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November '08 Topic: Decisions

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Thank you so much! :), and I have thought of a new topic for November:




What compels us to make the choices we do, and to act on them? Why do we choose one path over another? Do we carefully weigh the "pros and cons" of each decision we could make, or do we "go with our gut"? Do other people influence our decisions, for good or ill, and if so, how? What are the results of the decisions that brought us to where we are, and to whom we are?


Enough philosophizing! :)--the deadline is (tentatively) November 16th.


Enjoy, and I can't wait to read the entries! May the best "decider" win! XD

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See this for rules regarding the cantina contests: http://lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=175496



Which part of the rules am I looking at the one that said the stories must be entered by the deadline and then all will be shown at once when the deadline is up? or the part about making sure your story is finished before posting as you cannot go back and re-submit?


I figured if one rule was bend-able so was another. I submitted very quickly as I knew I would have very limited computer access between the time I wrote and the first deadline. With a moved deadline I have time/opportunity I did not have before. So what do you say?

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Which part of the rules am I looking at the one that said the stories must be entered by the deadline and then all will be shown at once when the deadline is up? or the part about making sure your story is finished before posting as you cannot go back and re-submit?


I figured if one rule was bend-able so was another. I submitted very quickly as I knew I would have very limited computer access between the time I wrote and the first deadline. With a moved deadline I have time/opportunity I did not have before. So what do you say?


The rules are right here. It is specified that you will not be able to see your entry after it's submitted and that they must be submitted by the deadline.


I already entered my story on CEC. can i move it here?

No--you cannot put the story in CEC and then move it to Javyar's. That would give people an advance view of your fic and that would potentially give you an unfair advantage. You'll have to enter a different story.

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