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Arren Kae (PC)

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Thank you for the work you've been doing Queen of Night. I've already downloaded some of your mods and have been very happy with them. You are very good at this.


I am looking forward to Arran Kae, so far she looks really beautiful, I'm sure you'll do her justice with the choice of hair (I liked the red by the way, red/green and brown/blue are easily likely to produce very-blonde/blue offspring I think, I had an image she was red/green and her husband was brown/blue).


As well as offering some encouragement, I am posting to ask if you do requests for clothing? I think you might be able to make the kind of thing I was looking for.

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I still like the first one best, she looks very pretty and I think closer to Brianna's mother.


I wanted to ask about a reskin of the Jedi Master robes. I think the movie style robes or the game robes do not suit the time of KotOR very well. I thought they would look more like core world nobility.

I think of the Jedi Knights a lot like mediaeval knights. Once they wore suits of armour in combat, then later they dressed more as nobles and finally as the feudal system desintegrated they began to dress more as common folk and became like monastic sects.


I think the Jedi of the movie era are in the monk age of the Jedi. A thousand years before, in the time of KotOR they were more like nobility. And then three thousand years before that, in the time of the Great Hyperspace War they were like knights on the battlefield, which is where they got their original name and most of their reputation as warriors.


I don't like monks robes in KotOR because I don't think they suit the time. A few Jedi may have lived like hermits back then, and some may have dressed for battle, but I think most would live, dress and act like nobility, seeking to solve problems more as politicians than warriors or mystics.


I wanted a set of Jedi Master robes that have more bright colours and would blend in well among core world senators, rather than tusken raiders and sand dunes.

Not just a colour change, but changing the whole look so they are more like noble attire. Even though they do not have wealth individually the Jedi Order is obviousy very wealthy as a whole. They should look like rich people, but act humbly. I think this would best describe my view of the Jedi in this age.

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Queen of Night: @Te: Handmaiden said: She have the Face of her Mother but thanks for your Tip.


True, but when kids look like their parents, the resemblance isn't perfect. They still have to look different. So maybe Handmaiden could look like her mother with some small differences in their features. Hope this was helpful ;)

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