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The Forummy Awards Show!


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Time to announce the Winners! I should note that a lot of the jokes in this awards show will confuse newbies. Its PG rated...


"Live from a Random Tall Building in Courscant! Its the 2001 Galactic Battles.com Fourmmy Awards! With your host: Mike Nelson!"


(Mike and Robots enter)


Mike: Ah Galactic Battles, what a site man. A great site devoted to a great game. I'm still miffed that Lucasarts didn't put me as a Rebel Hero. I saved Han and Leia and Luke's butts all the time.




Mike: Hey! Are you the host?


Random Audience Member: No


Mike: Then shut up,


There were many great forumrunners there: Tie Guy, Rommel, Fergie, Eets, Viper (Ok Great in a different way), Rhett, Leon, Kvan, and Clefo, whom I have NO bias for whatsoever. Nuh-uh no way...


Mike: (Clears throat) Anyway our first award is the “Close but no Cigar award.” This award goes to the person who had votes for the most categories, but didn’t win anything. (The poor saps). And the award goes to DARTH FERGIE


Fergie: Mike: Anyway the Winner is… DARTH FERGIE



Oh wait...I won something, but I didn't win...but I did win something...right???

Okay it is official I won!!! But I didn't win.


An enigma...just like a 6ft Jawa...just like me...


Anyway thanks for voting for the best candidate even though I won I didn't win...

*leaves platform*

*runs back up*


*runs off the platform*



Mike: Our next award goes to “Overposter of the Year” this is the award for the spammer of all who spam and don’t get banned.. Hey that rhymed


Audience Member: NO IT DIDN’T!!!


Mike: Hey remember what I told you!


Auidience Member: HA! SCREW YOU NELSO.. AAAAHH Gets taken away by guards


Mike: Do I have to tell you who won?


Audience Member: Yes


Mike: Huh? Do you know anything about the forums?


Audience Member: Well I rule them! I’m Supreme Warlord!


Mike: You just shut up! Anywho the winner is TIE GUY!


Thank you Clefo. *turns to audience* I'm honored to accept this award on behalf of everyone here. I look upon this not as a bad sign, or one of spam, but rather as a recognition of the great commitment and time i have put into these boards. I'd like to thank all the admins who made this board possible. All the people who were at RS.net when i posted there. All the original members and regulars of these boards: Rhett, Leo, Rommel, Compa, Young David, Clefo, Jay (where is he anyways?), Fergie, Thrawn, 15 and everyone else i forgot. Thanks you. *waves and bows* Thank you!


Mike: I wasted 5 hours of my life talking to that guy about FFX

Mike: Our next award is for Avatar of the Year! This is to the Avatar that is the best of the best! The cream of the crap. The Soapiest of the Soap. The Gunslingers of the Manos!


Audience Member: GET ON WITH IT!


Mike: Warlord Shut up!


Audience Member: I’m not Warlord!


Mike: I don’t care who you are: SHUT UP!


Mike: Anyway the winners are Eetschula and Boba Rhett! Both will be making speeches later… Because the winner of the Best Signature is Boba Rhett!!!


(Rhett comes up)


Rhett: Yay!


Wow. What can I say? I'd like to thank God, my family, and all of you wonderful people. I love you all! I wouldn't be here if it weren’t for you guys so as a special treat, you all may have another gift basket. Even the people who didn't vote for me may have one, cuz I'm a swell guy. I'm also planning another sig banner that I think you guys might like.... heheheheh *hint* Oola *hint*


*places pile of giftbaskets on the floor*


Have at it! And once again, thanks you all! There will be a pool party tonight and you’re all invited! Chips and kegs for everyone! Tell your friends and bring some ladeez!


*graciously accepts his awards and walks backstage*


Mike: No wonder Yoda died in Return of the Jedi: He was too stoned! Get it? Too stoned!


Homer Simpson in Audience: Be more funny!


Mike: I am, watch my show On every Saturday 10:00 AM on the Sci Fi Channel! Anywho, our next award is Rudest Forum Member, the winner of the award is right here! The one (thank heavens) The Only (Hopefully) the man with more names than Prince: Viper


Viper: (bleep) you all you (bleep) (bleep) (bleep) (bleep) (bleep) (bleep) (bleep) (bleep) (bleep) (bleep) (bleep) I had to get a (bleep) artificial pelvis (bleep) (bleep) (bleep) (bleep) (bleep) empire rooolz, STEP OFF *****!


