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Petition for WC


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Please let him stay.


I can't speak for everyone on the interenet, but i'm certainly not a child molestor, and i don't think anyone else here is either. Thats sorta a hard thing to hide on a message board.


Besides, it would only matter if the person was living in the same city/area of the child, which is INREDIBLY rare. Even so, you don't know where people are from on this board (it could literally be anywhere in the world), and no one will give them that information except the child, who does not have to disclose that to anyone if (or his parents) choose not too. Even the admins don't know, so its perfectly safe.

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

Even the admins don't know, so its perfectly safe.


Tie Guy, all they could do is get his ip address and trace it to the location where he lives. even a casual moderator such as myself could do that, all he'd need to do is post in the forum i moderate.



To the parents:


the only bad stuff that occasionally goes on around here that the mods take SUPER GOOD CARE to get rid of is spam (posting a bunch of useless stuff to increase postcount), flaming (basically insults such as 'you suck', etc), and occasional censor-bypassers (doing stuff like **** [;)] instead of ****), all of those are taken care of by the many, MANY mods and admins. the spammers and flamers get warnings, censor bypassers get banned.


all the above bad stuff happens VERY rarely, it's just a small blip on the radar before it disappears, and the mods are super-fast to catch it.


These forums are for star wars fans and star wars gamers.

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We moderators are usually online all hours of the daywatching to make sure everything is all right.


Now that this forum is established so well, moderators are always around.


If anyone posts offensive posts, pornographic material, etc. It will be deleted imediatly and the poster permenantly banned from these forums...

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To whom it may concern:


To question this forum on the grounds that some person of questionably ethics would use these forums as a place to entice forummers to meet them in person is initially wise, yes. As parents it is your duty to ensure the safety and well-being of your children and we here at Lucasforums completely understand that creed. But let me assure you that preventative measures are taken to ensure that questionable or "shady" practices are prohibited, moderated, and if someone still manages to get by these safegaurds they are dealt with swiftly and with extreme prejudice.


Your son's well-being is our concern as well. After all, as it has already been mentioned, this forum is more like a family than anything else. We give a shoulder to lean on and an attentive ear to listen to our fellow forummers problems and delimmas. We mourn togethor, we laugh togethor. If someone wants to hurt your son, then they must deal with each of us as well. Heavyarms is like a brother, and I must say to those who would try to hurt my family, you WILL be deterred and/or punished in such a way that you would wish you never heard of the internet.


Madam and Sir, there are measures in place that even us "layman" or "general" forummers can alert a Moderator as to an illecit or obscene post is being made. So even if a Moderators eyes can not be in all places at one time, the rest of us can. To be perfectly honest, these measures are seldom needed though for two reasons:


1. These type of offenders do not frequent this particular forum for this is a forum that is known for it's cleanliness and good natured discussion


2. Secondly, because there is almost always a Moderator glancing at posts ensuring that Lucasforum's standards are being met.


So in conclusion, I agree that you should question the forums and sights your son frequents, that is wise beyond your years, and only right. But do not revoke your son's forum privileges based soley on that fear that is extreme and admitting defeat prematurely. For it is no different than President Bush's decree that to live our lives in fear is to let the terrorists win. Likewise, to deny your son the experience of making friends worldwide, is to let those out there who are "sick" and demented win. Your son is safe here with us, and his counsel would be sorely missed good sir and madame. please allow Heavyarms to remain here as a brother and friend in "cyberspace".


Thank you for your time and God Bless,


Duane Aiuppy

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even though me and WC have had spat at one time

i consider him an intergal part of these forums and whould be soreley missed by all.


these forums arew the cleanest and nicest i have ever been to

and the people here are polite and nice to one another or the moderators (people who make sure everything goes smoothley)

take of it




Micah R. Morse

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Guest Lord Maul

I've only been with the Forum for a couple of months now. WC's posts are some of the first I read and helped me to stay with this Forum. I've seen nothing that should worry a parent posted here. I've been a Star Wars fan longer than some posters have been alive. As a parent myself I can relate and understand your concerns. I feel that this forum poses no threat to any individual. The Moderators here are always on their toes and do a fantastic job.

That's my $0.02. Thank you for your time.

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