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Zombies Walk!


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Atrianna couldn't help but smile as she saw the Russians smile and chuckle at the sight of their friend..but something was still bothering her.


"Vlad...I'm happy for you and your men, I really am, but we really need to get going, I thought I just heard a brute a few seconds ago. we need to go. Now"


Atrianna quickly loaded her shotgun.


"By the way, Nice to see you Yuri, I really thought you were dead when you were pushed out of the helicopter, how did you manage to get away from the undead and end up here anyway?"

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Smith broke himself away from the M-60 to look back into the camp.


"Damn." He muttered. "Next time, I change all the locks." Trusting the Russians enough to not shoot him in the back while he was trying to hold off the Zombie horde that was supposed to come, Smith turned around again.


A Zombie had jumped out at him and was perched on top of the M-60, a piece of wood held in its hands like a club.


"This is just not my day!" Smith yelled as he brought his fist back and then slammed it into the Zombie's face. He could feel the crunch as his fist impacted.


Nursing his hand he drew his Colt with his left and fired off three shots, trying to hit the zombie. His first two shots missed, but, thankfully, his third shot hit it in the head.


Making sure that the M-60's safety was off Smith fired a few tracers into what appeared to be a horde of Zombies.


"Sir, we have roughly 12000 of these 'Zombies' headed to your position, over." The pilot said over the com.


"Roger that... see if you can't get the rest of the Army here or the Air Force, I could really use some air support in the form of Napalm and White Phosphorus right now, over."


"On it."


Smith let out a small breath as he looked up at the horde.


They were coming.

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Sam ran away from the wreck, either the zombies were becoming intelligent or this one changed while he was driving, either way, it was no reason to stay near the smoldering wreck.

Sam ran for ten minutes before he was drained of energy, and felt like he needed rest, " Can't stop, must keep moving" Sam said, puctuating every word with heavy breathing. Sam heard the hellish scream of a Demon, not to mention of wheezing of a jumper, and the roar of a Brute.

" OH son of a b-" Sam started, but was stopped by the sound of another car. He looked behind him to see a truck, driven by someone, obviously not infected. Sam hailed them over, to see it was... Holy crap! his uncle.

" I thought you were dead!" Sam exclaimed with tears in his eyes. The fort he had been at was overrun two days ago.

" Nearly was, but I'm here now, let's head out. Washington DC is still a safe zone." His uncle returned. Sam loaded into the truck and headed out towards DC, maybe today will be a bit better!

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Yuri smiled as he limped toward the medic.


"Well, I found out how to fall without killing yourself, that much was fun. But the demon whatever thingy caused a small problem. I got caught by its tongue, nut luckily I had..ummm...Vlad's combat knife."


Vlad's face turned to surprise, "WHAT! You stole my favorite knife? How dare you! I'm your commanding officer!"


Yuri tried his best to smile, "Well, I didn't steal it, it fell out of your coat while the Amis were leaving with you in tow, so, I kept it to return to you."


Vlad nodded, "Oh, well, thank you, Yuri."


Yuri smiled, "Sir, your bedside manners need work. Well, I used your knife to cut off the creature's tongue, then I pulled out and used the rooftops to avoid the horde. And they're coming here, they know where you are, but I don't, they may know WHO you are, Comrade Major."


Vlad suddenly looked scared and concerned, "What do you mean, Yuri?"


Yuri's face was grim, "I encountered some zombies, they are getting smarter, beginning to use technology."


Vlad let his scared emotions show, "Oh, no. They're brains are beginning their evolution. We only have so long. The Americans will need our help."

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( right here is were I mention some funny things, like my original idea was that some ex-KGB guy sold the nukes, not realizing it, and that Russia wasn't really to blame, and other stuff, but this makes it more interesting.)

Sam and his uncle had traveled through several major cities to get to DC, along the way adding to their arsenal. Jim ( his uncle if i forgot to mention) had kept everything rom before, so Sam was overjoyed at that, or at least happy.

Sam had read that zombies couldn't use any tech, but that was disproven, but he knew that they were too clumsy to use guns. So he didn't have to worry about being sniped again, at least not from some moronic shambling corpse.

