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Chat Response


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Not bad, could have been better. Mind you, nine months from the release date of JK II, we can't really expect to many firm answers.


I was disappointed with the way he answered some of the vaguer questions like my one about LEC's support for future platforms. There was so much scope for saying stuff and really opening up there which he didn't take.


Generally I enjoyed it though.

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Guest Krayt Tion

that was fufilling... um yeah. only thing of interest to me was his answer where he side stepped the question about supporting jk2 editing... because an announced plan regarding fan interaction and support is coming "soon"

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I know Nothink!


I asked about free downloadable addons and levels, full throttle 2 and the REAL release date for JO

I dont know if he answered anything about the date before I joined


I guess the moderator did his job great(I mean it) sending about 70% of stupid questions, and he managed to sidestep the remaining 30%

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What I learned today at the chat:


-Mafia Jabba is a freak

-Swoosh is insane

-Simon Jeffrey should be in politics

-I order people around to clean my toilets and they actually do it.


There must be more but I am soo disturbed and horrified by Jabba and Swoosh that I need to take a few pills... purple pills

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Guest Boba Rhett

The sheer stupidity of some of the people in the rooms was astounding, shocking, appalling, etc...

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Hey, I wasn't that bad...I just pray to god that Simon couldn't hear our chat although he said he could...


TheJackal, lay off the pills, trust me!


Anyways, I wish LEC had posted the log by now, but I guess we'll have to wait until Friday's update. Here are some interesting things I can remember:


1. Episode II games will be announced this Winter.

2. Starfighter PC will be coming out early 2002

3. The "community relationship" will continue to grow

4. He hinted that we will see sequels to original titles other than Monkey Island (Full Throttle, The Dig, Sam N Max, etc.)

5. There are not plans for a Star Wars graphic adventure and no plans for Rebellion 2.

6. PC development will continue to be a primary focus of LEC (obviously)


If you can add some more interesting things go ahead. It seems like the rest of the chat was just press release info or non-game related questions such as:


Q: "Are you having fun?"

A: "Of course, but some of the side chat could be called *intersting* ;)"





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Every time he said "No firm plans...", "Haven't decided...", "A possibility..." or something similar to that, I said NOOOOTHINK. Cause it seems as if he knows nothing. That's nothing with a... Russian (?) accent.


I thought Swoosh and Jabba were lunatics at the chat, but it was pretty funny.

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I wasn't at the chat but here are my thoughts about behaving like an ass when a president of a major gaming company takes his time to answer questions of the fans.


Don't do it, what is the point? Here's a guy who gives you the opportunity to talk with him about your favorite games that he and his company create and all you can come up with is stupidity and a total lack of respect? Why? Come on, please...



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Well, I believe that to the the case as well, and I definately would not have acted silly if I knew the president was observing ALL the rooms with all the chat and answering the questions at the same time. Anyways, we weren't acting like "asses" anyways. Just having some fun, nothing's wrong with that. Once Simon made the comment about other side chatting was interesting, I became totally serious and discontinued the silliness. Simon knows I respect him, so I'm not worried. Also, I'd like to add that two of my four submitted questions were answered, so I did my part to contribute to the event.


Chat just seems to bring out the foolishness in some of us :).




[ July 26, 2001: Message edited by: Swoosh ]

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