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Admin kills RS.net!!!!!!!!!!! the rebbelion begins

Delphi's Clone

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ok first of all an admin deleted the pilots lounge(off topic disscussion there) how dare he???? and i know it was a mistake but the only reason he did it was cause he wanted to demote one of our RS.net Mods to forummer which already happend how dare they do that?????? RS.net is ours not yours it belongs to the founders of the forum the mods and now you demote them???????????????????????????

Cracen isnt a mod anymore and neither is the other guy i think he was rogue 9 thanks alot guys



give em the mod title back and fic our forums and leave us alone or els we the Rogues will Rebell (applause) now meet our demands or els


sign here for agreement



i have spoken dont delet or close this thread take it like a man............

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The forums aren't ours. They're theirs. Do you pay for them? No. Do you keep them in proper order? No. He was trying to fix some of the problems that one of the mods was having and he made a mistake. It happens. Quit jumping all over him. None of us really have any right to do so.

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Guest Luke Skywalker

Hey delphi these forums cost money vist the vBulliten home page (just search for vbulliten). And they arent yours... or the mods... they are the administrators. And its sad that they h ad to go that far to get you guys to stop... I would prusue legal action if I was an Admin there.

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This is highly unnecessary. Chris made a booboo. So what? He's human too, as are we all. Therefore, he is capable of making a mistake. Just because he's an admin doesn't make him infallible. And one should not question the judgement of an admin because they provide these boards for us to enjoy. They can very well take it down and leave us with nothing, but they maintain it to very best of their abilities. I really don't think you have any right to criticize or even raise a harsh word to them. So be careful the next time you decide to rant at an admin.

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Guest Luke Skywalker

Yah well... I don't like it when people diss the admininstators... it pisses me off because to maintain over 10 forums costs a pretty penny and to have people complain because they made a mistake really makes me mad.

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yo, delphi... calm down man.... most off the rogues didnt even budge on the mistake... so please dont make a scene....

It is alright man. and the other guys above this post are right.... it doesnt belong to us... we are just here for 1 purpose:


Now dark side lover or not. I ORDER you to stop fiddeling around and start having fun... OK!!


now come on all.. lets just do some dancing:


and some singing... the only one i know from Lynk Former and Rewing:

singer.gif HUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!



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delphi knock it off or i'll get an admin to knock you off.


this is what chris said:


As I was adding and removing mods from this forum I accidenitly deleted the community section here. We do have a back up from this morning, so only a handful of messages have been lost. The community forum section should be back by this evening. I'm quite sorry about this. Remove forum and remove mod really shouldn't be right next to each other....


He was removing luka, since Luka is a supermod, and moderates announcements and feedback forum.

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Originally posted by Luke Skywalker

Yah well... I don't like it when people diss the admininstators... it pisses me off because to maintain over 10 forums costs a pretty penny and to have people complain because they made a mistake really makes me mad.


*feels bad for complaining so much* Sorry, guys.

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well... it isnt realy a joke :D.... but you have to read it on RS in a couple of threads :D :D... it goes on for like.... well.. very long :D


but.. euh.. it started when Redwing shrugged a long time ago and we kept shrugging at each other and i always used a lot of mmmmmmmhhh in my posts and Lynk Former thought that was funny and kept repeating it over and over... and so Redwing started to HUMM about it.. and to make a long story short.... we are nuts :D :D :D

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whoa guys calm down i wasnt dissin chris i just said that they should leave the mods alone :(

the reason i jumped it was cause i'm mmad that cracken isnt a mod anymore................


and i like the admins they were the one's who gave me a last chance and they usually do a very good job at being an admin




and nooooooooo red wing you are wrong i wasnt trying to grab attention stop jumping at me geez what was once is over

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