He held his shoulder, remebering the pain he felt after being shot.

" I might just return the favor, my little pretty." Sam thought out loud.

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Aiden sat there in the cell, his heart throbbing. Finally he got up and followed Vlad, and spoke up.


"Vlad...I know something about the zombie serum. But first I want a good reason why I should help you. If Russia's to blame for all of this, then...."


He let the question hang, and immediately regretted it.


Why should he care if you help or not?

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Vlad turned to Coryn, "..Then what, comrade? We are here to stem the tide of this virus, what better reason is there?"


Vlad sighed, "We can use whatever information you have. Please tell us, it is not only vital to our world situation, but to our survival as well."


Vlad hoped that he had managed to get through, but he didn't know. He looked closer at Coryn's face, something that looked familiar. A face came to mind from long ago, but he could not put a name to the face. Vlad dismissed it for now as a mere coincidence. Right now, there were more important things to handle.


He loaded the AK an pulled the action into position. The horde was close.

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((You don't know my real name yet, unless you remember that too.))




"Alright guys, this is our moment. Our moment to shine! We will rise up, and-"


"Aiden, seriously, enough of the speech."


"Yeah, let's get this over with, shall we?"


"-Dragomir will carry out extra supplies and ammo."


"Never mind, I love this speech!"




Equipping his SMG and crossbow, he handed a pack of ammo to his best friend. The rest of the soldiers filed out, but Aiden stayed behind and looked at him.


"You understand that I'm doing this for your own good. And I'm not giving you the serum, either. Something tells me that it's dangerous. And I need you for a special mission."


Dragomir simply looked away as he strapped on the carry cases and a rifle.


"Dragomir, I really need your help on this one. This is the mission we've been waiting for, and it can't fail. We've all got to make sacrifices. The least you can do is sacrifice some muscle pain and a risky mission for your brothers."


And then he watched Dragomir leave. He would never talk to him again.


End flashback


Aiden stared at Vlad, and saw that perhaps he recognized him.


A sudden holler in the distance told him that he had no time. He looked for a weapon. As the Russians ran forward, he stood there helpless, remembering only too well the horrors of that mission.

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(Oh sorry, typo there...My guy doesn't remember that much yet, allow me to edit that.....)


Vlad noticed a zombie rounding one of the corners and unloaded a couple rounds into the creature's head, effectively ending its attack. Many more began piling out, groaning and screaming and flailing there blood-strewn arms. Vlad shoved the butt of his rifle into one of the undead's face and quickly brought the barrel to bear on the rest of the creatures.


"Pull back to the American's defensive positions! They will help! Pull back!"


Vlad backed slowly toward the American's positions, firing as he went.

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Atrianna blasted another one of the undead right between the eyes with her shotgun


I really really hate these things


She quickly reloaded and blasted another one that was attempting to sneak behind them


Why did they have to get so smart all of a sudden?


She turned to look at Vlad when she saw a brute trying to sneak up behind him


"Vlad Get Down NOW!"


Vlad ducked and the brute ended up having it's head blown off


Atrianna smiled sweetly at Vlad


"That's two you owe me."


Atrianna quickly reloaded her shotgun and waited for the next one to show it's face

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((Coryn would really like someone to give him a weapon.))


((What does the brute serum do?))




The helicopter com was bursting with instructions, but no one really paid any attention to them. After only 5 minutes of flying they were ready to be dropped off anyway. Behind the trench that they had discussed, they unloaded and set up stationary weapons.


Also, as they had been prepared, the helicopter did not make the trip back. The mines blew it out of the sky. Before long, they were already advancing towards Aiden's team. Dragomir had set up his small "base" in a ditch nearby.


These Russian-designed mines were ahead of their time, one of the creations in the desperate rush for their secret project to become complete.


A project with an improved version of the serum.


Finally Aiden gathered everyone.


"This is your second and final dose. But you knew that. If anyone wants to back out now, I won't blame them."


No one said a word.


"Then let's do this."


Everyone took a large dose from the vial and soon the effects began to take place.


