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Hardest Ever Games


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Since I played F-Zero GX over spring break, and made some pretty good progress on it, it got me curious to see what other difficult games or difficult parts of a game people have played through.


There's the above mentioned F-Zero GX, where virtually everything about the game is difficult. I somehow beat 2 of the Grand Prix cups on Master. Took me a week to beat one of them on that difficulty. Not fun. Don't even get me started on Story Mode....


Rayman: Played this on the GBA. Gets ludicrously hard by the third world. I don't think I tried it after beating the third boss, I was so frustrated.


Half-Life: Opposing Force: This wasn't as difficult as the above games.....but towards the latter half, it seems the programmers give you less health and ammo to use.

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An old game for the Nintendo Entertainment System comes to mind, Gauntlet. This game was based off an Atari game from what I understand, but I only ever played the NES version. The game itself was not particularly hard, but it had 100 levels. Used to play this with my siblings and cousins a lot, but I think the highest I ever got was level 67, after many many hours of gameplay.


If you are a real fan of punishment, give Halo 2 a try. On legendary. Again, not particularly hard but there are several areas in a couple earlier levels where Jackal snipers armed with beam rifles continuously spawn and can kill you with one shot, whether its a body or head shot. If you are in a moving vehicle it takes 2, but even at full speed they can track you and hit you no problem. It basically comes down to memorization and timing, which I could never master on one level. So I eventually gave up. Not sure if it is like this on PC, I've only played it on Xbox. I've beaten every other Halo game on Legendary (except for the RTS Halo Wars), but I could never get the patience enough to do so on Halo 2.

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If you are a real fan of punishment, give Halo 2 a try. On legendary. Again, not particularly hard but there are several areas in a couple earlier levels where Jackal snipers armed with beam rifles continuously spawn and can kill you with one shot, whether its a body or head shot. If you are in a moving vehicle it takes 2, but even at full speed they can track you and hit you no problem. It basically comes down to memorization and timing, which I could never master on one level. So I eventually gave up. Not sure if it is like this on PC, I've only played it on Xbox. I've beaten every other Halo game on Legendary (except for the RTS Halo Wars), but I could never get the patience enough to do so on Halo 2.


Oh, it's the same on PC, and can actually be harder with lag if you have a crap PC. And just to add to the mercilessness, add co-op to that.

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Haven't played them, but Demons' Souls and Dark Souls are considered the modern standard for difficulty... or something.


If you can resist the temptation of viewing a walkthrough, all the classic adventure games like the Monkey Island games and Grim Fandango were pretty hard. Harder than even them is Myst.

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Pretty much most classic 80s arcade games. They were designed to be nigh on impossible to beat to make you constantly feed them money. Their console derivations often kept the difficulty intact.



Oh man, you got that right! Centipede, Asteroids, Pole Position, you name it, would piss me off to no end. I damn near had to go to anger management class because of those friggin' games.


But seriously, those games were quite addictive. Or at least it seem that way to me.

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Pretty much most classic 80s arcade games. They were designed to be nigh on impossible to beat to make you constantly feed them money. Their console derivations often kept the difficulty intact.


Section-Z, (for NES) it taunts me to this very day. I don't think I've ever rage-quitted the same game so many times :¬:

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