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Michael Phelps caught smoking


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I frankly can't understand why everyone is so interested in crucifying Phelps. He was caught smoking marijuana... so what? He couldn't POSSIBLY have won so many competitions if he did that on a regular basis. People just seem to want to make a big deal out of insignificant issues such as this to taint a decent role-model.


I hold him with no change in my regard. To me, it's as though he's never done it before. If his performance changes, then that might change, but not now.

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I cannot help but think "So what?"


There's worse things to do, and why everyone automatically takes such a moral high ground I have no idea. More of you than would like to admit have probably dabbled in a bit of the smoke before, including myself. Justify how in the late 90's America had around 5% of the worlds population yet consumed over 50% of the worlds cocaine. Go figure, someone's gotta be having it.


And on this "But it messes you up!" argument. So does anything you do. Hell, once you do something 14 times it is a habit, so making a habit of not locking you car can sure mess you up if it gets stolen. The people with the fear of it is the people that haven't done it. Not to be a conspiracy vendor, but its been a brainwashed opinion since before i was born.


Granted, he should have been a bit more careful.


Now I'm off out for a cigarette :)

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