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Rebellion, who's playing it?


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Yeah! rebellion is great!


I played it a long time, a long time ago. The gameplay is great, and there is always something to do. Okay, the graphics S**K but that doesnt matter. I finished it as the rebel alliance on the easy setting in the largest universe.


Did you always manage your resources and garrisons yourself? Or did you let :c3po: do that for you? I know I did :)

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He is on topic ... you ain't ;)


This is about the game Rebelion. I bought it for fl. 15,- a long time ago in a city far, far away (20 km).


It's a cool game and I like rebellion because their base can be hidden for a long time and if they work correctly and have luck they can turn an entire system to their cause very easy ...

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Guest Supreme Warlord

OOOH I LOVE REBELLION!!!!! I just wish they would make a sequel to it. They should add some more empires to it and regions. Like for instance the Unknown region, the WIld Space, Cooparate Sector and stuff like that. I would like the Chiss, Vongs, and other races to be in it. I love the Super Star Destroyer. They need to make another sequel to it. I tried to suggest it to lucasart but they wrote back saying they wont ready because thier lawyers wont let them. Somewhere along that line. That is okay. I LOVE THE REBELLION!!!!:D tell me your ideas that should be in the rebellion game.

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I play it from time to time with my brother. It's a great game and well made for the time it was released. Too bad it was too "different" for other people.


I doubt there would be a Rebellion2 because the lack of profit the first one brought. However LucasArts can allways surprise us :)


If they made a Rebellion2 however I would not be surprised if it ressembled near the first one.

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