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Computer Games Suck


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Somehow i doubt you believe that... ;)


It is my humble opinion that people with a low 'self-defense' when it comes to violent influences, have themselves to blame if they seek it out in computer games.


I played AOK a lot.. That involves mass killing of sprites.


Now do i want to hurt people because of that ? On the contrary. But that's because i know what i get really influenced by and what not.


And if people DO get influenced by games, it's still not a matter of being a helpless sponge without any own willpower whatsoever (which is usually what researchers want you to believe when they publish those kinds of reports).


My two cents...

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my personal belief is that computer games, films, books, music are used as scape goats as they fictional mirror some of civilizations downfalls.


And if people are influenced by violence in the above, then I would say they have some serious mental problems that have long been in the making b4 they have been subjected to computer games et all.

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Guest BountyHunter

I think games are a great temporary escape from things.


You can't single out any one form of media and blame violent behavior on it. You would ave to eliminate violence in everything; books, movies, music, games, sports, paintball and the censor 6 o'clock news.


Its ok to play "pretend" war in the woods with your friends but not in a video game which is less unrealistic? bah!


Violence is a reality of society, video games are not.

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Well, i don't agree at all.


I don't normally buy games with overly excessive blood simply because i don't like them, not because i think they will make me violent. Of course, there are exceptions *cough*GTAIII*cough*, but i'm not by far a violent person. By nature i'm intreverted, and don't tend to....express....myself well, and no amount of video games are gonna change that and make me suddenly extremely violent. If anything, video games let kids get rid of anger or violent behaviors in very undestructive ways.


I think movies are worse at making people violent. In them, kids see their favorite actors, people they look up to, killing and destroying. And, even though i don't believe that movies make people violent normally, it would be more likely that it would happen from a movie than a video game.


The bottom line: Politicians blame video games and other violent materials only to shield what the true problem is, a lack of parental guidence and the moral decline of all Americans.

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Hey, Russia has poor parental guidence and definete moral decline and the result is the Russian Mafia. *Sigh*What is happening to my country?


About the computer games; I play lots of voilent computer games(Tomb Raider 2 and 3, Half-Life series), watch voilent movies (The Jackal, Aliens, Licence to Kill, Die Hard series) and semi-violent movies( James Bond apart from Licence to Kill, Tomb Raider, Jarassic Park series), voilent TV shows (The X Files) and so on. But all that didn't make me a voilent person. So what if I bought 5 spud guns and one of those toy auto-guns that shoots soft bullets? I'm not prepared to take a human or animal or maybe alien life unless it is for self defence, or one of those Star Wars sort of wars they might have in the future.


Also voilent games can actually get rid of the voilent feeling inside u. I'll be back.... :cool:


EDIT: Voilence also teaches those kiddies that life isn't all that happy. I mean nigocieting with a thug is bad enough, but thinking he won't attack u is worse. Or maybe even u'd think he is just some stupid adalt joking around.


Told u I'd be back ...:cool:

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at some points i agree..... childeren ... YOUNGER childeren shouldnt play games like carmageddon. but for me ... that game was a great game.... it helped me to let of some steam..... it helps me to ..... get out of my life and do something to cool off...






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Guest SlashAndBurn

This is a debate that will always exist. Unfortunately. I do not agree with the "blame the game, movie, show, music" for someones actions. Some people simply dont like to admit that other people could commit violent or attrocious acts without something external influancing them so the scaoegoats are created. People with violent tendancies may be drawn to forms of entertainment that have a violent element to it but they do not cause people to act violently.

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No matter what people say or blame things on. The real reason some people act a certain way is because of the way they were brought up. Being raised to believe a certain thing or being raised in a certain matter will determine how you act and think when you become older. Childhood is like a mold to your soul. The way your parents/school/culture teaches you, determines how you'll be in the end.

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Originally posted by AzN_ProtocoL


where's the fun in your life!?!?!?!?!:atat::bdroid2::biggs::fett::jawa:bdroid1::c3po:


Easy mate I was just getting a debate started...I dont agree with it at all!!!


But in all honesty games only give a small percentage of fun in my life, there are far more important things.

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Originally posted by duder

They encourage violence, anger, and ignorance in children. All of societies problems can be blamed on computer games.


Anyone agree?


Silliest thing I ever heard. Society was just as violent, even more violent before they even had computers, or any kind of *high technology*.

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Guest BountyHunter

Like he said violence has been a part of society forever.


I think a kid growing up in a war torn country is more likely to be screwed up and prone to violence than some kid who doesn’t.


Just like a kid who watches his father beat on his mother will be more likely to beat up women when he is older.


The responsibility lies in the home with the parents. Not the developers of a video game.



P.S. Max Payne is the jam. I got it for Christmas.

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