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The Rankings?


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Yeah- I don't get why Murta and Metallus are Super Moderators, and you're only a Moderator? Hmmmmms, I'm sure I'll figure it out sooner or later- I'm a lil scared though, the rankings seem too StarWars orientated to me. Although I loooooove being a Jedi Master :D

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Originally posted by Natty

Yeah- I don't get why Murta and Metallus are Super Moderators, and you're only a Moderator? Hmmmmms, I'm sure I'll figure it out sooner or later- I'm a lil scared though, the rankings seem too StarWars orientated to me. Although I loooooove being a Jedi Master :D


i seem to not have any privaledges also, i think they just gave me the title and figured 'haha now he THINKS he is a moderator, he'll never know the difference"


just kiddin, i know everything will get fixed up, cause zeroXcape and murta are ALWAYS on top of things *cough* when im not * cough* :p you all know i lessthanthree you all (just figure it out)

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For now all the forums are using the GB.com ranking system. The ranks change every fifty posts all the way up to 900. When 1000 is reached you can create a custom title.




Bantha Fodder (Minimum Posts: 0)

Pit Droid (Minimum Posts: 50)

Sith Probe Droid (Minimum Posts: 100)

Battle Droid (Minimum Posts: 150)

Ewok (Minimum Posts: 200)

Tusken Raider (Minimum Posts: 250)

Wampa (Minimum Posts: 300)

Jawa (Minimum Posts: 350)

Gungan (Minimum Posts: 400)

Bantha (Minimum Posts: 450)

Wookiee (Minimum Posts: 500)

Noghri (Minimum Posts: 550)

Rancor (Minimum Posts: 600)

Stormtrooper (Minimum Posts: 650)

Sith (Minimum Posts: 700)

Sith Lord (Minimum Posts: 750)

Jedi (Minimum Posts: 800)

Jedi Master (Minimum Posts: 900)

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Supermods have powers that stretch beyond this forum, so I'm not a mod specifically for this one.


I just have mod access to all forums because I'm mixnmojo staff, and, as I said earlier, I don't plant to impose on well modded forums such as this one. Sorry if my status is freaking people out here. I wasn't promoted specifically here, I was promoted everywhere. Yes, the new forums are a bit confuzzling ;). There are supermods from other forums that have never posted here but have equal power to murta and myself.

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For the curious Met is a supermod because he works on sites all across LFN, on both Mojo and LucasGames. He's also helping set up the Mojo forum, which is still locked.


And for the even more curious I used to have more than 6 posts but my account got b0rked with the forum integration.

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If I remember correctly El Pollo Diablo is the highest rating. I think Devil skull is pre 3000 posts, not entirely sure though. I only glanced at the list.


And new forums always take some ajusting. vBulletin is really nice when you get to know it.

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Originally posted by Jake

If I remember correctly El Pollo Diablo is the highest rating. I think Devil skull is pre 3000 posts, not entirely sure though. I only glanced at the list.


And new forums always take some ajusting. vBulletin is really nice when you get to know it.


Hmmmmms... well when it was the old forum a Devil Skull was a mod- I know who the mods are, but do they have their own ranking kinda thingie?

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I preferred being a Jedi Master, but now I'm El Pollo Diablo- and, well... personally I don't think being a devil chicken fits my image, at least with the old forums, when I was a mod, I was a Devil Skull and that fitted my image well.


What's the names for the mods? Anyone know?

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