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[K1] Mandalorian Endar Spire


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Update time.


I reskinned the next module of our ship which I will call Vendire(If you have any name suggestions you can still tell it:D). I have some problems but first watch the video:

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You can notice that there are Sith Fighters hanging in the Hangar. I want them to be invisible. The Ebon Hawk can stay. I will probably re-re-skin the Hangar, because it is too red:D Allright the last problem is not too bad or anything, but when you go down with the Elevator to the Hangar, you are teleported somwhere else in the middle. I want the player to stand in front of the elevator when you go to the Hangar. Got any ideas, feel free to comment:D


Now let's move on. I started to create a story for our ship. I'm not doing a total conversion, so my story have to fit the original Revan story. So here it is:


After Revan was captured, the Jedi Council gave him a new identity: a Republic Soldier. Three months later, Revan and some other Republic Soldiers are captured by the Vendire. The Mandalorians kill all Republic Soldiers, except Revan. He/She is held captive, until the Sith attack the Vendire........


Basically you will help the Mandalorians destroy the Sith in the beginning. Don't worry it won't be just "run around and kill everybody":D You will make decisions in space battles and other things too..............

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Here's another little update:

I changed the Republic Theme Music to the Vode An(Brothers All) Mandalorian music. It is a free downloadable music, so I hope I didn't break any law.


EDIT: I asked RedHawke about it and I think I won't change it after all. sorry:(

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Yay, another mando'ad. anyway I cant wait to have this mod it looks so cool.


and for the name: i think that Kote be Akaan will be good it means Glory of War.


Thanks for the feedback:) Finally the first one who suggested a ship name:xp: Kote Be Akan. It sounds good, but the voice actors will have some trouble with the pronunciation. And Glory of War.........well I will think about it. Thanks again:)

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Same here. I could do a few voices since I can change my voice pretty good. I would probably be better at girl voices since I have a kind of high voice.


EDIT: I almost forgot, Glory of War actually fits in with Mando beliefs. and for the pronounciation, It's pronounced "koh-tay bay ah-kahn."

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Allright thank you guys:) I won't recruit voice actors now because I have a few more jobs to do. And if you think you can spare some time for voice acting, remember that your voice must sound like a Mandalorian(or like the Sith Troopers).


Well I have a little update and good news:

I finished reskinning another(4th) module and only one more is left to be done. Then, I will probably begin recruiting some people for filling the modules with Mandalorians because I still have trouble with cheats I don't have screenies or videos now, but I will upload some soon.

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Finally! Here's another update! I couldn't make a video because of my Fraps=_=. Nevermind, I have screenshots here:

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I destroyed Yavin IV:xp::

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The module is currently empty but I will fill it with lots of good stuff:D

This is called "Entertainment Module". This won't be an ordinary entertainment module like the Taris Cantina. There won't be Twi'lek Dancers or waiters, no this will be different.

Another good news is voice acting has started! I don't have too much dialogs now yet. Te Mirdala Mand'alor is voicing Mandalore. Thank you!:)

Currently Mandalore is the only character who has dialogs.


I have some info about this "Mandalore":

Basically he's not Mandalore, he doesn't even have Mandalore's mask, but he is a great warrior and have followers. They call him Mandalore.


I started to fill the bridge with Mandalorians, so more screenies coming soon:)



I decided to post screenies of the bridge now:)

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I'm not too sure if the Vendire should look like this, but it's blue now:

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And another EDIT:

Please post suggestions/critics/or simple comments they will encourage me, to finish the mod:)

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Just in case you haven't thought of a name yet for the ship, what about The Maverick.


A mandalorian ship independent of the fractured clans.


Thanks for the feedback:) I think Maverick is a moon or something I'll look into it at Wookiepedia and thanks again:)

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Kandosii ner'vod! Vode an Mando'ade!:lol: Nice one! :crybaby: But why did you have to destroy Yavin?:lol:. The Mandalore VO is coming along nicely. I just have to do a little bit more and I'm done.


I destroyed Yavin because I can! BWAHAHAHAHA!:D No actually I did it because you can't see it from the Bridge, then you won't see from the Entertainment module. And as for the VOs, thank you:D


You may be thinking of The Maverick Moon, but there isn't actually a moon called Maverick.


Oh, okay I thought Maverick was a real moon:D I will think about it.

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Good news! I have finished creating the 1st module completely! Quests,NPCs,placeables,doors, everything! I have some screenies of the first battle:

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Furthermore, I can share with you bit more of the story(It has changed a lot):

Sith Battleships are attacking the Vendire, and you must leave it. There are 3 escape pods left. Kelborn,Kex and you manage to escape before the ship is destroyed(There will be a cutscene of this). You land on a planet(not too sure, on which one, but a new one), and can't find neither Kex, nor Kelborn.


There is some unfinished part between this, and the beginning story(see post#51).


But there are some bad news too:( I decided I won't use the Vode An music. I asked RedHawke about it, and I decided that I won't use it. Maybe if I find something else................


Enjoy the update:D


EDIT: I decided. I will make Planet Mandalore with the help of some other people:)

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Kandosii ner'vod! This mod is the ani'la! But no Vode An?:crybaby:. Anyway, the Mand'alor VO is almost done (as well as your "other" requests).

btw: Would it be possible for you to post some screenies of Mand'alor?


Well it would be pointless to post screens of Mand'alor because I don't have any armors for him. He won't be like Silveredge's Mandalore, he isn't that good:xp: Anyway thanks for the feedback, and I will post screens as soon as I can:D

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Thanks for the feedback everyone:D

You know I like the look your getting with the force fields there but you might want to pop some actual doors in there too.

I planned on putting some real doors in there, but there are no "Mandalorian-doors" in the game and I won't create a new one. Most of the doors don't fit the Leviathan, but the Force Fields do.

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