Aiden leaped over the ditch and pounced on a mine, and then hurled it at another. His teammates did the same. Soon it was an all out battle with the mines. The Russians began arriving then.


The shots started. Troops fell.


Aiden went to the planning board and ordered troop movements.


Meanwhile, Dragomir stayed behind. He had a more important role to play.


"Milan, you take Nevena and form a flank here. Alpha and Beta will take the north strike, as we discussed."


They ran to accomplish their all-important task.


Dragomir looked up at Aiden then, and began to realize something.


"Aiden, which position are you taking? This wasn't in the briefing."


"You mean to say, Dragomir, that this wasn't in your briefing. Good luck."


"No, Aiden! It's suicide!"


"I know."


Aiden then began the run of his life, leaping over anything in his path. The serum made it uncomfortably easy and hard at the same time. Streaking towards the Russian commander now coming into view, he began to take heavy fire.


He didn't feel a thing.


The blood blurred his vision, he ached, and he knew that he might not last much longer. After all, he would be dead by now without the serum.


Stealing the commander's vial, he excelled faster and faster towards the Russian headquarters.


And then he heard abrupt screaming. A bomb. He looked back. The plains were all gone. Someone had dared to nuke this battlefield. It didn't matter. Another mile and he was at the base. The explosion nearing the headquarters, he saw Russian commandoes closing in on his position. They knew perfectly well their mission. Among them was someone he didn't know at all, but by looking at him he could tell that the man was simply trying to serve his country. The man took point, but did not fire.


Aiden took this chance to steal into the base. He armed his bomb and then faced the incoming commandoes.


"We know what you are trying to do. Destroying the serum with only make things worse."


"It's too late."


The bomb detonated as Aiden ran and then fell to the ground, fatally wounded. He took out the small dose of serum he had recovered shortly before the explosion, and injected it. As the commandoes fleed, he felt a sudden disturbance in his body.


He knew it was over. All of his men, the serum, his life--it was all over. Eyes closing, he had just enough time to see a transformation taking place.


And then he rested.


End of flashback

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(The Brute serum is specially created by Vlad, the serum uses the brute's chemistry against it, and explodes the brute. A very gory weapon, but small and effective)



Vlad looked over at Coryn, a feeling of small rememberance still in his mind. He brushed the feeling aside again and tossed Coryn a pistol as the brute serum took effect.


Vlad leaped to cover just as the brute began writhing around, and exploded in cloud of red.


"Move forward! Find the American lines and stick with them! Stay and move together!" Vlad shouted. They needed to find some sort of ally soon, and quick.

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Aiming, Coryn fired and missed as one of the undead came towards him. Even with the long-lasting effects, bad memories could still shake him enough to miss. But that wasn't the problem.


The jumpers on the ceiling that no one else seemed to notice were the problem.


He ran as fast as he could, and attempted a maneuver to try and leap off the runner's head and have aim at the jumpers.


The attempt brought him nowhere close.


Falling to the floor, he shot quite a few rounds into the runner and then called out to Vlad. Despite Vlad's appearance, Coryn still remembered that mission. He knew that there wasn't as much to fear as he might have thought.


"Vlad! Above you!"

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Vlad looked above right in time to see one of the undead leaping toward him. Vlad moved quickly with his combat knife and took the creature at close range. He managed to time the knife to the speed of the jumper. The blade made contact with the creature's head, killing it effectively. He pushed the bloody thing off and turned toward Coryn. He nodded and gave a small salute and turned the rifle toward another oncoming zombie. Suddenly, a memory came to mind. A memory that he'd thought would never come back. It was a memory of one of the containment missions, back when the super-soldier serum was first completed, and when it first lost control. Then Coryn's face came to mind, and he remembered.

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Aiden awoke completely immobile. He couldn't even blink. Of what he could see, his skin was turning gray, and raggedy. No one had rescued him or taken him prisoner, however. The plan had succeeded, but he had failed.


The pain was overwhelming.


Blocking out all else, he focused internally on the thoughts flooding into his brain. He tried desperately to resist.


