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Well THIS should get leXX to shut up...

Darth Groovy

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So I am sick of my phone. I have tapped into the wonderful world of having the net at my finger tips, and my current phone is showing signs of limitations:




While it served it's purpose...just ain't doing it for me anymore...


So I have some questions before I go with the I-phone.


1. Do I HAVE to use I-tunes? Really?

Personally hate I-tunes. My computer hates I-tunes. I-tunes is teh Devil.


2. Will it download mp3s from sites such as Amazon.com?

I am thinking of just dumping my Zune and running with just one device to make things more simple. I was going to go with a 32GB model so I can rock my mp3s and podcasts and keep it all on one device.


3. 3GS or I-phone 4?

Friends at work say go with the older model. Also, is "refurbished" a bad thing? I was leaning towards a Refurbished 32GB 3GS. Right now AT%T is selling a refurbished one for about $149.


Prices have come down, and while I mostly text more than anything, I can easily go with a lower rate than the one I have now.

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  Darth Groovy said:
Well THIS should get leXX to Shut up...


I’m not really sure it is physically possible to get leXX to shut up.


I’ve been looking too. Right now I’m leaning towards the refurbished 32GB 3GS. Way more modern than my current phone. I use I-Tunes, but since you don’t have you considered a Droid? Have a couple friends that have purchased a Droid and they love it. I would consider it, but hooked into I-Tunes and I have my AT&T service bundled.

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I have an 8gb 3GS and I love it, however if I had the money I would have sprung for a Samsung Galaxy S.


I too can't stand iTunes, but thankfully I very rarely update my songs, so it works out alright in the end. I'm sure there's alternatives, but I'm too lazy.


Oh and once you have it Jailbreak that bitch >:3

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  Darth Groovy said:
1. Do I HAVE to use I-tunes? Really?

Personally hate I-tunes. My computer hates I-tunes. I-tunes is teh Devil.


Yes. You need it to sync your phone, so there is no getting away from it. Personally I don't see the problem with iTunes, I really like it. It's extremely easy to use.


2. Will it download mp3s from sites such as Amazon.com?


You have the iTunes store and App store as seperate applications on the phone itself which you can use to download direct to your phone, but for downloading from other sites you can download mp3's from anywhere, stick them in iTunes and sync to your phone.


3. 3GS or I-phone 4?


I would go with the cheapest option as there will be yet another version of iPhone coming out next year.


  mimartin said:
I’m not really sure it is physically possible to get leXX to shut up.


  Dath Maximus said:
nothing can get lexx to shut up, NOTHING


Shut up.

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A vote against Apple here. I'd recommend looking into the Samsung Galaxy S, or better yet, it's soon-to-be-released "successor" the next Google phone, Nexus S. My friend has a Galaxy S and it makes me jealous that I don't own an Android device.


And yes, I abhor iOS compared to Android. For the most part, I abhor all things Apple. Just putting that out there. Couldn't resist from recommending a phone that I see as better than the iPhone 4 in almost every way.




- PR-0927

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  leXX said:
I would go with the cheapest option as there will be yet another version of iPhone coming out next year.


But! You will most likely be locked in with your contract for another 2 years, limiting your upgrade chances (aka making a new iPhone ridiculously expensive). Spending an extra hundred bucks now would keep you more current.

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Thanks for the responses kids. Let you in on a little secret, which is not really a secret if you ever listened to any of our podcasts...lol


I had every intention of going I-phone last summer. I switched from Helio to AT&T once my contract expired for several reasons.


1. AT&T was the sole provider of the I-phone at that time.


2. We get a bit of a discount for working at GameStop by using AT&T.


3. AT&T has been the provider of my internet, phone, and TV for quite some time. When there is a problem, I can call an actual person and get it resolved immediately.


4. I used to have Verizon before I had Helio. I had no signal out where I worked, which is where I spend a good chunk of my life. With AT&T I get a full signal always. Not to sound like a commercial, but that stuff is important to me.


So yeah, I have an offer to upgrade my phone. I can get a refurbished 32GB 3GS for about $149.


The only reason I chickened out before, was that the phones were still $200-$300 and the data plans were lofty. Now the prices have come down, and the monthly plan will actually be about $5 less than my current phone. So why the Hell not?


Also, happy to say... Santa will be getting me an I-phone this year! :)


The only difference I see in the 3GS and 4Gs is resolution, which seems kind of silly on a device that small. Just saying...

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  jon_hill987 said:


Don't fall for it. Get an Android phone instead, support an open platform or Mr Jobs will soon have enough money and influence to block out the sun and sell it back to us.


So thats your reason why I should buy an Android? Wow, you are a hell of a sales man! Maybe we should all get off of our computers before Bill Gates get's all the money.....oh snap! Too late...:migraine:

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  Darth Groovy said:
So thats your reason why I should buy an Android? Wow, you are a hell of a sales man! Maybe we should all get off of our computers before Bill Gates get's all the money.....oh snap! Too late...:migraine:


Wow, you're starting to sound like me. ;)

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  jon_hill987 said:
Android and (Windows PCs) is completely different. It is an open system so anyone can write code for it without it being approved. That was the point I was making, clearly my attempt at humour was not very good though...


True, anyone can write code for it, but it definitely has to be approved. They're not going to just let anything into their OS without making sure it works and benefits them. The biggest downfall of open-source code is that there's not as much motivation to make things work, and work well and easily, because (usually) no one is being paid to make sure their UI is user-friendly, so long as it works. This however is not the case for Android, because the phones that it goes on need to be sold, and thus people have the whip on thier back to make sure it actually works.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok knuckleheads, I finally got my I-phone from Santa.


I went with the 8GB 3GS. So far I am very happy with it. Though the touch screen takes some getting used too with all the text messaging I do throughout the day.


That being said, I now need to know which is the best GPS app I can download. I need something that has the 3d view with the turn by turn based instructions. Yes, I get lost very easy.


I originally asked Santa for a GPS, but I decided I wanted a damn I-phone more.


Help a brother out here y'all?

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  Darth Groovy said:
Ok knuckleheads, I finally got my I-phone from Santa.


I went with the 8GB 3GS. So far I am very happy with it. Though the touch screen takes some getting used too with all the text messaging I do throughout the day.


My love of iPhone® has made me loathe texting on a keyboard with real buttons.

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  Darth Groovy said:

Judging by the size of the most of the apps, I figured 8GB was more than enough space. My last phone only had a 2GB external micro SD.


So far I LOVE the touch screen. Getting used to the keyboard too.


32GB here. Got a crapload of music and lots of movies and tvs show loaded on it. I am definitely not without entertainment wherever I go.


Have you downloaded Infinity Blade yet? If not, you should.


As for the keyboard. I've finally gotten used to typing with it turned sideways and using my thumbs.

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  Dath Maximus said:
Getting me to shut up is as likely as getting you to shut up






I HATE Apple, but I actually really enjoy their phone products. I'm considering upgrading from 3G to 4G, though I'm waiting to see what bullcrap they come out with in 2011.

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