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[K1] Cheat and Warpband


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I have already uploaded version 1. I am currently working on v2 and I have already done these:


-teleporting to any area

-open and close any door

-play pazaak,swoop race,turret game

-apply effects

-change Alignment

-give experience

-give credits

-buy every item in the game

-use the workbench

-play movies

-change class

-add and remove party members

-change battle and background music

-spawn friendly and hostile creatures



I want to do the followings:

-Give Feats

-Give Force Powers

-Increase/Decrease Abilities and Skills

-Kill the nearest enemy

-Heal the whole party


Well, that's all :)


Sadly I do not know the script for them. If anyone can help me with any script I would really appreciate any help. :duel:

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A suggestion for the feats and powers section:

If it's possible could you make it so you can pick and choose the ones you want installed instead of "Give all Feats/Powers". The TSL warpband that's out there is set up like that, and it gives you even the ones that don't work.


Yes well as soon as I get the script I will make it like that but sadly I don't know the script yet :(

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This sounds a lot like MrDefender's armband. You may want to look around to see if you can find a download of it (v1.9 is the latest release, I think).


That mod does pretty much what this one does, so you can look through Defender's source for how to script in the granting of force powers/feats.


If you are not able to find it, pm me if you like and I can send you a copy.


Happy modding!

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That mod does pretty much what this one does, so you can look through Defender's source for how to script in the granting of force powers/feats.

Just make sure to test them. Some TSL scripts won't work in K1 (and vice versa) ;)



I'd also suggest perusing the Tutorials section. The scripting area has this gem of a thread:


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The most important scripts are

-healing the whole party

-killing the nearest enemy


The others can be done with level up.........

Sadly TSL scripts don't seem to be working:(


Hope I will find a script for those...:racer:


Edit: Someone requested me to make a "corpse spawner". I will add it to the options if I can make the script. I think I should do something with "k_def_spawndead" but please send a script if you know what to do.

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For the healing:


void main() {
  int nVitality, nCount;
  object oParty;
  nCount = 0;
  while( nCount < GetPartyMemberCount() ) {
     oParty = GetPartyMemberByIndex( nCount );
     nVitality = GetMaxHitPoints( oParty ) - GetCurrentHitPoints( oParty );
     ApplyEffectToObject( DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, EffectHeal( nVitality ), oParty );


For the killing:


void main() {
  object oTarget;
  ApplyEffectToObject( DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, EffectDeath(), oTarget );


Note: The killing script will the nearest enemy without regard to whether it is plot-critical or not. Killing a plot-critical opponent will create a problem.


- Star Admiral

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For the healing:


void main() {
  int nVitality, nCount;
  object oParty;
  nCount = 0;
  while( nCount < GetPartyMemberCount() ) {
     oParty = GetPartyMemberByIndex( nCount );
     nVitality = GetMaxHitPoints( oParty ) - GetCurrentHitPoints( oParty );
     ApplyEffectToObject( DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, EffectHeal( nVitality ), oParty );


For the killing:


void main() {
  object oTarget;
  ApplyEffectToObject( DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, EffectDeath(), oTarget );


Note: The killing script will the nearest enemy without regard to whether it is plot-critical or not. Killing a plot-critical opponent will create a problem.


- Star Admiral



Thank you so much!

The script is working fine! :thmbup1:

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I'm trying to make the "spawn a corpse" script. This is probably wrong because it didn't work :p


So this is the WRONG code:


void main()


"k_def_spawndead", GetLocation(GetFirstPC()));


I am thinking of changing "OBJECT_TYPE_***" or put somewhere else the "k_def_spawndead"


If you know what to do please tell me

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To spawn something that's dead, just create a custom .utc file. Under the scripts tab, scroll down to the ONSPAWN script, and change it to k_def_spawndead


Then, just spawn the NPC like you normally do and Viola! Dead NPC that never dissapears. If you want, I can send you and example NPC...

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To spawn something that's dead, just create a custom .utc file. Under the scripts tab, scroll down to the ONSPAWN script, and change it to k_def_spawndead


Then, just spawn the NPC like you normally do and Viola! Dead NPC that never dissapears. If you want, I can send you and example NPC...


Uh, yes please send an example :confused:

I don't really understand it

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  • 2 weeks later...

I downloaded this and when i put it on in-game theres no way to activate it!

i even tried completely removing all override files then installling the band again but it still wont work in-game... am i activating it wrong? how do i activate? im new to forums this is my first ever forum post

I tried activating it like you would any other armband but theres nothing there... please help me :confused:

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try redownloading it and then reinstalling. u might have to edit a little in apperance.2da

i did that and now it works. but none of my other mod armbands do including the BoS armlet of fiends and tk102's darkside choker.