The voice was like that of hundreds of voices all talking at once, echoes, but there was not many of them, just one.


Yet there were many.


The entity spoke softly, soothingly, and at the same time with threats.


<There is no hope for you.>


<Give up.>


<Give your body to us.>


Now the voice was many voices speaking at once, but at the same time, again, it seemed as one voice with many echoes.


He had to fight. With all of his willpower he strained against the voice, and tried desperately to move.


<Resistance is futile.>


<Stop that.>


<You will surely lose.>


But Aiden had been trained, and knew what was at stake. He also knew what it was trying to do. Trying to close off his mind, he summoned every single ounce of strength in his body. The pain grew more intense.


He managed to stand.




And then he fell down again as surely the worst pain imaginable flooded his body and the entity retook control.


<Foolish human.>


<Foolish human.>


<Foolish human.>


But ke kept trying. Giving up would mean losing.


And that would surely be worse than death.

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Vlad thought a little harder on his memory as he blew off some more rounds at the zombies. It then came to him, it was one of the few missions he had led to contain the virus, and the only mission to destroy a rebel group that had somehow acquired it. It was also the day, that Vlad created, what he called, the second-most important chemical of the modern world.



A Village near Tura, Siberia

The Motherland shortly before the fall of the Soviet Union

1000 hours


25-year-old Vladimir Rosokosovski stood silently as he watched the distinct mushroom cloud of a Nuke rise slowly above the clouds above a small Russian village.


Boris Yegenivich walked to where Vlad was standing.


"The Virus is contained, whatever remnants of the rebel group are now dead. Nothing can survive what we just hit them with."


Vlad nodded,"That is good to hear, Boris, how many did we lose?"


Boris shook his head, "The Complete numbers aren't in yet, and with the nuke, we may never really know. If anything comes out of ground zero of the explosion, we'll have to kill them. Why? Radiation poisoning, and only the already dead would last through a nuke."


Vlad nodded in agreement, but something caught his eye about a hundred yards out. A man in the center of a burned out field was trying to get up, and was struggling. Boris saw him, too.


"Sir, we'll handle this. A few shots of the AK and we'll have nothing to worry about."


Vlad shook his head, "No, this could be particularily profitable."


Vlad took a small syringe from his pack.


"Comrade Major, this isn't the time for experimentation. We've got to leave before the radiation poisoning spreads."


Vlad continued walking towards the struggling man, Boris sighed and followed, loading his AK-47 as they went.


As they got closer, Vlad recognized the man. It was the rebel that had attempted a bomb run at headquarters, the run that Vlad had barely survived. The irony of the situation wasn't lost on Vlad.


The major kneeled and grabbed the man's arm, he then quickly plunged the syringe into the small right next to the elbow. The man quickly stopped struggling and Vlad waited. There was no immediate response. Vlad shook his head and began walking away.


Boris followed, "Sir, what were you testing?"


Vlad kept on walking, "I was testing a possible antidote for the virus, that way we won't waste so much nuclear weaponry."


Boris nodded and they continued back to whatever was left of HQ.




Now Vlad completely remembered the situation among the gray nuclear wasteland outside of Tura in Siberia. It also brought a smile to Vlad's face.


I guess it worked, he thought.

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((Time for some revelations about the serum.))


Coryn noticed Vlad hesitate for a full few seconds before he kept firing. Apparently that last jumper had startled him. Who knows?




Aiden awoke in great pain, and the entity was shrieking at him.








Was it trying to kill him?


His mind flooded and then suddenly the entity made him walk.




His legs were not under his control, but he felt himself running. Running towards the headquarters. And there was the head commando.


Aiden suddenly reared to strike at the officer.


And then, suddenly, he had control.


Just in time to feel the commando knock him senseless.




The commando lowered his rifle.


"My name is Aiden Valko...secret Bulgarian strike force...did we stop the weapon...the nuke...the...one with the serum...?"


The officer stood there for a moment, assessing the strange situation. He looked regretful.


"No. No you did not. As we speak the infection is spreading. I...."


The Russian did not finish the statement.


Aiden felt himself suddenly ready to rear again. But the officer was quicker. Aiden was knocked out once more.


