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Amy Winehouse found dead.

Taak Farst

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  Taak Farst said:
Oh well then, apologies, but it's simply my opinion. If you're going to get yourself rich, with an amazing singing voice and have everything going for you, and then kill yourself with ongoing drug habits, I have no sympathy for you. It's just stupid.


Sometimes Fame and Fortune can be a scary thing for some, Some handle it by showering themselves with little things, And some use Drugs and alcohol as a means!!

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The living are the one's who should be pitied


Besides, I understand completely what you mean Jae. I don't think the majority of people can comprehend exactly what a situation means without experiencing it themselves. It is a sad and basic form of our human nature but what is even sadder is that she had so many oppertunities to turn her life around and she didn't. I don't pity her now she is dead. I pitied her while she was alive, because in death your 'soul' is essentially cleared of everything. A dead soul is as innocent as a unborn soul.


The main point here is that her family are the ones who should be pitied. I'm not saying we should send them letters saying "Poor you, hope you cope at some point" but I think that, as Jae worded magnificently, we should as a community try to help those who need help such as those in, considering and relucted about rehab.


That's all I have to say about that really

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I'd go along with 99% of what you wrote, however...


  Elite Duck said:
It is a sad and basic form of our human nature but what is even sadder is that she had so many oppertunities to turn her life around and she didn't.

I would say, she didn't or couldn't turn her life around. Sometimes we fail even though we try. Most of us are only human after all.


Also find it extremely funny sad that people think they know everything about someone's life just because they saw a story in some gossip media. Not everything about someone in the media spotlight is accurate or true, despite the Murdoch’s empire best efforts to hack everyone’s phone.


It almost sounds like everyone just bought into the Nancy Reagan form of drug prevention “Just say No.” Sorry to say, drug prevention and drug addiction is not that simple. Watching someone you know go down that road works pretty good as a deterrent (at lest for me).

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One can't truly know anyone else, only presume.


It is understandable that people use substances and alcohol as coping mechanisms. I'm certainly not ignoring that nor saying anything is easy. At some point eventually it is upon the individual to make a choice and even then nothing is assured. That's why these sorts of things are casualties, at least in my view, regardless of intent. I can't claim to know what Amy Winehouse's issues were. I can only guess at it because I have seen success destroy people. Maybe it was something else more than meets the eye. We'll never know now.


  adamqd said:
The Sad truth is that a lot of people dont have Demons until they become drug addicts, I personally know several people who started injecting Heroin because they were fans of Guns n Roses, or wanted that sunset strip lifestyle, whatever... They are shadows of their former selves and I cannot trust then in my house for fear of theft, they are zombies.


I agree. These are the people that those campaigns "above the influence" and the like are aimed towards. I suppose their problem is such a static life that they want something to do.


Then there are those who for whatever reason can't cope with reality. Inner demons, or a hopeless situation, or even that they simply can't handle some of the more cruel parts of reality.


Alternatively some people with demons don't necessarily use, but may have other destructive outlets. I can personally attest to this, as well as having known others like this.


I had a very happy childhood, but chose to start snorting cocaine at dance clubs in the late 90's, I spent the first half of the 00's as a paranoid recluse who suffered panic attacks, I'm a good place now, but it was my choices that screwed a good 8 years of my life. I guess I have less patience for these types of things than some.


It just takes a willingness to understand.

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Originally Posted by Lynk Former

Am I the only one here who thinks she didn't have "an amazing singing voice"?


You're not alone. Although this derives from my general uninterest in her style of music, I still don't think that she is worthy of worship, whether it be in life or death. But then, I'd be acting just the same if any member of one of my favorite bands spontaneously died, not worshipping mind you, but extremely grieved. My sympathies to her friends and family, though.

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