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Heavy Midnight - Character Sign-Up


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Heavy Midnight


Year: 2010


Life is good for kids who love doing what they can to pass the time. Going to concerts, hanging out with friends, and not caring what others think of them.


But one young man, who's in love with Metal music, has secrets of his own. Being a creature of the Night. Being a Werewolf. But all he want is to live in peace among Humans and be the Metal music lover he is. He also wants friends, so that way he wouldn't have to feel lonely and left out in this World...


Meanwhile, a secret organization is in place. The Anti-Werewolf Organization (AWO) is led by a ruthless man named Conrad Stevenson. He has a bad attitude towards Werewolves. And he doesn't care whether they want to kill or not. Stevenson wants to rid them.


This RP is about a young Metalhead werewolf who wants to live peacefully among Humans. But Conrad Stevenson, the Werewolf Hunter, is the villian of the story.




Young Metalhead Werewolf (Koran): Chevron 7 locke

Conrad Stevenson: CommanderQ




- You can make up any characters. But you must ONLY play up to 2-3 characters. They can be good, bad, or neutral.


- No God-modding. Meaning no player is more powerful than other players.


- Don't kill another player's character unless given permission by that other player or the Threadmaster (me).


- Less swearing. Let's keep this PG-13.


-You may insult the player's character. Just not the players themselves.


- Be kind in OOC ((Out of Character)).


- Most importantly... Have Fun!! :D


Character Sheet





Species: (Human, Werewolf, Vampire (optional) )







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Name: John Carmine

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Appearance: http://nova-club.deviantart.com/art/Nova-by-xasillisax-62764779

Personality: Outgoing, Loud, Funny, Lazy, yet somehow smart.

Occupation: Student

Weapons: None

Vehicle: a Blue 1998 Mazda

Bio: John's life is just like everyone elses. He had a great childhood and came from a good family. He goes to school and does the same thing over and over again. The only excting thing that's ever happened to him was when his brother went into the army and he got to see him in uniform.


Name: Jericho

Age: 117

Gender: Male

Species: Vampire

Appearance: http://liquidology.deviantart.com/art/DarkWatch-94778935

Personality: Jericho is Brutal, quiet, intelligent, and above all determined. he won't stop until his target is brought in dead or alive.

Occupation: Hunter

Weapons: Twin daggers on his wrists, two large revolvers with bladed handles, and a pump action shotgun

Vehicle: None

Bio: Jericho was born Half Human, Half Vampire. For this he was seen as unworthy in the eyes of other vampires and was not given his father's last name. As he grew up he developed a thirst for blood and a thirst for carnage. For these reasons he became a hunter. For years he's tracked down all sorts of creatures and has taken them down. As his skills improved he looked for better targets to hunt and found them in his own kind and in werewolves. He joined the AWO and is now Conrad Stevenson's right hand man.

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I hope you'll have me. -gives the cuties face in the world-


Name: Ashtin Dezreil

Age: 116

Gender: Male

Species: Vampire

Appearance: http://i694.photobucket.com/albums/vv309/lustful_intoxication/Vampires/1ren.jpg

Personality: Ashtin is a cold to the core. His ability to care for any life was destroyed when he witnessed his family being destroyed by humans. He lives off of causing the human race pain. But at times he may show mercy depending on how entertained the person can make him.

Occupation: None

Weapons: He carries around one black steal katana, with the hilt wrapped in a blood red cloth. Along with a STI Sentinel Premier Handgun.

Vehicle: None

Bio: As a child he was brought up to hold the highest respect for all life. But that abruptly came to and end when he witnessed the brutal murder of his family. Now with his heart closed off to anything he brutal stalks the streets of cities and towns his hunger for revenge is great, and his pain is deep. At times there will be occasions when he finds his prey entertianing enough that he will stalk and hunt them for another day.

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Name: Koran


Age: 18


Gender: Male


Species: Werewolf


Appearance: Human form: Koran




Personality: Mostly a loner in wolf form but is very easy going when in human form.


