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Console Wars: Which do you want?

General Nilaar

Which system do you want most?  

26 members have voted

  1. 1. Which system do you want most?

    • XBox
    • PlayStation 2
    • Game Cube
    • I'm upgrading my computer or buying a new one
    • I'm happy with what I've got

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A new shiny computer will be humming in our house in January. I prefer the PC above the other consoles for several reasons:


You can do more with it than just games (office/ movies)

It's upgradable


The games are cheaper, and easier to get

And some more....which I cant remember :)

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:frosty: In answer to my own question: For the first time in years I'm actually going to try to get my hands on a new console system this Christmas. I've thought carefully on all three, but in the end I have decided on the XBox.


I already wanted a DVD player so that left out the GameCube (I will miss Rogue Leader and Zelda though!). That left it between PS2 and XBox. PS2's vast library of games, including a good selection of RPG's, was very tempting.


In the end the XBox won me over because of it's power and the fact that Halo was the game that got me the most excited. I also like the fact that it should be easy to port computer games to the XBox, giving me a chance to play computer games I wouldn't normally buy because they're single player. Max Payne and Elder Scrolls: Morrowind are two of those. Because my computer is shared with the whole family, time on it is precious;)


And of course there's Obi-Wan. Even if LucasArts blows it and makes another crummy Episode one based game, it should still be fun to play Jedi vs Jedi against my brother. And hopefully the main game will awesome as well.


It's too bad Rogue Leader, Obi-Wan, and Racer 2 aren't all on one system. Can't have everything I guess....

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:frosty: I prefer computer games too, but like I said, I want a DVD player anyway, and it will be real nice to have something to play when I can't be on the computer. And sometimes it's just nice to be able to play with someone in the same room as you instead of half a world away;)


And for now, the XBox is actually more powerful than my computer (though we're getting a new one sometime soon).


Besides, the XBox may be getting the normal type of games you would expect on a console, but it is also getting some games that you would almost think would be on the computer. Halo and Project: Ego are two of those. Then there are the games converted from the computer like Max Payne and Morrowind (especially Morrowind!). Morrowind is a game I've been wanting to get when it comes out, but I knew it would never compete for my time with the multi-player games I play on the computer. Luckily this solution presented itself!

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No don't force move my post;)


I don't visit those forums and so I wouldn't ever see what anyone there said. I hang out here, I want to know what the people here think;)


This is the off-topic forum, so I can't be off-topic unless I'm on-topic.


Yeah.... I'm pretty sure that last part made sense.... I think.


Besides, this is a console neutral forum, the answers here won't be biased in one direction or another. That makes it more interesting.

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I shouldn't already post, but I begged for Gamecube and got it for a couple of reasons:

1 Aren't the graphics for GC better than Xbox and PS2?

2 IT will have nearly all of the options PS2 and xbox have for fractional price (except DVD, but I have Vhs!)

3 The games, while slightly low in number, are very good.

4 All those Nintendo character games.

5 easily portable. I am taking it to Florida with me.

6 If I wanted something made by Microsoft, I will go get a PC.

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Rhett: Did LucasArts really say offically that all AotC games will be exclusively for Game Cube? That would suck! They were doing such a great job spreading all the SW's games out....


Unless they started releasing exclusive Ep 4-6 games for X-Box. I wouldn't mind then;)


WC_heavyarms: I don't THINK the Game Cube outmatches the X-Box in graphics, but with Rogue Leader as an example I wouldn't call it graphically challeneged either;) I've played the demo in the store, and I have to admit that I wish it wasn't exclusive to Game Cube!

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I'm going to vote for #5, none of the above.


Dreamcast looks pretty fun, it's cheap, easy to afford, you can get ALOT of games when u buy it, since the console is super-affordable.


Actually i voted for the X-Box. I'd rather get one of those than a cube, there's alot more options with it, and my hands will never be cramped. Also, the x-box has a real joystick coming to it. :)


So my votes are Dreamcast and X-Box. I want a dreamcast for my birthday and i want Jedi Power Battles, Demolition, Episode I Racer, and Super Bombad Racing. :D

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Guest Mal *Nexsis*

I'm going with PS2 and here's why:

1) XBox is run on a windows, still to buggy for me and not a big enough game library.

2) I'm a squaresoft fan

3) the gamecube does look promising but since I have a PC, the titles like Rogue Leader will be converted to PC eventually.

4) I like the fact that PS2 is reverseable with PS1 games

5) A DVD player, though I already have one, it's still a necessity

6) Final Fantasy 10 ( not sure if it will be released for other consoles though )


Hey WC_heavyarms I realize that you have a VHS but once you go DVD you never go back, if by some chance you can get a dvd player from a friend for a day or two, go rent some movies and I'll agree that you'll see a difference, plus you can go to http://www.dvdreview.com to check out the eastereggs on it.:deathstar

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euh... can i please list all of the consoles.... i dont realy have A favor one... well... maybe the PS2 but.. i realy would like all of them because i have heard they are all VERY good... so..

But im not saving to buy a comp.... my dad is getting me a brand new one so..... but i think if i HAD to choose.... i think i would go for the PS2.....

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I'm happy with VHS tapes, so I never mind. The controller is not cramped. It is easilt usable. It took me about 1 hour to get fully comfortable and be able to use it. A lot of the games from X-box, though, are rated Mature, so I couldn't get them because of my brother :( oh well, no real loss, and since I already own a gamecube, I love it and IMO, it is the best.

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Well, i have a ps2 already but if i didn't i would want that, and that is for one reason: FINAL FANTASY X.


Screw Rogue Leader or any X-box game, no game on any system ever made has better gameplay, length, graphics, or features than FFX. This is the ultimate game, and has the graphics go along. The screens and movies on websites aren't half of the quality found when playing the the actual game. It is literally like watching one large interactive cutscene.....that takes 80 hours to completely finish and has nearly endless replay value. I've played the demo, a single area, about 15 times since last week, and that obviously ins't even a fraction of the main game. The story, though i don't know exactly what it is, will certainly be very involving and interesting, as previous FF games have had, and the reviews of FFX indicate.


And, as if that wasn't enough, just take all the other games on the system. The only reason i don't own 15 or 20 games for my ps2 is that i don't have teh money, its not because their aren't good enough games out. I'd get GTA3, GT3, TTT, SSXT, Kinetica just to name a few.


Also, Jedi Starfighter, which looks as though it will at least match RL is coming out in March...about the same time i will finish FFX. ;)


Plus, i love the DVD player and use it almost as much as i do the game system itself.

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