End flashback


Aiden knew that he had to tell the Russian what he knew of the serum. This went way beyond what Vlad appeared to know about it. True, he developed a new version of the serum, but there was something he didn't know.


That will have to wait.


A brute nearly knocked him senseless. Again, Aiden missed. But another clip emptied into the thing's chest at point blank took it down.


And with every one he killed, he knew that there was still some human left in them.

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Atrianna was carefully picking off the undead with her shotgun, she had already blasted a few off of Vlad's back was in the process of bringing her shotgun to bear on another when something heavy fell across her back.


Atrianna rolled over and saw the snarling face of a brute staring her in the face.


Oh God, i'm going to die,


She was going to die, no one could shoot this thing fast enough to save her


She wasn't afraid of dying, everything died in it's own time


But she was terrifed of becoming one of the undead.


And then she heard Vlad yelling at her.

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Vlad saw the huge brute tackle Attriana, and there wasn't enough time to warn her. The thing had literally come out of nowhere.


"Get down! This is going to get messy."


He took out another anti-brute syringe and loaded it into a canister round. He then brought it to bear on the brute and pulled the trigger. The syringe stuck easily and the creature immediatley lost attention of Attriana.


Vlad shielded his eyes and awaited the explosion.

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Atrianna saw the syringe inbed itself in the brutes's skins and it suddenly was off of her.


Atrianna ran toward Vlad as fast as she could.


She quickly looked behind her just in time to see the brute explode in a red haze.


"I think we need a new startegy vlad, these things are getting way too smart. If there starting to sneak up on people then we need a new strategy when traveling on foot."


Vlad was smirking.


"What's so funny?"


"You owe me one."


"I saved you twice!"


"I saved you from becoming one of them, I think that puts me slightly ahead."


Atrianna conceded fefeat with a sigh. "Fine, your in the lead. For now"


Vlad simply smirked

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Vlad nodded at the remark, "Ja, we should head towards the American line, as I have said numerous times. From there, we can create a new strategy, at this rate, it'll be much harder to regroup..."


Vlad loaded his AK and brought a a fist up, a signal for his squad to fall in and prepare to move out.

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Atrianna had been seconds away from being infected.


Aiden knew only too well how that felt.


Somehow, he thought that perhaps it wasn't the antidote Vlad had given him that had purged the serum. It appeared to be something else. It had enabled him to talk and take control for a short period, but he felt that wasn't the end of the story.


Not for the first time, Aiden thought, Perhaps it really isn't just a virus....


Aiden heard Vlad mention that they were regrouping. For now, it seemed, the undead had backed off. Vlad gave a signal, and the Russians started moving.


It could turn out to be a long day.

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Biting back a curse as the M-60 he was using jammed, Smith jumped out of the overturned HMMWV and hit the nearest zombie with the stock of his M-4. The improvised club did it's job and the zombie went down. Turning around he brought up the M-4 and bashed it into another zombie's head, and shot yet another.


When will the damn Air-Force get here? He idly thought to himself as he killed another handful of zombies at range and shifted his aim to another knot.


After reloading, he checked himself for ammunition before realizing that he was almost out, just anther two clips left to burn through. Reaching for the AK-47 he thought he'd slung on his back, his hand only met air.


It was hanging in the armory still... provided that the Russians hadn't escaped and stolen it by now.


The relative silence of the battle -except for the gunfire that seemed to rip through the night every so often- was broken by a rather... liquid sounding explosion. I'm glad I'm not on the receiving end of that...

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Vlad turned his attention to reaching the American lines.


He reloaded his AK and began moving in the direction where he'd heard some heavy weapons going off. He sprinted across the zombie body-strewn alley toward what looked like a small defensive line. He noticed several green berets resting near a overturned humvee. Vlad stepped slowly outside of the alley and aimed his rifle in the air.


He pulled the trigger letting off several warning shots. The Green Berets moved quickly back into defensive positions. The American officer stepped from behind the overturned Humvee.


"Ahh, American, do you need any Russian help?"


Vlad's troops chuckled quietly.

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