EDIT: Btw Dac i found a bug idk if u've found it or not but when u set darth bandon to aid u he says like i have found u at last or something like normal after malak gives the order for bandon to find and kill u.

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try redownloading it and then reinstalling. u might have to edit a little in apperance.2da

i did that and now it works. but none of my other mod armbands do including the BoS armlet of fiends and tk102's darkside choker.



EDIT: Btw Dac i found a bug idk if u've found it or not but when u set darth bandon to aid u he says like i have found u at last or something like normal after malak gives the order for bandon to find and kill u.


Yes,I know but I think there's no way to fix it. I didn't set any conversation but he still talks. Maybe that line comes with the appearence or presence I don't know......

Anyway thanks for the feedback!


And as for you Jedi Master, Malice I would do the same as Darth Ma3v3n.

If you're having trouble with v2.0 I suggest you download v1.0

I'll soon release a fix for v2.0 because all the non-modder people can't do much about it.:(

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i dont know how to do any of that but i think the problem might have been caused by me installing brotherhood of shadow for amulet of fiends but then deleting brotherhood of shadow because it made my star forge robes get a cape that is like a board


"i dont know how to do any of that" what i mean by that is i dont know how to mess with he appearance file


it seems that nothing is interfering with the mod... i even tried to re install the game but only failure to use the armband came :(


tried with no other mods installed allso


wow my 4th edit on this post! woo! i opened the spells 2da file in kotor tool... i learned how to do that but anyway so i opened it and i couldent find the warpband in spells :(


is anyone gonna reply? or does it take long to reply? idk because remember im new to this so yeah i geuss i just gots to wait!

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i dont know how to do any of that but i think the problem might have been caused by me installing brotherhood of shadow for amulet of fiends but then deleting brotherhood of shadow because it made my star forge robes get a cape that is like a board


"i dont know how to do any of that" what i mean by that is i dont know how to mess with he appearance file


it seems that nothing is interfering with the mod... i even tried to re install the game but only failure to use the armband came :(


tried with no other mods installed allso


wow my 4th edit on this post! woo! i opened the spells 2da file in kotor tool... i learned how to do that but anyway so i opened it and i couldent find the warpband in spells :(


is anyone gonna reply? or does it take long to reply? idk because remember im new to this so yeah i geuss i just gots to wait!


I think nobody replied because you haven't posted any new comments just edited your last...


Mod note: What the other poster did was correct to do, what you are saying to do is called 'bumping' and it isn't allowed here (Only the OP/modder can do so and only for the purpose of an update), just FYI. -RH


Anyway I've got good news:) I made a fix for this armband and uploaded it to Filefront. As soon as it will be reviewed you can download it and(hopefully)

it will work now.


EDIT: I'm sorry RH it won't happen again:(

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yay im gonna check back later for it and hopefully it will work

quick question though.. can i go to taris even though its destroyed? :o


Yes you can teleport back anytime to Taris but be careful! Strange things can happen sometimes:indif:

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I cant find the fix :(

are you aloud to put links here? if you are could you put a link?

because i looked on filefront


As I said before as soon as it will be reviewed you can download it,but so far it hasn't been reviewed. It wasn't rejected because when I check it, it says "pending". I'm sorry but you'll have to wait a little more:(

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm almost done with this thing, just two more jobs to do:

-making a corpse spawner

-making a compatibility fix


My problem is that I can't understand how the corpse spawner works. Corpse spawner means spawn a dead enemy's corpse before you. If someone could send an example like spawning a sith trooper corpse, I would be greatful.


I'm not sure about the compatibility fix. I want my mod to be compatible with Call of Aid and BoS. I edited spells.2da,call_of_aid.uti and ddwarper.uti. So can I ask one of you guys to "test" this compatibility fix? I uploaded them here(CLICKY)


Here's what to do:

-Download and Install BoS, Call of Aid and my WarpBand(to avoid any problems please install this one(CLICKY))

-Download this fix from the link above, and put the files in your override. I can' test it because it takes a lot of time(You know you have to wait till you get call of aid and go to the Orion etc....)I'm currently working on other mods too so please somebody test it.


If it doesn't work, and you have any suggestions what file should I edit or else please comment.



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Question: Why a corpse spawner? Some kind of ambiance thing?


Much of what you set out in your OP reminds me of LitRidl's TSL armband. If you've pulled that off, that sounds cool. Once asked him awhile back if he were going to do it for KOTOR, but he said no.

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