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Take a look at these pics from Star Wars Galaxies


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you're welcome ;)

Actually I couldn't find my words to describe such beautiful pics..I don't have enough vocabulary yet to talk about this wonder.


I forgot to mention (as it is written in french) that these are 360° pics that is u can make the background turn thx to the hand..thk u Artoo for the remark.

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you're welcome ;)

Actually I couldn't find my words to describe such beautiful pics..I don't have enough vocabulary yet to talk about this wonder.


I forgot to mention (as it is written in french) that these are 360° pics that is u can make the background turn thx to the hand..thk u Artoo for the remark.

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Originally posted by Artoo

the foreground moves, but the background doesn't.



To get this effect on your website, simply add the following code to your "BODY" tag.


---------begin code--------




---------end code-----------

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Guest BountyHunter

I must say I am a little dissapointed with some of the races for SW Galaxies. I would have like to have been a driod as my character. Thank god for the many factions.


I tell you one thing for sure I will be working for the empire as a criminal or bounty hunter. I hear the Hutts are hiring.

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Well it is an awesome looking game man......


Well i was thinking about a Twi'lek like Nawarra Ven (if anybody knows him)

or a human.... and then again i have 2 choises....

1. like a Han Solo type flying around

2. like a Garik Loran type (if anybody knows him).

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Originally posted by Com Raven

Sure, looks like you agree with me on X-Wing series being some of best books around .....


Mike Stackpole is a awesome writer


Yeah man.... im still reading them.... im gonna read Iron Fist now. But i alraedy read it once.. i just finished Wraith Squadron... awesome book. but i think from the first 4 books the best is surely Bacta War..... realy exciting. they should make the X-wing series in to a Television serie..... i mean... you dont realy need the main charactars... and if you devide the books in to shows.... you have a lot of material to go on. :D


But.. when you will be looking in the game of Galaxies... you will probably find me under the name of Garik Loran... or realy close to that name :D

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Why not... X-wings are GREAT!!


And R2.... i only read the books when im traveling to school.... and i have to travel like an hour and a half or so... and have to transfer to other trains and busses too to get to school.... so that is the only time i read the books.....

And i have read all the Zinj books before.... but i just started to read the first X-wing books... and i want to complete the story line :)....

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