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Drunken Time Travelers of StarWarsKNights.com

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*Arrives at undefined period of time, finds a young man, and kills him*


I would have done this days ago if I knew it was this simple.


*Looks at the calander, and jumps into TARDIS*


Yes that will do.


*Races back to HQ to meet up with Commander Q and Alkonium*


Everything should be fine now. I have taken care of everything. Guess where I went?

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*Chev looks worried*

That wasn't my imaginary friend

*Points to a NaruHina poster*

That was my childhood imaginary friend!


*Yar-El looks confused*

Then who's imaginary friend did I shoot?

Evil Chev's

*Evil Chev jumps out a time portal and blasts Yar-El in the head with her Blaster/Bazooka and then jumps back into the time portal as it closes behind her*

*Yar-El is badly wounded on the floor*

I'll take her to the infirmiry...

*Picks up Yar-El and carries her to the infirmiry*

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*More and more pieces break away and float aimlessly*


Chev needs to do something quickly, or we may be in for some big trouble.


*Pieces from the right drift to the left, and their counterparts drift to the right*


Chev's ability to time travel at will and his doppleganger are presenting a problem.


*Gravitational forces continue to quake*

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