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Triumvirate Lords Of The Third Dimension

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Well DI summed it up a page back, though I still have some handy textfiles around, so whenever you need the info just ask :)


Yeah, I must atmid( admit ???) I'm addict to this 3D stuff :lol:

Its just great to create things, I truely enjoy it... for some odd reason.

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Hey guys, It's been a while since I have been around here and I was wondering if you could answer a few questions for me. First of all, I was wondering if we have yet learned how to make camera obstructions in our modules. I am making a ship interior with some small rooms in it and I would hate to have my camera pan all the way out of the module durring cutscenes as it has at times in other modules.


Also, what is the situation on KAurora? Is there a newer version then the one with the Emitters? Because that is the latest one I have.

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Yeah, but that was to be expected.


This 3D business is for the fool-hardy, its a steep learning curve and it's slow.

Loads of people get discouraged in their first 5 minutes of 3D; I think it also needs a certain "oldness".


I can honestly say, that I wouldn't have been able to this properly at the age of 14/15, certain names and terms of the 3D Max make sense to me, cause I've had the basics in Math at the end of High-school.


The other "great understanding" was my attempt at college( well not really a college, its called High-School here.) where I did a year MCT ( Multimedia PC stuff ). Opened my eyes on loads of things that PC-hardware do.


Not my best choice in live :lol: , but this kind of stuff needs a seriousness and loads of passion.

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I believe its all balanced out :p


I can't creat amazing scripts, nor is my knowledge about 2DA great, I get easly confused by those "abstract" things.


Give me something visual to work with ^_^

Its how I'm wired :xp:


@GM: Great try to poke him about everything :lol:

Animations would be really great, could use Kaurora for weapons and stuff aswell then.



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Well, being able to compile the other possible options(placeables,weapons, heads, etc) beside areas would be a great plus.

This would mean we'd only have to use one program: Kaurora.


EDIT: Those seem to work like 90% until you run or start fighting, animations thuss :lol:


No more MDLops and replacing madness with lightsabers and such.

I think it would a great publicity stunt for his career :D


Though I think that might be asking a bit much at one time... I've no idea how MagnusII does his thing.


Also I think the annoying "bug" with the exporting out anims with Max will remain.

Which MagnusII can't do anything about it.


Perhaps I should ask Vosh about that, it could well be that the NWmax 0.8-something is "broken" about that.

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Also I think the annoying "bug" with the exporting out anims with Max will remain.

I've haven't had time to look at that, I will have a look at the GMax version to the Max version, though the code will have to be a pretty obvious difference. I don't have time to learn MaxScript :p

But since its the 3d shapes to ASCII, which is pretty easy to understand, I might be able to do something.


If there is anyone who can have a look at it then its worth asking I'm a bit busy with mock exams at the moment >.<

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Seen your thread, its odd with color stuff.


Normaly when the UVW gets messed up, you get the black and bad strecthing of the texture applied to the model.


Have you tried to get the helmet in game without any texture, perhaps its something like a double face, Z-fighting stuff.


You know two Faces at the same spot, gives weird rendering results.

Engines can't show that correctly.

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AAARRGGH!!! I re-did the whole think and completely re-mapped it and all. And it still didn't work. I screamed at my computer for a little bit... :xp: Guess I'll start on it again... :(


Edit: I think it must have been something in the texture that did it. I moved the whole UV map down, and that fixed it.

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I've had a look at the NWmax versions and there is no difference between them that I've found so far, I'm sure the rest is just UI stuff though. As I guessed there must have been a change in NWmax from 3ds max 6 to 09, it might be something as easy as getAnimkeys() is now getAnimationKeys(). (not really thats just a made up example) On the other hand the functions may have been replaced completely with something else.


Unfortunately I can't find any actual documentation on any changes in MaxScript since it apparently has come from no where and Autodesk don't really care about it.


Your gonna need some MaxScript veteran whos got a lot of free time it seems. = /

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Guess will have to import into G-Max -using the the ASCII, as exporting to .3DS often makes of your model- then animate the stuff we want.


Anyways GM, I've been working on these masks for our Scrapyard game, a small teaser for you all :p


Well not that small, as this ain't public :lol:

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And I still got 2 others, which I made for somesort of Mandalorian mod thing, but it seems the "noobs" which started that never completed it. Besides these are my creations, so I'll dumb them in anyways :xp:

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Hey those are awesome, I love anything you make anyway ;) Well at least we have some player rewards in the making and anything you wanna chuck in I've said before: Just chuck it in :xp: I'll throw in a few weapons and stuff from the game too, just to notch up the amount of junk you can buy :p


I actually thought of a Splinter Cell-esque mask lookin at those, that is pretty amazing :p

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