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What is your excuse for posting so often?


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Guest Sarcastic Saint

Mmm...well i play a little of Ghost Recon (excellent game i must say) and GB....uhhmmm....lets see what else....got nothing else to do so i browse around posting here and there....looking for fellow Dutchmen/women. :D


Lets see what else....i'm waiting very impatiently for JK:outcast....

Well that about it...pretty pathetic. :(:rolleyes::D

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Guest Sarcastic Saint

If all things go well, and according to Ken Hoekstra who is big big man with Raven :D , things are going great....then it would mean that the game is comming out in March 2002.

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March? Oh great! I'll probably have my new computer by then :)


I hope Lucasarts has learned from their mistakes, and is on the right track again. They suuuure made some crappy games the last few years!

But GB is indeed a great game, however they did use someone-elses engine, but they are going the right way



Did you guys also notice that all the good star wars games are set in the EP 4,5,6 environment? GB is JK II is, and Star wars Galaxies is too.

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Originally posted by Sarcastic Saint

Mmm...well i play a little of Ghost Recon (excellent game i must say) and GB....uhhmmm....lets see what else....got nothing else to do so i browse around posting here and there....looking for fellow Dutchmen/women. :D


Lets see what else....i'm waiting very impatiently for JK:outcast....

Well that about it...pretty pathetic. :(:rolleyes::D


Well there are more dutch guys here... but maybe im the one with the most free time...(or just dont want to do annything) :D

But i made a lot of friends on the boards.... so that is my reason.... to talk to my friends and talk about ....well anyting! :D

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Guest Supreme Warlord

I post here because I want a seat in the Galactic Senate and that wont be until in another 6 or 5 months. So between now and then I am just posting, helping out other and campagining for me to get a seat in the Senate.

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Guest SlashAndBurn

Reasons? Well, lets see....

We dont need no stinkin reasons! :D


Serriously though...

I love Star Wars, I love computer games, I know I'm gonna love Galactic Battlegrounds when I get it so what better place to talk to other people about that type of thing.


Also I have a boring job with internet connection and love to put off doing my college term papers so this is a great place to spend my time.:joy:

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