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Tron Legacy


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... looks awesome. Really looking forward to it. Been a fan of the original ever since it came out, and it looks like they are doing a great job of re-inventing it. I'm re-playing Tron 2.0 in anticipation. Daft Punk doing the soundtrack too. Can't wait!


New Trailer


There is cool game on the official site called Arcade Aid, where you have to figure out the names of 56 games. It's really fun and challenging. I managed to work out 30 on my own, and Hermie and Niner helped me with the other 26 this morning. At the end of it you fill in some Encom I.D. thing, and they will send you something in the post (make sure you login if you want to save your progress).


Have fun!


If you get really stuck on any, just ask. :)

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Another Oscar-worthy performance by Jeff Bridges in this one perhaps? ;) The Dude abides, after all...


But Tron was one of my fave films when I was a kid. I'm looking forward to it! I have the Expanded DVD set... and it will be one of the first to get upgraded when I finally jump to Blu-Ray.


I need to resurrect my gaming PC (or get an updated one...) to play through Tron 2.0 again myself.

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  edlib said:
I need to resurrect my gaming PC (or get an updated one...) to play through Tron 2.0 again myself.


It still looks cool as hell, even by todays standards, and the gameplay is just as awesome as I remember it.



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Yeah... I remember it being awesome.


Problem is: the PC I'm using at home at the moment basically has less power than the average Netbook.


My previous PC, with the graphics and audio accelerators croaked a while back, and i haven't had much incentive to get in there and try to revive it.


I would like to get a modern, more powerful tower system... but with car repairs and such, money is a bit too tight at the moment to go out and get a gamer-spec system.


I have a lot of extra work coming up over the next couple of weeks/ months however...


Maybe by summer I'll be able to upgrade my digital world.


Until then, I guess I'll try to see what killed off the old system just to have something to load old games on for nostalgia's sake...

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  • 2 weeks later...
  leXX said:
It still looks cool as hell, even by todays standards, and the gameplay is just as awesome as I remember it.


Does anyone know if there was ever a Digital Download release? Prefer gaming on my Alienware m11x ... no DVD drive ...

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  leXX said:
I don't think it is available for digital download. It's not on Steam or Direct2Drive anyway.


Yep ... I checked all of my Mac and PC DD sites and none of them have it ... so I had to grab my CD's and reinstall it, and use a CD image ...


The GOOD news? It runs *great* on the netbook - went to medium settings and it is smooth as silk! w00t!

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  Prime said:
But you retrospectives make me want to play Jedi Knight again first. :)


The funny thing is that I am a sucker for replaying those games myself ... when I got the Alienware m11x one of the first things I did was re-install the whole Jedi Knight series from Steam ...

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  • 2 weeks later...

For those who are still playing Tron 2.0, the long-awaited Killer App Mod was released yesterday. In a nutshell, it's essentially a massive patch/restoration/graphics enhancement mod, providing widescreen support, windowed mode, new multiplayer options, etc. It's the mod to end all mods, and should be considered a prerequisite for anyone playing Tron 2.0, veteran or novice.


Be sure that you also have the Unofficial Patch installed first, though.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...
  PastramiX said:
For those who are still playing Tron 2.0, the long-awaited Killer App Mod was released yesterday. In a nutshell, it's essentially a massive patch/restoration/graphics enhancement mod, providing widescreen support, windowed mode, new multiplayer options, etc. It's the mod to end all mods, and should be considered a prerequisite for anyone playing Tron 2.0, veteran or novice.


Be sure that you also have the Unofficial Patch installed first, though.


You sir, deserve a prize. The people who made the mod deserve many prizes.


Time to get re-playing some Tron.

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  • 2 months later...


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