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news!! FAQ update - you wanna cut arms and hands? :D


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1.05 Will there be a separate, edited SKU of the game made specifically for non-U.S. territories?

Every SKU of Jedi Outcast will be identical in terms of game content. The only possible difference in the SKUs would be language option related

3.09 Will Jedi Outcast feature a location-based damage system?

Yes, Jedi Outcast features a sophisticated location-based damage and modeling system. Enemies will react to damage based on the affected area. Body and head shots, for example, do more damage than limb hits. You will also be able to destroy limbs with your lightsaber similar to what has been seen in the four films. (Obi Wan Kenobi's battle in the Cantina/Luke's hand, etc.)



amazing! I didnt expect them to give us lightsaber amputations! :D

Sure they updated the FAQ because they knew Im going tomorrow, It was LECs gift to me:D

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thanks for the credits :)


to a place called Maitencillo. I doubt youv heard about it :D I posted at the swamp about my leaving


that question about the different versions is probably because of the recent controversy with RtcW and GTA3

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Never heard of it. Where are you living? Must feel good to finish school and take off for a while... never finished but I took off for a while... :cool:


Have fun!


Edit: Just looked it up on Google... Chile, nice! Have some friends that spend their (long) vacation there.

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Excellent news. :D


Thanks for the heads-up digl...and you're leaving gift from me is in the other thread. ;)


So, it looks like we will be able to amputate different sections of arms at least...so that crosshair is going to come in very useful, methinks. :cool:


It doesn't mention legs, so I assume cutting off a leg at the knee won't be in there. It would be a very disabling kind of damage, though... I wonder if arms will grow back in MP if you get enough health packs...like Rune.

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I would prefer, if opponent didn't die right after I sliced off his hand in SP; maybe he just falls to his knees and cries in agony or "runs" away to get medical help and alerts others while protecting his crippled limb. Same goes to MP: players who grow back their lost arms aren't very realistic, so I guess they could still be partially "operational" after certain amount of damage and perhaps even heal those smaller wounds(limping foot, for example) with bacta. BUT, if you slice off your opponents both arms or hands leaving him completely defenseless, he should die.

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How long do you reckon severed hands will stay witting on the ground in a multiplayer map? Perhaps when they decide they'e been there long enough they'll do a 'thing' from the addams family and walk off.


It's good news though. I'm looking forward to slicing off a few limbs. And we know it works for droids too (see E3 gamegal footage, and early screenshot. Droids tops have been sliced off and gone flying).


I wonder if doing a forward thrust (forward and primary attack) will produce a spearing attack, and it will go through the enemy ala maul/qui-gon style and poke out the other side. here's hoping, eh? :)



Thanks for the heads up digl

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Raven might end up making it so that whenever you hit your enemy's leg, it doesn't come off, but makes him limp instead, while hitting somewhere in the arm makes clean cut and slashing in the torso cuts him in half. As they have pointed out many times, these compromises will be very similar as in the movies(and yet effective). Besides, cutting off your enemies leg, for example, is completely useless during intense fight, because in the movies everybody tries to make clean kills and you don't see enemies crawling in the floor without leg or two. Also, even though Jerec cuts off Rahn's head in a cutscene, it isn't something that the Jedi or even Sith Lords do generally in the movies(they are not Highlanders); of course that might change in the Episode II or III, but now they are still following the way older episodes depicted battles.

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For multiplayer Outcast I wonder if locational damage will really only reduce hit points, rather than actually severing limbs and disabling the target.


For instance, in Half-Life, which also has locational damage, you can take a bullet to the head, but keep playing, without loss of skull, brain matter, vision, motor control, or other involuntary functions ;)


If limb severing is allowed in multiplayer, there might be problems if a blaster-wielding opponent loses his weapon arm to a saber attack. Problems like, um, not being able to return fire. Not being able to return fire = not fun.


Besides, Force Pull is already designed to disarm targets. Although severings do add strategy to the game, which could be more fun. Maybe that is the idea to begin with.


Of course if the lightsaber in multiplayer could disarm, get headshots, and kill the target, the saber may begin to be feared and respected.


Not everyone will agree on whether limb severing is a good idea for multiplayer. I'll prempt the debate by saying 'server admins should have the option to either enable or disable limb severing' (as found in Rune, for instance). :holosid:

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Yep, options are the way to go ;) Personally, I like dismemberment, both in Rune, and I'll welcome it in JKII. Decapitations would be great in JKII, but I'd be pleasantly surprised if it were in JKII. Arms and hands though? Excellent! Legs would be fun, as would bisecting your oponent through the torso.


Gameplay-wise, as Wilhuf said, it could add a strategic element, in addition to appearing more realistic and being just plain fun. I mean, some of the fun of games is being able or allowed to do things that you'd never dream of doing in real life. Plus, lets not forget the comical aspect of regrowing limbs with a good meal of Turkey Leg washed down with a mug of Mead ;)


But again, for those that might be offended or just don't like the affect that amputations have on the gameplay, fair enough. As James Carville might say...