(Mike pushes Viper off the stage)


Mike: We’re on 5 second tape delay mind you. Ahem anyway our next award is Nicest Forum Member, this is the Anti-Viper, anywho the award goes to Eetschula


(Eets gets up on stage)


Eets: Well, it wasn't long ago that my story began. In fact, it was only in September that I joined these beautiful forums.


But in my few months of posting here, I was nominated to win the award of "Nicest Forummer". And all I can say, is thanks.


And also I'm pleased to accept these two other awards in company with the likes of Darth Rommel and Boba Rhett.


All in all however, that was just the beginning of my speech. You see.. *gets hit with rotten tomato*


ALRIGHT!!! WHO THREW THIS GOD FORSAKEN TOMATO AT MY HEAD?! SO HELP ME I'LL... *security escorts Eets'chula off the stage*



Mike: Who threw that?


Audience Member: I did!


Mike: Homer Warlord: STOP IT!


Audience Member: I’m Com Raven though..


Mike: I really don’t care! Anyway the annoying Forum Member is Viper


(Viper Barges up)


Viper: And I (Bleep) (Bleep) (Bleep) (Bleep) transfestite (Bleep) (Bleep) (Bleep) (Bleep) (Bleep) (Bleep) (Bleep) (Bleep) (Bleep)


Mike: Thank you, that was enlighting.. Our winner for best sig made his acceptence speech already its Boba Rhett


Mike: And next we have “Funniest Forum Runner” Frankly none of these guys are funny. Now Jerry Seinfeld: He was funny so was Joe Estavez and Frank Stallone! Anyway the winner is the unfunny Lord Tirion


Tirion: When did this happen? (Walks away)


Mike: Jimmy Buffet.. He’s funny! Anyway! Our next award is Jerk of the Year this award goes to Bill Thrawn


Bill: I like the soft delicate sexy young skin. And the flesh soo yummy. I even have pictures!


Mike: That is just too much info for my tastes. Anyway We don’t have much time so fast round GO!


Topic of the Year: Tell you I will, Young David has something to say about it all!


YD: But you want a speech, huh? I can't. give you one. I am not responsible for the succes of the Tell you I will series ... the forummers are. I just created it as a 'more academical way' to crank up your post count. I just didn't like the 'post whatever comes to mind' forum games. I myself have only posted a few times in the series, so I can't possibly held responsible for the succes. This one is for everyone who liked posting in there.


Mike: That was beautiful man, it touched me in inappropriate places!


Audience Member: GET OFF THE STAGE!


Mike: (Quickly brands a shotgun and fires random shots into the crowd)


Audience Member: Oh my god! He killed Drew Carey!


Nother Audience Member: Good.


Mike: Now are we going to cooperate?


(Audience Whimpers)


Mike: Good Anyway:


Mod of the Year: Boba Rhett


Mike: Now for our final award of the night! Forum Person of the Year ! This award is like the Best Movie at the Oscars or Best Album at the Grammys! And the winner is (Drum roll)


(5 hours later)

A TIE! EETSCHULA AND DARTH ROMMEL! Can 2 forumrunners share an award without driving each other crazy? We shall see!


Rommel: First of all, I'd just like to take the time to thank each and every one of you who voted for me. I know it's a bit arrogant, but I saw this award coming! While you read that, did you think something along the lines of: "Why? It has a fluke he won, anyways!". I can understand that. Undertstanably, I'm a bit biased toward myself... [insert laughs here]...


Here is THE list. The list entitled: "Why Rommel thinks people voted for him":


1) I post alot: Almost everyone at our forums knows me.


2) I have "oldtimer support": Most of my old forumming friends now me well, and their knowledge of me as a person helped.


3) I have a pretty good attitude: Well, I do... don't I?


4) I have the ability to conform: Well, after a few tantrums...


5) I'm a god: All of us "oldtimers" are! j/k


6) Because I LOVE YOU!


Thanks again, guys! Merry Christmas!


PS> #5 wasn't a joke... :p


PPS> If we had taken this vote two months ago, I know I wouldn't have won. But, my longetivity (longer than gamma, kvan, xwing, etc.) helped me. So don't leave this place, and you'll win too!


(Audience is falling asleep)


PPPS> This was my idea! I thought of it!


