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Triumvirate Lords Of The Third Dimension

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@DI:TBH, I thought you were a pretty good modeler. But you do know a lot about module editing, and you definitely can help us out there.


@Glovemaster: Horray for scripting/modeling! I've only been able to write one script in my whole modding career, it was to give the PC two items.

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It does take more patience than skill. I've been working on this for over a month, and I'm getting seemingly nowhere. Until I completely finish all the frames, transitions from one animation to another won't work correctly, so I really can't tell much in-game.


Once I get done, though, I am in need of a tester/critic to tell me where the animations suck, and if there are any clipping issues, .etc...

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Oh, I thought I might as well share this. Remember that annoing little problem, the one where the cameras go through the walls? Well, I've been testing and researching, and such... but anyway, I've discovered a few things. The first thing that I've discovered is that the walkmesh has nothing to do with the cameras. It's the model. I created a walkmesh for the Sleheyron arena, and the cameras slide on the walls just fine. So, my walkmesh had nothing to do with it. In addition, I found that under the user-defined field, all of the peices say 'node type=trimesh.' I put this under one of my objects in a test area, and it still didn't work. I think that we just need to modify the NWMax export script, OR enter it manually into every single trimesh we have. I haven't figured out exact code, and I'm not even sure that MDLOps can even write the ASCII code for it (well, sure it can, it's in the model, stupid me), but anyway, I'm going to do some checking with Magnus and JDNoa and see if they know anything or would like to look into this. Sorry for that long rant, I just want to get this fixed.

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