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XWA one year thread IV: The Clown Wars


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woke up 1 minute before my alarm was set to go off. :D worked out at the gym with my friends for about 2 hours, worked 1-9...work is tiring when there's nothing to do and they got me lone wolfing closing shift. also got informed i'll be working easter sunday by myself. that's going to be awesome.


bored and depressed, gonna go watch tropic thunder. i have tomorrow off, so looking forward to working out again tomorrow.

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First day back to work after spring break and a long weekend... and I'm totally fried already.


I think it's a new personal record.


15 songs. 15 different setups. 40+ musicians. 90 minutes.



What happened to the power trio, I ask you? The same 3 guys who play the show from beginning to end.


What a concept. :rolleyes:


It's gotten to the point where I mix nothing but festivals anymore. Except that we aren't equipped for festival setups... and we don't have all day to do it either.


God... somethings gotta give...

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You think somebody higher-up at work has been reading your comments about the job here? ;)


I have some fears of that possibility sometimes... but then I'm usually pretty good about saying the same things to my bosses as I do here... at least about work life.


There might be a few surprises about my personal life if I were ever found out... but probably not all that much. My life is a fairly open book... surprising as that might be.

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woke up 1 minute before my alarm was set to go off. :D worked out at the gym with my friends for about 2 hours, worked 1-9...work is tiring when there's nothing to do and they got me lone wolfing closing shift. also got informed i'll be working easter sunday by myself. that's going to be awesome.


bored and depressed, gonna go watch tropic thunder. i have tomorrow off, so looking forward to working out again tomorrow.


2 hours? Is your gym some sort of roman bath??

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i don't know what you mean.


i got another voice mail on my cell phone today. she wants her $600 back. and if i don't give it back, she's going to file a misconduct complaint against me at my work. whatever that means. and she's going on abuot her ex knowing where she lives and he'll come after us both, etc. i pretty much spent all the cash she gave me, paid off my bills, got contacts, new pair of shoes, etc.


not sure what to do in this situation. my one friend told me to just ignore her, as she doesn't have any solid proof.


i do feel guilty for taking that money and leaving...but half of it is spent up and i don't get paid til the 2nd.


advice on this situation anyone?

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dont give it back, it shouldnt hold in court.

besides even if she comes to your work, you should make sure that you make the point to your manager about the situation, and perhaps just to make sure to keep the situation a bit less, ask to have your schedule changed for the next couple of weeks.


i know, bad idea on your current sleep/drinking routine, but keep in mind, you dont want to hurt your reputation at your place of employment, if you can throw her off by that said change given the fact that he prolly already knows about your current schedule.


worst comes to worst, ask if your store owner is willing to swap employee's with another store (ie another wally world), if anyone over at the nearest one in your equal position and paygrade is ok doing so.

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Restraining orders are awesome.


Ex: she comes into your work liek a bat out of hell. You call security and have her escorted from the premises on grounds of harassment. If she returns, i believe you can then file with the police a restraining order.


I've had that done once. Was most satisfactory. Though I don't know how Penn. Governs things like that.

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Unless she gave it to you as a Money over or Cashiers check, and there was a contract to have it paid back. She is NEVER going to get the money back (watch those mid afternoon TV Judge shows)


Oh and ed, I usually don't mind being ignored, and i expect it. But when I talk about spending $200 to improve my chances in the world of relationships, and even have success at it... I think people would be happy for me

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Sure... but there isn't much to say about it at the moment. Except maybe: "Good luck... and let us know how it goes. Hopefully it turns out to be money well spent."


I'm still undecided as to which way I want to go myself with it. My self-imposed 3-month cool-down period is almost over... but I'm unsure as to which step to take next.


I'm still casually working an angle at the moment... but I don't have huge expectations it's ever really going to amount to anything.


(Those of you who are Facebook friends with me can see a couple new pics I got tagged in from the theater show and epic after-party the other night.)

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i don't know what you mean.


i got another voice mail on my cell phone today. she wants her $600 back. and if i don't give it back, she's going to file a misconduct complaint against me at my work. whatever that means. and she's going on abuot her ex knowing where she lives and he'll come after us both, etc. i pretty much spent all the cash she gave me, paid off my bills, got contacts, new pair of shoes, etc.


not sure what to do in this situation. my one friend told me to just ignore her, as she doesn't have any solid proof.


i do feel guilty for taking that money and leaving...but half of it is spent up and i don't get paid til the 2nd.


advice on this situation anyone?





I dunno


you kinda owe her the money


and shes nuts


Cracken and kookie are dispensing good advice


give the managers at work a heads up to protect your ass



as for the roman bath comment, the only people who can spend ove ran hour in teh gym actually working out are the people @ worlds strongest man :D


everyone else is just dicking around not working out for most of the time ;)

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ahh, well i think i'll give her it back, though i can only afford to pay back 1/3 until the 2nd, though she said she wants it all back at once, impossible for me until next payday.


i'm going to have to call her, maybe she'll calm down then? i got her p.o. box number. think it would be better to give her the money personally, i don't trust just putting money in an envelope and in the mail box, especially more than $100. i am expecting her to be pissed at me for not saving all of the money. she's afraid i spent it all on alcohol. i'm pretty much through with drinking after that incident.

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i only got $200 of it left...spent the rest of it on contacts exam, 2 tanks of gas, good running shoes, payed my parents what i owed them, and paid off my credit card and bank loan.


I think the right thing to do is to pay her back the money..

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If you give her some money it is a sign of guilt that you owe more. So either pay none or all of it. Is she tries to go the court route it would be hard to make a case as there is no proof right?


Anyways, yesterday was my birthday. Sweet.... 43 BTW..... Kids took me to the movies, saw hotel for dogs then went to AppleBees for dinner. Kids gave me a StarWars lego... the v-19 torrent.. :)

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