Mike: (To himself) Whew he finally shut up! (To Audience) Thank you for coming tonight, the fatality count was low this year! I have a House of Ill Repute to go to! Good Night!

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Here is the final vote tally, as counted by the Broward County Election Board


Forum Person Of The Year

Eetschula: 3

Darth Rommel: 3

Tie Guy: 2

T.I.E: 1

Boba Rhett: 1

Darth Fergie: 1

Wraith 5: 1

Lord JayVizon: 1

Young David: 1

Wraith 5: 1



Mod Of The Year

Boba Rhett: 10

Paragon Leon: 4

Darth Fergie: 2

Sherack Nhar: 1


Topic Of The Year (Includes who started it, if applicable)

Tell you I will Series (Young David): 7

RPG Threads (Wraith 5): 2

Expansion Pack Threads(Lots of People): 1

Demo Tommarow (Sherack Nhar): 1

Forummy Awards(Clefo) : 1

The Caption Game (Silenthunter): 1

The Official GB Idea Thread (Unknown): 1

Various Smiely Threads (Unknown): 1

GB VS RA2 Thread (Unknown): 1

“Greetings” (Garry Gaber): 1

Make your own Spam(Unknown) : 1

Make your own Story(Jar-Jar I believe): 1



Jerk Of The Year

Bill Thrawn: 6

Viper: 4

Jordus: 1

Porkins_14: 1



Funniest Forum Member

Lord Tirion: 4

Eetschula: 3

Boba Rhett: 2

DarthFergie: 2

Redwing: 1

Darh Rommel: 1

Rogue 15: 1

Captain Drake: 1

Hi I’m Bill: 1



Annoying Forum Member

Viper: 6

Delphi Clone: 3

Jordus: 1

Antpocas: 1

Tirion: 1

DarthFergie: 1

WC_Heavyarms: 1


Nicest Forum Member

Eets: 4

Leon: 2

Krokode: 2

Tie Guy: 1

Lord Jayvizion: 1

Gamma732: 1

Sherack Nhar: 1

Kvan: 1

Young David: 1

Rhett: 1

GB_Stormie: 1


Rudest Forum Member

Viper: 8

WC_Heavyarms: 2

Jordus: 1

Antpocas: 1

Bill Thrawn: 1

Delphi: 1

Eets: 1


Best Sig

Boba Rhett: 8

Darth Rommel: 2

Tie Guy: 2

Delphi's Clone: 1

The Jackal: 1

Paragon Leon: 1



Best Avatar

Rhett: 3

Eets: 3

Tie Guy: 2

Krokode: 2

Dark Ewok: 2

Young David: 1

Paragon Leon: 1



Overposter of the Year

Tie Guy: 8

Darth Rommel: 3

Supreme Warlord: 2

Darth Fergie: 2

Eetschula: 1

Krokode: 1

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"Anywho, our next award is Rudest Forum Member, the winner of the award is right here! The one (thank heavens) The Only (Hopefully) the man with more names than Prince: Viper


Viper: (bleep) you all you (bleep) (bleep) (bleep) (bleep) (bleep) (bleep) (bleep) (bleep) (bleep) (bleep) (bleep) I had to get a (bleep) artificial pelvis (bleep) (bleep) (bleep) (bleep) (bleep) empire rooolz, STEP OFF *****!


(Mike pushes Viper off the stage) "



that. is. hilarious.

Even though i'm not mentioned once in the categories, (the one time i am, it's still as Leo), this was SUCH a fun read..

Great job, Clefo.

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the 2nd most hated person here! (I know the votes were from Stan, Vamp, Natopo, and anakin.) Wow, I shall keep up my rudeness for next year(not! I wish to be the nicest!) Well, how does eets get the nicest of the year? read his posts in the thread about our RPG when it got out of hand (ok, I was in it too.)

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ya that would be funny but then Viper would not be ellegibal next year lol since hew cant visit this place any more lol that i'll start feeling the heavy end of the hammer lol oh well life goes on


i nomeated him as nicest forumer rommel :)



I start walking out of the aduience seets and feel a surge of hate toward mike i pullout my light saber and jump land right before him and slice his legs off he stats crying and beggs for me not to kill himso i stab my light saber in his hart and he dies for about 2 minutes.........................


then all of the guard come and star fireing at me they all miss and the i take controll of their mindes and make themn shoot at eacghother while i escape........... i get back home and start laughfing my head off about what i did to mike



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