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Disbeliever's crazy project!


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I remember discussing the possibility of a Bochaba statue before, and I came to the conclusion that it was a better idea to have to city officials in a dialog about the cost of a statue, and then diverting the funds for the statue into their personal accounts. We felt that it reflected the atmosphere of the planet better.


But the statue would be fine anyway.

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Well if everyone has mixed feelings about a hutt statue I can remove it :lol:


I did it in about 10 minutes to see it in game. I was bored waiting for Q :lol:


I am going to play aroiund with it tomorrow and enlarge the statur allot, spruce up the platform for it and give him a better pose

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Here's two quick shots of what I've been making as "filler".

First off, some tubes, pipes and powerstation/suppliers... euh, euh something odd Star Warsy :lol:



Second, are very generale stands/kiosks for the street merchants.



I'll move quickly to texture these, then wait for Dis to send me the files, so I can put them in their spot. No doubt I'll come up with some other little ideas :p

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Back on topic:

Q: You kind-of already have this for the street merchants but maybe you could make something like a mall kiosk (you know those big square-ish mini-stores in the hallway at the mall). Additionally I was thinking maybe you could incorporate stuff that look like vaporators (from the moisture farms) or use them as a basis for more "Star Warsy" tech :D .

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:Q: You kind-of already have this for the street merchants but maybe you could make something like a mall kiosk (you know those big square-ish mini-stores in the hallway at the mall).


I had an idea that you could have an "information booth" but instead of general information, it would be updates for illicit crimes commissioned by the Hutt that you decide to sign on with. Until you do sign up with one, they could just tell you that they're on a spice break.


One overall suggestion for the areas though: more neon ;)


This suggestion refers to a placeable that I only remember being in KOTOR1 but it might be in KOTOR2 as well. I only recall seeing them in Davik's hangar on Taris. They were tall cylindrical objects that looked like they had neon tubes in them. The picture before technically isn't from the game but a recreation created by Inyri Forge for a JA mod but it'll give you an idea of what I'm talking about. (See area highlighted by green box.)




Perhaps you can put a pair of them outside of cantina's/bar's doorways as futuristic weapon detectors?

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Back on topic:

Q: You kind-of already have this for the street merchants but maybe you could make something like a mall kiosk (you know those big square-ish mini-stores in the hallway at the mall). Additionally I was thinking maybe you could incorporate stuff that look like vaporators (from the moisture farms) or use them as a basis for more "Star Warsy" tech :D .


Hmm, I'll see if a bigger kiosk will fit somewhere. But I rather keep most "filler" on the smaller side, so that it not blocks out to much of the players path.


The Kotor games prefer a more wider path, else your party members often get stuck :lol:



One of my to do lists is to create signs, hanging from the walls, which will have some good amount of neon :)


I've good a amount of SW fonts, so expect to see some Huttsee, euh Huttingish, whatever :lol:



I really like the Hutt statue.


I'm sure the Statue will return, it just needs some tweaking :p

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I agree with whoever said "more neon" however I do not want to 80's 'technor' it up :lol:


*and bonus points to the kiddie who gets the reference I just made* ;)


Q and I had already discussed making signs to put on the buildings that will have some color to them. I dont think we want a real party looking feel to it though. The place is all about oppression and crime,not a very cheery place :)


To give everyone an update, I will be sending Q my files for the merchant area in a few minutes to add in his filler, like he did with the machines in the landing bay. So I am sure we can all expect great updates from him very very fast :lol:

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awesome. oddly green though, and that looks sort of out of place with the rest of the atmosphere/buildings being that sort of rusty bronze.


also, re: neon, i'm not thinking clappy neon here obviously, more a Bladerunner style. you know, misery with glowing bangles :p

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awesome. oddly green though, and that looks sort of out of place with the rest of the atmosphere/buildings being that sort of rusty bronze.


also, re: neon, i'm not thinking clappy neon here obviously, more a Bladerunner style. you know, misery with glowing bangles :p


As you can see the textures are not done :-p But thanks

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I remember that Sleheyron had a lot of these jutting out from various buildings and such.


Maybe you could put some of them in the areas.



Working on some pipes and odd bitz like these. I think I might add some large pipes as well, I mean really LARGE :lol:



@DIS: Ofcourse size matters!

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