solve everything from a marketing perspective though?

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The box art is to attract walk-ups. As has been discussed in the AG thread, most teenage boys who pick up the box will put it back down again when they flip it over to see the screenshots and read the blurb.


And those that might have bought the game due to the info on the back of the box won't have been drawn to pick it up in the first place.


The box art is on the right sort of track, compostion-wise, but it just needs a bit more 'classy' and a little less 'hoochy'.

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The box art is to attract walk-ups. As has been discussed in the AG thread, most teenage boys who pick up the box will put it back down again when they flip it over to see the screenshots and read the blurb.


Still, coaxing the consumer to pick up the box and read the blurb is a big victory for the marketers. Maybe 1 out of 10 of those teenage boys will have a genuine interest in what the game actually is, whereas 0 out of 10 would even know what the game was if this was the cover.

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Those that "would have purchased it" are primarily made up of you, me, and those that visit adventure game sites. In other words, we're informed enough that we would base our purchasing decisions on something more sensible than box art. The second group of potential buyers are the people who know absolutely nothing, and the way to get their interest is more likely boobies than accuracy. I'm quite sure any third group of People Who Would Otherwise Totally Be Interested In A Mata Hari Game If Not For That Naughty Cover Art aren't consequential enough from a sales perspective to matter.


But, you know, I'm not in marketing, and don't ever want to be. I only know that this sort of stunt with game covers (or book covers, or movie covers, or you know, product advertisement in general) has been pulled for a long time now, and will continue to be in the future. dtp will find out if they've made their own bed with this decision or not when the sales come in (to the degree that the cover art does matter), but this whole "Let's round up the twenty like-minded people who read my posts on Adventure Gamers and make a difference!" thing is sorta silly to me. Nobody cares.

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Those that "would have purchased it" are primarily made up of you, me, and those that visit adventure game sites.


When I said "those that would have purchased it", I was meaning walk-ups, not those who already know of the game.


These people...


I'm quite sure any third group of People Who Would Otherwise Totally Be Interested In A Mata Hari Game If Not For That Naughty Cover Art aren't consequential enough from a sales perspective to matter.


Perhaps 'walk-ups' in general when it comes to video games are inconsequential. I don't think I've ever bought a full-price game on impulse before, not knowing anything about it other than what's on the box.


Hopefully the game will sell due to positive press and marketing outside of the box-art imagery.


And I doubt anyone who has intended to buy the game on its merits would now refuse to do so because of the European box-art.


But I still believe better box art would lead to a better chance of sales in the target demographic.

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I don't see the problem.

Everyone is pointing at the original Mata Hari picture for comparison, but the same person has been portrayed by Greta Garbo. She was already different from the original Mata. Greta was a contemporary interpretation of Mata Hari for the '30s and she WAS pretty inaccurate.

The actual Mata in the game cover looks like a modern sex bomb because that's the way a seducing dancing spy looks like for a mainstream audience today.

I understand that historical accuracy is important, but this is a work of fiction as Fitzmaurice's movie was. It must follow the general perception.

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And I say, if sleazy, ugly box art is what it takes to make an adventure game push units, then hey. The product will speak for itself once it's in the hands of the discriminating consumer.


I think you hit the nail on the head: No discriminating consumer would buy this game based on its cheap and tasteless boxart.


Even on Adventure Gamers 76% of people said the box art would NOT make them want to buy the game... and they're this game's target audience. (First rule of marketing: Don't alienate your core audience.)


The solution is NOT a historical picture of Mata Hari, either. That's a terrible idea. Instead it should be something cool that captures a mature, intelligent adventure vibe, done in a retro style - much like Grim Fandango or Last Express.


If they want to broaden their demographic (those two games didn't do so well, afterall) they should focus on the intrigue and action elements (even if the game doesn't have action elements) - capturing the feeling of the new Bond/Bourne movies -- with an added retro flavour.


Do you honestly think Casino Royale or The Bourne movies would have done better if they'd put a semi-naked picture of the female character on the poster? Consumers are a little more discerning.

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