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The One Year Thread 2015: The Forum Awakens

Keyan Farlander

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All of this reminds me of seeing Star Wars when it was released. I was nine, sat in the middle of the front row, and we went to Beaky's afterwards.




:dozey: I had crinkle fries and a grilled cheese sandwich.


Here is the

for anyone who wants to see the Battlefront trailer. Looks awesome...makes me hungry for some reason.
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  edlib said:
Is it a PS4 exclusive? That's the impression I got... and I still don't want one.


It's for PC and Xbox One as well. Although the limited content (4 planets + 1), lack of space battles and just featuring the original trilogy made me lose all interest I had.

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  Alexrd said:
It's for PC and Xbox One as well. Although the limited content (4 planets + 1), lack of space battles and just featuring the original trilogy made me lose all interest I had.


I think focusing on the original trilogy is good. I don't care much about anything else, and this way they can devote all their resources to it. The prequel trilogy or whatever could be done in a sequel or expansion. The lack of space battles IS incredibly disappointing, but frankly I'd rather have them left out then have them in there and be as lame as they were in Battlefront 2. Hopefully the narrow focus of the game will mean the content that is there will be very polished. Of course, seeing that old Battlefront 3 trailer where the ship took off from a planet and flew into space...that would have been cool. Sigh...

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All I can say about the teaser is that it certainly looks better than the whole of the prequels combined.



After almost 2 years, I'm quitting my job at Aspen Dental and going back to my previous job at the community clinic. I'm burned out and tired of the corporate BS that ultimately pervades any large company. Unfortunately I agreed to 90 days notice when I got the job so I've got over 2 months left unless there is a new dentist hired sooner.


Can't wait to go back. Fewer hours, fewer patients, 4 days a week, more vacation time, more pay.

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There is also a prevalent theory that the Dark Jedi featured in the trailers is posing as Darth Vader, riding on the coat tails of the now deceased bad ass.


Overall, I'm impressed with what I've seen... but ultimately still remain skeptical that the final product won't suck.


Expectations are still kinda low at this point.

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got an interview today for security monitor at a place for juvenile delinquents...hopefully i get the job! 2nd shift or 3rd shfit...thinking 3rd shift cause it's full ****ing time.




interview went extremely well. 3rd shift, full time, with weekends off, though on Monday i'd have to work 2nd shift. gotta bring in my social security card and form of id tomorrow, and give a urine sample and submit to a criminal background check. now i spend the rest of my day scrambling to locate that social security card! :) oh, it's not for juveniles, but parolees. somewhat of a halfway house.

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found my social security card...exciting day tomorrow...excited to very possibly have a full time job by the time the semester is over...so i'll have work this summer and be able to go on some fun weekend getaways. :) hoping this works out. the best thing about it i think is i won't necessarily need a car to get to work, which means more money in my pocket due to not having to spend $40 a week filling up the tank just to be able to get to work. also, no interstate traffic to mess around with. now the distant question is...will i say screw it and take a break from college for a while after this summer...? hmmmmm i probbaly should just go for it since i'm already used to school, get the 2 years out of the way get my bachelor's degree and go for a job further in the field. i'll see how i handle 3rd shift...


Great day for a piss test. submitted background check. pretty much starting whenever that comes back. nervous and excited at the same time. also referred 2 of my National Guard buddies to the place since they are in desperate need of security monitors. would be cool to work alongside fellow soldiers..

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6 hours overtime this week. When it wasn't really needed, and I even got hosed in having to work half of that because I was the low man on totem pole.


Work is gearing up for a Memorial day sale, and things are so bad that we are unloading containers directly into trailers for storage. Everyone is rather fed up with our supervisors incompetence. One person had a great quote "you start every shift with a meeting telling us to do things perfectly, but you pay us like we do everything wrong"

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Work has been easy so far this week. (Let us hope that this is a trend that continues...)


The weather has been fantastic so far this week. (Ditto...)


I have managed to get almost enough sleep. (Let's go for the trifecta on this one...)

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going to attempt to change my sleep pattern this week to prepare for the new job...purchased C4 Extreme, 60 servings today.


oh yeah my dog broke his chain this morning. so mad because now to let him out i have to take the leash and he thinks 'oh yeah i get to go for a walk now!' so annoying.

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i'll need something around that price too come summer time. :) but everyone of my friends says 'you won't find something decent for less than $6000' thing is, i don't want a ****ing car payment because insurance goes way up. i want to have over $10,000 in the bank by summer 2016.

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  Zoom Rabbit said:
I want to buy a used car or truck for less than $1500 cash. Today.


Wish me luck. :dozey: I'm craigslisting this big time...


My car broke down last week and it is not worth tryin to fix it. So I am looking to get a new/car. The sad part is the bank won't per-approve a loan for anything under 10k. Which means I might as well buy new, as long as it is a car that doesn't depreciate. For 15k I can get a Toyota Corellian (my name for Corella) or Camery new

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Kaplagh. (Not sure of the spelling--'success' in Klingon.)




I got this 1992 Chevy S10 for $1423. 120,000 miles. The lock on the driver's side needs to be replaced, and it needs new tires soon...nothing I can't afford to have fixed. Other issues may be forthcoming, but I'm pretty good at looking a vehicle over.


$1423. :max: Not a typo, no missing zero.

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