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Disbeliever's crazy project!


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Like the train and the large... thing....


As well as that poly reduction! 200,000+ to 24,000! Very impressive!


Overall, nice work you two!


The biggest issue with polys was how I stupidly modeled the walkable area. That was 75,000+ polys I got rid of right there in doing it the right way. As Q always points out, you tend to go a bit wild in 3d studio making an awesome model, without taking into account the limitations and age of the game your modeling for.


I reduced the polys of some of the buildings and will let the textures make the depth more.


Once I get the goods from Q, new screens of the finished area should follow soon :)

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No doubt, "Hows the progress?" will be seen as spam.

But see you're new around here, 4 posts :p


Or a long time lurker :lol:


Anyway, no new shots yet, Dis send me his MOTHER file, the file before it gets textured and polished for the game. It'll be my job to add in the more little details. Not much ofcourse, the polycount is at a 17.900 or there about.


Plus, I'm almost done texturing my machines. Once that all gets into the motherfile, its back to DIS and finish it off :)


Boy, lots of work!

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Well, one little sentence is often considered as spam.

Mostly questions like: "Is done yet?" "No updates?"


Will be seen as spam if you don't add anything meaningfull as extra.

Its not forbidden to ask questions, though you'll just have to wait till me or Disbeliever post anything new about the mod.


Like I said you can ask things about the mod, like: "What you have in mind with Hutts?" "Will there be more then one cantina and will that be like in EP IV a dark hole?"


See, thats more to the topic. :)


Check the forum rules if you really want to know more or contact a moderator by PM.

I think there was a subforum to discuss rules if you feel like its really annoying or just don't agree.


EDIT: Disbeliever is playing it dangeriously :p

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The biggest issue with polys was how I stupidly modeled the walkable area. That was 75,000+ polys I got rid of right there in doing it the right way.



That would do it. Been taking a class on 3DS in school and actually have to unlearn a few habits from KotOR Modeling :xp:


Ah well, still amazed at how much poly cutting was done...


And somewhat anxious to see it implemented...


And curious about sidequests....



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This is just a reminder to everyone posts such as "Me too" are spam, posts asking for an update are spam, and finally querying moderation is guess what... Spam tooo!


Yes this mod is awesome, I get to test some of Quanon's areas and they do look great! But don't ask for updates; the modders will update when there is something to update. -- j7

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A petite update!


Me and Dis have had some issues, thanks to having differant versions of 3Ds Max. What was susposed to be an easy exchange of files turned into a small nightmare with all kind of troubles.


So that put a small delay on our progress.

Though fear not, I think we're good to go now again :p


And here's something for the hungry ones:






Textured machines :lol:

We'll be back with more in... euh short time would be a lie.. a longer time then ;)

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Fantastic renders!


Funny, I have had the opportunity to work around very similar machinery not so long ago, working on a shoot in a train repair/maintenance facility. They had some monstrous overhead lifts not so different from what you are creating. Not sure if you did research, but you are doing an excellent job with realism.

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Funny, I have had the opportunity to work around very similar machinery not so long ago, working on a shoot in a train repair/maintenance facility. They had some monstrous overhead lifts not so different from what you are creating. Not sure if you did research, but you are doing an excellent job with realism.



Héh, no I didn't use any info on these machines. I just started modelling. Well I did a few sketches to get an idea what I wanted. Though I didn't think to google some photos of those kind of things.


Often thats better, as you often forget nice details you can enlarge/twist, you know to make it a bit more special/Sci-Fi.


Thanks for all the nice replies!

Its what keeps us going, though don't be afraid throw in some critiques or questions.


Sometimes its better to have a second look at things, then just say its GOOD and it'll stay like that. Then again, once you worked on something for a few hours its hard to alter it or toss it out. You can fall in love with what you make :p

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