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New Head


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Pretty good head SS :)


As far as texturing can go, I'd say try to cut back on the hair painted on the forehead. Do a little trimming of the eyebrows (He almost has a unibrow!), and, unless Revan just shaved before waking up on the Endar Spire, I'd say make some changes to the beard.

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Very well detailed, but as everyone else is saying the beard and eyebrows don't work IMO. A goatee would be cool, and perhaps if you make him a little less scruffy....


Also, this would be a cool unique appearance for an NPC in your Sleheyron mod. Perhaps you can get someone to do the VOs? KOTOR mods need less aliens and more humans with unique personas...IMO. :D

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The first one is certainly more unique than the second. He looks more like a regular, average guy; rather than the idealized Hollywood handsome that most characters look like (Carth for example). The second one leans more toward the idealized style, and as a result is less unique. Both would work well in the game, in different NPC situations.


The beard is well done in the second, but the stubble of the first looked a little too much like acne scarring. The triangle shaped bangs are problematic, so I understand why you tried painting hair on the forehead, even though it doesn't quite work. Perhaps putting a little bit of subtle shadow on the forehead (not too dark, contrasty or crisp) might optically "blend" the hair in a bit? Right now the hair strands are quite dark, and really stand out from the lighter skin (too much contrast).

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The beard is well done in the second, but the stubble of the first looked a little too much like acne scarring. The triangle shaped bangs are problematic, so I understand why you tried painting hair on the forehead, even though it doesn't quite work. Perhaps putting a little bit of subtle shadow on the forehead (not too dark, contrasty or crisp) might optically "blend" the hair in a bit? Right now the hair strands are quite dark, and really stand out from the lighter skin (too much contrast).


Hmm... the shadow is really a good idea. I think I will try that and see how it turns out.

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Hmm... the shadow is really a good idea. I think I will try that and see how it turns out.


I just thought of the Republic officers and soldiers who wear hats and helmets. I think that they have a greyish shadow on thier faces to simulate the shade that the brims of thier hats would throw. I can't remember exactly the name of the texture, but it might be N_repoff.tga (or similar). That might make for a decent example.

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