It's the options, stupid!!!

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Thats such good news, I am now know e can cut off limbs. This is very enjoyable and adds to the realism of the games. As for the questions towards how the damage should work i think if an enemy has a hand or arm shot off then he would swap the gun to the other hand but shoot less accurately, if both ands arms were chopped off or maybe shot off then he would be unarmed and run away toward a medi droid, he should also die after a while due to unseen blood loss. This does not take away from the fun if he is not shooting back because you can go in for the kill and finsih him off however you want. If u chop off legs then he should hardly be able to walk, maybe crawl along with his arms crying, he would die after a short while. u can easily finish him off in whatever way u desire. sequencer charges r often entertaining.

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SO, if you have lost your hand, your healt goes down slowly(you are entering shock) and need to find bacta bottle. After taking it you are practically "fully" operational, but without right hand you can't shoot. Therefore developers should put medical droid somewhere that has synthetic hand waiting for you or perhaps there is a large bacta tank in which you have to take a swim to fully recover. However, losing whole arm, kills you quickly(maybe gruesome animation, where you scream, fall to your knees, everything blurs around you and you respawn after losing your consciousness).

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I had read recently (where ... can't recall) an interview with someone at Raven about SoFII, in which he said that the GHOUL2 system increased hit-zones from 26 to 36 ... including 6 for the head alone, and separating the hand/foot from the lower arm/leg. I also recall JKII using the GHOUL2 system - albeit without the heavy GORE! Really cool - I like the possibilities ... again from the SP perspective. In RtCW, I just played on the 'Dam' level, and didn't take enough time to let me 'rifle sway' meter in the scope go green, and when I hit, it only injured the guard, so I needed to try again ... the more zones the better, IMO.



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Lord Finnson, I think we are going to agree to disagree. I think you are being far too critical of what should be included. Most of us casual gamers want a fun way to play and to see some dismembering.


I think your proposal would take the fun out of it, remember this isn't some Jedi-Sim where you are living in the SW canon. Some things have to be sacrificed for good gameplay...





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As for the questions towards how the damage should work i think if an enemy has a hand or arm shot off then he would swap the gun to the other hand but shoot less accurately, if both ands arms were chopped off or maybe shot off then he would be unarmed and run away toward a medi droid, he should also die after a while due to unseen blood loss.

After blasted(in the movies)stormies often fell down with smoking holes in their armor, so there is not even a little bit blood evident; at least that shows the fact that laser blast really makes damage. Generally that is enough for me, but when shooting at the limbs, I don't wanna see them coming off: that would be too much like taken from SOF. Those hits do a lot of damage anyway: if you shoot at the arm (crippling it), your enemy might either aim less accurately or drop his gun completely, while shooting at the leg makes him limp or he looses his balance momentarily and falls to the ground. Only leathal blasts would be A) hit to the torso or B) to the head. However, with saber situation is completely different, because it's "sharp" from every edge and even a little "touch" can slice and dice your enemy. :saberg:

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I'm sorry, if I seem too critical, Wardz. ;) I was only trying to ponder, how this whole thing would work, if it was done like in the movies. Everyone here has made good comments about this, but I guess in this state of development, Raven guys have already decided, how they will implement regional damage into the JK2. We all have to just wait and see what future brings in. :duel: BTW, I have to disagree with you in one thing: this game is most closest to the kind of "Jedi Sim" you were referring to and that is one thing that already made JK so great. Jedi Outcast only takes it much more further.

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dismanteling your opponent in SP would be pretty cool; however, i have reservations about it being in MP beyond cutting the head off, cutting the person in two at the torso, etc. which would be fatal.



a) If it loss of limb, etc. neutralized your ability to fight(if you lose your arms, you can't fire) and having to run around helpless until you self-kill or are killed by your opponent would suck.

b) If they injure your leg or force you limp, you have no fighting chance. It might work in games that work to be as realistic as possible, but in typical DM where regular use of explosive weapons with virtually no limits on ammo is common, the slow moving individual has no fighting chance.

c) Where you aim, you fire in DMs; and at their pace, you can't afford to stop moving to aim. If you're injured and have to sit still for recticles to properly shrink for you to fire accurately like you do in RS, etc, you're dead. Slight arm injuries crippling your ability to aim would render you near useless in a fast paced DM.

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Originally posted by Lord_FinnSon

SO, if you have lost your hand, your healt goes down slowly(you are entering shock) and need to find bacta bottle. After taking it you are practically "fully" operational, but without right hand you can't shoot. Therefore developers should put medical droid somewhere that has synthetic hand waiting for you or perhaps there is a large bacta tank in which you have to take a swim to fully recover. However, losing whole arm, kills you quickly(maybe gruesome animation, where you scream, fall to your knees, everything blurs around you and you respawn after losing your consciousness).


that sounds pretty good

except maybe someone could survive an arm loss, remember the sber cauterizes the wound

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