Occupation: Metalhead


Weapons: Claws and Teeth


Vehicle: N/A


Bio: Koran was bitten at a younger age then most and has thus had more time to learn to control himself while in wolf form. He prefers his Human side to his wolf side simply because he finds running on all four feet more tiring then running on two feet.


While in wolf form he is much stronger and much more deadly. Right now he is running from a mysterious hunter.

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I hope this works, if it's not too similar to Chev's character.


Name: Peter Fenric


Age: 28


Gender: Male


Species: Human/Tame Werewolf



In human form

In werewolf form


Personality: Though typically calm, polite, and easy going, he is very serious when hunting vampires


Occupation: Vampire hunter


Weapons: Two Walther P99's, loaded with garlic-soaked bullets, a stake (human form), claws and teeth (werewolf form)


Vehicle: A blue 2011 Chrysler 300


Bio: Bitten ten years ago, Peter has undergone serious mental conditioning in order to retain full control while in werewolf form. However, it has resulted in him having a deep hatred for vampires, and an aversion to human society, maintaining little contact with them, and next to none as a werewolf. Despite this, he has never attacked a human, focusing his energy against vampires.

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OH! OH! Can I be the villain? There so much fun:D


Sure thing, CQ! Go right ahead. :) Hey, Chev? Ya got a Human appearance for Koran? BTW, love you guys' character sheets! :D



Name: Moxie Stuart


Age: 17


Gender: Female


Species: Human


Appearance: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3063/2653795081_fe10923e93.jpg?v=0


Personality: Soft-spoken, sometimes quiet, trustworthy, and friendly


Occupation: High School junior student


Weapons: Hidden dagger in right black boot and fighting skills


Vehicle: Her friend's Autosleeper Harmony Hightop Campervan


Bio: Moxie Stuart was born and raised in Queens, New York. There, she lives with her aunt and uncle Jesse and Maria. Her parents died in a car accident when she was 14. Ever since her parent's death, Moxie has been quiet and sometimes shy. But hanging out with her friends in their Autosleeper Harmony Hightop Campervan, Moxie has been feeling a little better.


Her friends believe that she should find a guy to go with, so that she could get out of her "shell", and be open to everyone.


Note: Cool! So tomorrow, I'll start the RP. Glad you guys could join. Hope we all have fun with this! :D

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Name: Vladimir Cheryenkov


Age: 49


Gender: Male


Species: Human





Personality: Vladimir used to be a kind and loving person, but the death of his son has provoked an irrational paranoia and rage against others. He is usually unable to control his anger, sometimes sending him into a rage.


Occupation: Vice President, AWO. 3-Star General, Russian Spetsnaz


Weapons: AK-74 Submachine Gun, Heckler & Koch MP5, 2 Grenades


Vehicle: Private T-90 bought from the Russian Army for serious Vampire Hunting jobs (he considers all vampire hunting jobs serious though, so the tank is always used)


Bio: Vladimir Cheryenkov is one of the top military officers of Russia, excelling in almost every field of warfare. He has graduated from the West Point academy, and moved on to the army life in Russia. When he was 44, Vladimir was given control of the Russian Spetsnaz, or the special forces. He still holds this position even now, and there were never attempts to dethrone him, as he has made a bond so close with the Spetsnaz that whoever try to overthrow him will meet a grim death.


Vladimir's son was killed when he was 17, a time when Vladimir was himself 49. Infuriated, Vladimir ordered investigation of the cause of death, and the bitemarks were attributed to a Werewolf, an old wives' tale to many. Vladimir discovered the AWO, and he rose up in its ranks and currently holds the position of Vice President. He has killed 57 Werewolves, and he desires to kill much much more.

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Okay, here's the character thingy for Conrad Stevenson....:D



Name: Conrad Stevenson


Age: 27


Gender: Male


Species: Human


Appearance: Sam_Fisher_Bald.jpg


Conrad stands tall at 6'3,' and usually dresses in dark colors, like gray and black, sticking to non-descript clothes so as not to be easy to point out. When on the job he wears a Kevlar vest and two shoulder bandoliers. He also has been known to wear a black gas mask during a raid, showing he has a taste for the theatrical.


Personality: He is a very quiet person...and to many, that could seem a sign of weakness, but his quiet visage hides a much darker, much more brutal disposition. Conrad has never made many friends, as he is extremely distrusting, believing that the only thing you can trust is yourself, everyone else being liars and cheats. He cares little for the cost of his goals, causing collateral damage and injuring civilians with practically every mission. He cares little for others, period.


He is also extremely determined to get the mission done. And that mission is to rid the world of supernaturals, beginning with werewolves.


Amidst his dark personality, lies one weakness, his insecurity. For all his anger and determination, he's never been truly sure of himself, feeling a need to prove himself superior anywhere and everywhere.


He is also extremely arrogant, and lacks forethought{such as, when he kills all the supernaturals, what will he do then? He may just turn on his fellow humans}.


Occupation: Werewolf/Vampire hunter. Oh, and any odd-job that comes by to pay the bills{he once worked 3 weeks as a pizza delivery guy...it worked both towards his financial goals and building an alias as "Thomas Harker."


Weapons: A Desert Eagle pistol, loaded with special silver-induced rounds. He also carries around a large KABAR knife, which doubles as a stake{effective against Vampires}. He also carries a large arrangement of small arms, garrotes, commando knives, and one submachine gun.


Vehicle: Whatever he can get his hands on...though right now he just drives around an old Toyota Camry, which keeps his entire operation non-descript.


BIO: He was born in the slums of New York to 2 heavily-in debt parents who had gotten involved with the less-then-reputable people of the City. Conrad was then orphaned at a young age, his parents killed in a car accident. He spent much of his early life in a run-down orphanage, acting cruelly to his fellow orphans and showing an obvious disregard for those who were different. The young Conrad got involved with many dangerous lines of work, including work with a criminal organization and small time gangs. He was beaten often, but created a reputation as someone who never gave up, never backed down from any challenge. But he still small, and therefore, a weakling.


He hated this image.


Finally, after growing up and educating himself, sought revenge against those who had mistreated him, leaving a bloody trail everywhere he went. After 5 years of vengeance, he felt satisfied that he had restored his image. But now he needed something new to focus his aggressive feelings on.


So, he chose the supernatural, and now embarks on a mission to completely annihilate them.

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If you are still looking for characters I have a character in mind:


Name: Thomas (often called Tom)

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Species: Human (for the moment, open to suggestions on which supernatural species to turn into later on).

Appearance: (Human, Werewolf-Human, Vampire)


Personality: Enjoys having a laugh, friendly unless you annoy him, quite calm even when everything else seems to be falling apart around him.

Occupation: Band Roadie

Weapons: None although experience of firearms in the past see bio.

Vehicle: None.

Bio: Tom was born and raised in England, Carefree and relaxed from the outside, inside he hides his past and feelings.


Joining the military at an early age he saw many things on the battlefield some of which disillusioned him and made him question what he was fighting for, deciding the military career wasn't for him he decided to quit and spend some travelling the world.


He ended up working as a roadie moving the equipment around and travelling with the band members he is in charge of getting the lighting ready and setting up the stereo amps before the show.


He enjoys the music but dislikes the late nights and early mornings of being a roadie.

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Name: Valentine

Age: 127

Gender: Male

Species: Vampire

Appearance: Clicky

Personality: Polite, yet mainly keeps to himself. Speaks only when spoken too.

Weapon: x2 Longknife Gunblade

Vehicle: Motorcycle

Occupation: Werewolf Resistance Agent

BIO: Valentine is a rogue vampire who secretely works for the Werewolf Resistance against the AWO. It is unclear as to why he teamed up with the Resistance, but he has served a great asset to them in there cause. He shows no remorse when killing his own kind.

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-raises his hand- ^-^


Skywalker I have a Questions?


I'm thinking of making a new character, but I was curious if it could only be Human, Warewolf, and Vampire? Could it be like some kind of demon as well? Since we've already broken the rules of reality. lol

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